Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 12 Tuobuchuan

Chapter 12: Tuobu River

What woke Yang Ning up was the sound of rushing water.

Struggling to open his eyes, Yang Ning felt as if his neck had been hit by a truck. Half of his body had lost sensation, and he couldn't turn his head, only able to see a small area in front of him.

It seemed to be a cave, very damp, with the constant sound of dripping water everywhere. Listening to the sound of the waterfall next to him and feeling the dampness in the air, it was obvious that he was inside the waterfall.

Unexpectedly, there was actually a water curtain cave inside the waterfall!

In front of him, the water converged into a small stream, and there were silver fish playing in the stream. However, as the fish swam, their bodies began to emit a colorful glow!

". Yang Ning was dumbfounded. The birth principle of the seven-colored rainbow silver fish, which countless people couldn't figure out, was being displayed right in front of him. So these fish were actually ordinary silver fish that had turned into them?

But why?

Yang Ning's eyes shifted, and he saw the bead that looked like a breathing lamp at the source of the stream.

"Is it because of this thing?" Yang Ning couldn't believe that ordinary water could turn silver fish into seven-colored rainbow silver fish. Otherwise, the silver fish caught by fishermen and kept in fish tanks would have turned into them long ago!

"You must be the Immortal Seed of the Extreme Eternal Sect, and Lin Tianheng sent you to find me?" Tuobu River's voice was hoarse, with a strange tone.

Yang Ning remained silent. He knew the price of being a traitor, and Lin Tianheng didn't seem like an easy person to talk to.

"You don't have to say it, I already know!" Tuobu River slowly came to Yang Ning from his side.

Yang Ning only then noticed that this person limped when he walked.

With a physical body at the tenth level, able to regenerate even severed limbs without needing mana, let alone mere injuries, yet his leg still limped.

Obviously, what Lin Tianheng sealed was not just mana.

"You people from the Extreme Eternal Sect are always like this!" Tuobu River sat down in front of Yang Ning and chuckled, "Always talking about benevolence, righteousness, and morality, but there is no sect more shameless than the Extreme Eternal in their actions."

Yang Ning remained silent. He was just an Immortal Seed, how would he know about the ways of the Extreme Eternal?

However, it was normal for disciples of the Extreme Eternal, who were mostly princes and heirs, to like to oppress others with their power.

But why was he telling him all this?

After communicating with Deep Blue, Yang Ning had some understanding of Tuobu River's psychology, so he immediately decided to start acting with him.

Well, there was no need to overdo it, just play the role of a naive and ignorant twelve-year-old.

"Did he tell you that capturing me is a contribution to the Extreme Eternal, and it is an honor for you Immortal Seeds?" Tuobu River asked again.

Yang Ning nodded blankly, with a hint of innocence in his eyes. "Yes."

Tuobu River laughed, "Did he also say that my mana has been sealed and my strength is nonexistent?"

Yang Ning continued nodding, "Is there a problem?"

"Hahaha!" Tuobu River slapped his thigh, "Is there a problem? There is a big problem! Although my mana has been sealed and I can't use it, my physical body at the tenth level and even my body strengthened by mana are still intact. How can I have no strength? You can completely treat me as a cultivator at the fourteenth level of the physical body. Do you think you can handle it?"

"Ah?" Yang Ning looked confused, then his face turned pale, "Then, then..."

"That's right, he's just toying with your lives for his own amusement!" Tuobu River sneered, "He can easily find me, but he chose to send you to search the mountains. He could have given you stronger diamond talismans for defense, but he only gave you a communication talisman!"

"He found me, made a contribution to the Extreme Eternal Sect, and then what? You die. Is it worth it?"

Yang Ning remained silent, but his lips began to tremble as if he couldn't accept this fact.

"I can tell from your attire that you are not an official disciple, you should just be a servant boy!" Tuobu River continued to ask.

Yang Ning nodded.

"Do you know that the treatment of disciples in the Extreme Eternal Sect is different?" Tuobu Chuan continued to ask.

Yang Ning shook his head in confusion.

"Of course you don't know. Maybe you won't even know until you die!" Tuobu Chuan sneered, "The Extreme Eternal Sect has a supreme Dao Technique, seven unparalleled Dao Techniques, but they are only available to formal disciples, the group of imperial princes and heirs. Disciples like you, who come from the background of servants and maids, can only learn the Heaven Level Dao Technique."

