Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 13 Nightmare Dragon Ball

Chapter 13: Nightmare Dragon Ball

It's no wonder he's a disciple of the demonic path, Yang Ning had to admit that he was tempted.

Not to mention the fact that he couldn't abandon this Dragon Ball, even if it was just for the function of turning silverfish into seven-stream rainbow silverfish after soaking it in water!


"Why is it that after I obtained this Dragon Ball, the Extreme Eternal Sect no longer accepts me?" Yang Ning asked, "I can completely hand over the inheritance inside, right?"

"You can try!" Tuo Buchuan shrugged, "Anyway, I'll be dead by then, so I won't be able to control you!"

Yang Ning fell silent. Do you really have so much confidence in the Extreme Eternal Sect? Do you believe that they will definitely target me?

In theory, handing over the cultivation technique would be beneficial for both me and you.

But Yang Ning had also emerged from the history of the past five thousand years, and he was well aware that sometimes, it's not that you want a win-win situation, but that the other side is willing to let you win.

Developed countries hope that developing countries will always remain in development, and wealthy people hope that the poor will always remain in poverty. It's as normal as can be.

"But what if I expose myself after obtaining this Dragon Ball?" Yang Ning asked, "Then wouldn't I have to be hostile towards the Extreme Eternal Sect even if I don't want to?"

At least I would be against Lin Tianheng!

Although they are opponents now, Lin Tianheng doesn't know that. I am in the dark, while he is in the light!

"Hmph!" Tuo Buchuan sneered, "I'll go tell Lin Tianheng, and he'll kill you as soon as he turns around. Then he'll take the inheritance. What benefit do I get from helping someone who wants to kill me?"

"What if I don't do anything with the Dragon Ball?" Yang Ning asked again, "Even if I don't hand it over, can't I coexist harmoniously with the Extreme Eternal Sect? Wouldn't you have dug this pit for nothing?"

"That can only mean that I don't know enough about the Extreme Eternal Sect. I can only resign myself to fate," Tuo Buchuan sighed and his expression turned even more sinister, "So, do you want it or not? If you keep hesitating, I'll choose someone else. You're not the only book boy!"

"One last question!" Yang Ning hurriedly asked, "You took something from him and gave me the Dragon Ball. How are you going to explain it to Lin Tianheng? Where did the thing go?"

"Tch, I have plenty of beads in my ring. He doesn't even know that the bead is a Dragon Ball, let alone which one!" Tuo Buchuan said, his expression becoming even uglier, "Just the thought of my hundred-year collection falling into his hands makes me sick. Alright, enough talking, show me your hand!"

"If I take this Dragon Ball, will the Nightmare Qi not corrupt me?" Yang Ning asked again.

"Why so many questions? I've been carrying it all the way and nothing happened to me. It's not that easy for it to corrupt you!" Tuo Buchuan pointed his finger, and a wound suddenly appeared on Yang Ning's palm. Then Tuo Buchuan grabbed the Dragon Ball and pressed it onto the wound.

"Ah!" Yang Ning screamed in pain. The process of recognizing the master for this Dragon Ball actually required blood?

Not troublesome, but too simple, right?

"It's really you! Why?" Looking at the blood continuously seeping into the Dragon Ball, Tuo Buchuan looked at Yang Ning with a bewildered expression. He had never heard of Dragon Balls choosing their owners. It could also be that he had never seen a Dragon Ball, but the ancestral biographies and notes left behind didn't mention such a thing!

Could it be that those who obtained the Dragon Balls were the ones chosen by the Dragon Balls, and I'm just someone who delivers the Dragon Balls to the chosen ones?

Seeing that Yang Ning's face had turned pale, Tuo Buchuan wordlessly scooped up several seven-stream rainbow silverfish from the water and stuffed them directly into Yang Ning's mouth without cutting them.

As a Body Tempering stage cultivator, he could eat anything, even fish bones. Tuo Buchuan, who came from the Wansheng Demon Sect, had been eating like this since he was a child and didn't feel anything wrong with it.

However, Yang Ning almost choked to death, but he still accepted them out of survival instinct and swallowed them one by one.

Half an hour later, the Dragon Ball in his hand suddenly emitted a flash of light and disappeared in front of the two.

"It worked!" Tuo Buchuan looked resentful and said, "You can leave now!"

"I..." Although Yang Ning had eaten a lot of fish, losing too much blood at once made him even more withered than Tuo Buchuan. Despite his severe injuries, he managed to stand up and almost stumbled after taking a step.

"Oh, right, this is yours!" Tuo Buchuan handed over a talisman, a Spirit Weapon chisel, and a bottle of Fasting Pills to Yang Ning.

"What about you?" Yang Ning put away the items and swallowed a Fasting Pill. This thing was made from top-quality medicinal ingredients and happened to replenish blood.

Hmm, after taking it, my body did indeed improve a lot.

As he was about to leave, Yang Ning adjusted his mood and timely showed a hint of worry.

After all, logically speaking, Tuobu Chuan had told him many truths that would have taken many years to discover.

Regardless of whether it was true or false, whether there were ulterior motives or not, at least he would make him more cautious and not blindly trust the sect. From the results, it ultimately helped him.

Of course, it's also possible that this was Tuobu Chuan's intention, but whether it's true or false, Yang Ning would judge for himself.

At this moment, Yang Ning was a naive twelve-year-old boy, so he should show various emotions such as conflict and reluctance.

"What else can we do? Just die!" Tuobu Chuan waved his hand. "But I won't die at the hands of Lin Tianheng. By the way, do you have any enemies? If you do, I'll help you get rid of them!"

"Um, no." His only enemies were Zhao Bu and Lin Tianheng. Zhao Bu had already been taken care of by Lin Tianheng, and Tuobu Chuan couldn't beat Lin Tianheng either.

And Yang Ning couldn't possibly tell Tuobu Chuan about his hostility towards Lin Tianheng.

"Alright then!" Tuobu Chuan nodded. "Let's take the water route. It leaves fewer traces. Can you swim?"

"Yes!" Yang Ning nodded. Originally, he couldn't swim, but he learned after studying the "Meditation Technique on the Solitary Boat in the Calm Lake."

"Then let's go this way!" Tuobu Chuan pointed to the waterfall nearby. "Taking one more step will expose us a bit more, so let's just jump!"

"Um," how high is it out there? Will I die from the fall?

I'm still seriously injured!

But Yang Ning felt that it didn't make sense for Tuobu Chuan to invest in him just to harm him.

Just jump!

Yang Ning took two steps and then leaped, but before he flew two meters, he felt a powerful force rushing from behind.

It was the impact of the waterfall with a drop of over a thousand meters!


Watching Yang Ning's figure disappear into the waterfall, Tuobu Chuan blinked.

Since he was chosen by the Dragon Ball, it shouldn't be so easy for him to die. If he dies, then I would have given away this Dragon Ball for nothing.

It's a pity that he's going to die, and there's no chance to verify it.

Turning his head to look at the seven-stream rainbow silver fish in the creek, Tuobu Chuan's eyes lit up. He reached out and scooped up a dozen or so, directly catching all the remaining seven-stream rainbow silver fish.

Then, he only ate the middle part, taking just one bite!

Although it was just an ordinary delicacy, even a Gold Core Perfected Being would like it. If Lin Tianheng saw these seven-stream rainbow silver fish that had only been bitten once all over the ground, wouldn't he be furious?


"Oh, right, there's also this footprint and blood!" Just as Tuobu Chuan was about to clean up the place where Yang Ning had lain, he realized that the ground was very clean.

Not to mention the blood from the severed palm, even the blood that had dripped from the twisted arm earlier was gone. His job was easy; he just needed to lie down in the same spot and cover up the traces.

"This Dragon Ball, it's been eaten so cleanly. Could it be a blood dragon?" Tuobu Chuan scratched his head. What inheritance did the Blood Dragon Ball carry again? The Bloodthirsty Scripture?

This inheritance is quite conspicuous; it will be discovered after using it twice.

I hope he's okay!

Tuobu Chuan extended his finger and began to carve words on the wall, insults and mockery that had been passed down from the disciples of the Halloween Demon Sect for hundreds of thousands of years, regarding the opponent's parents and path, filling the entire wall.

"Lin Tianheng, even if I die, I will still disgust you!"

(End of this chapter)

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