"Ah?" Yang Ning widened his eyes in surprise. Is there such a thing?

He didn't need to act anymore, he really didn't know!

"Furthermore, you will never have the possibility of inheriting the sect's leadership position, not even as a Supreme Elder. After breaking through the Qi Refining stage, you will be arranged to learn alchemy, refining tools, and talisman formations, and then spend your whole life serving the sect. If you're lucky enough to break through to the third level of Qi Refining, they will reward you with the position of an Elder in charge of external affairs, and you should be grateful for that. That will be your life!"

"I, I..." Yang Ning blinked and asked, "But what if I work hard and break through to the Gold Core stage?"

"Heh, don't joke around!" Tuobu Chuan sneered, "Without unparalleled Dao Techniques, how can you break through to the Gold Core stage? You will be busy with alchemy and refining tools every day. Where will you find time to cultivate?"

Yang Ning fell silent. He realized that what Tuobu Chuan said made sense.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Yang Ning thought for a moment and asked.

"Because I'm about to die!" Tuobu Chuan said calmly, "Even if I kill you, I won't be able to escape. I'd rather exchange one life for another with you, but I still think it's not worth it!"

Yang Ning was speechless. He thought he was the one at a disadvantage, but he didn't expect Tuobu Chuan to feel the same way.

Yes, exchanging the life of a fourth-level Qi Refining cultivator for the life of a second-level Qi Refining cultivator, he would definitely feel at a loss!

"So I want to dig a hole for the Extreme Eternal Sect!" Tuobu Chuan pointed to a nearby bead and said, "This is a Dragon Ball. It should contain a Dragon Race inheritance. I snatched it from Lin Tianheng in a secret realm in the Northern Wilderness. If you were a formal disciple, I would kill you directly and bury the Dragon Ball. But since you are just a servant, with this inheritance, you will eventually become an enemy of the Extreme Eternal Sect!"

"This is a Dragon Ball?" Yang Ning looked at the dull breathing lamp and asked, "The color is not right. According to the 'Universal Records,' Dragon Balls should primarily be gold and white, but there are also red, blue, and green ones. How come I've never seen a gray one?"

"You actually read the 'Universal Records,' and you read it so carefully? You really are an ambitious person!" Tuobu Chuan nodded in satisfaction. "As for why this Dragon Ball is gray, it's because it is a Nightmare Dragon Ball!"

"Nightmare Dragon?" Yang Ning was stunned, then immediately shook his head, "If it's a Nightmare Dragon, its Dragon Ball should have been corroded by Nightmare Qi. How could it be preserved intact?"

"In that case, what kind of inheritance would be contained in a Dragon Ball that can withstand the corrosion of Nightmare Qi for three hundred thousand years?" Tuobu Chuan asked in return.

"Oh!" Yang Ning was stunned. That's right!

Nightmare Qi can corrode everything, turning animals into Nightmare Beasts and dragons into Nightmare Dragons, but this is not a racial change, but a temporary erosion and mutation.

As long as the erosion time is long enough, the entire dragon or beast body will be worn away by Nightmare Qi and become part of the Nightmare.

That's why relics are seen, but the bodies of creatures before the Nightmare Cataclysm are rarely seen because they have all been corroded.

This is the horror of the Nightmare Cataclysm.

Dragon Balls are the essence of Dragon Race cultivation. The Gold Core cultivation method practiced by humans today evolved from the Dragon Ball method. In other words, each Dragon Ball belongs to a Dragon Race member, and their cultivation level is at least Gold Core!

But even Dragon Balls from Gold Core stage Dragon Race members cannot withstand the corrosion of Nightmare Qi.

In the early years of the rise of the human race, a few Dragon Balls could still be found, but after tens of thousands of years, not a single one remained.

The Dragon Race inheritances that are now being excavated no longer use Dragon Balls as carriers.

But now, there is one in front of him!

A Dragon Ball that can withstand the corrosion of Nightmare Qi for three hundred thousand years. What kind of cultivation level Dragon Race left behind this Dragon Ball?

Is it even beyond the peak of Qi Refining? Is it in the Divine Realm or Immortal Realm?

(End of this chapter)

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