Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

211, Emergency Response and Detention

In everything found in drifts flowing into the forest next to the world, no life form has been identified.

Because even in the interdimensional moving magic created by Kuti, he cannot pass safely without aptitude or immense magic.

Perhaps the drifting matter is beyond the walls of the dimension under the same conditions.

So even if inorganics and the like are not subject to interference, life forms are subject to interference, causing and extinguishing a runoff of magic.

That seems to be the cause of the inability to discover any life form in the drift.

Human beings in the world of their lifetime must have had magic too.

They existed even if no observation of magic power had been made, causing and extinguishing a runoff of magic when crossing the walls of the dimension with the drifting matter.

It is the forest next to the world where so many drifts have flowed.

None of this is strange for a man of aptitude to arrive.

But from what we've looked at, the odds are very low.

But it's also certainly not a chance that there will never be.

… but this survivor is different.

'Suitability, is it not?

"I think this child is a tremendous magician, breaking through interference"

"Lady… it is"

'Yep... I just quantified the data. Be very careful.'

"Ko, this is……… Roger that."

I gathered survivor data in detail, and I gained certainty from the information obtained.

This child is not a person in the world I lived in.

Not far from me, but I guess I retained enough magic to be comparable to Dr. Sunny's and surpassed the walls of the dimension by that magic.

As for aptitude, we wouldn't know if we didn't test it in more detail, but maybe this kid isn't.

And above all, it shows that this child's appearance is not a person in my living world.

Two horns that grow to hide in your hair.

It's hard to tell because it's still short, but this horn seems to be the source of enormous magic.

And at the base of his buttocks, a tail that reminds him of a reptile.

Hard to believe by that, but seldom seen by people from the Rizwalt continent...... no, to be exact, it had the traits only seen by my grandmother.

The strength of the lady is made up of a brilliance of magic as beautiful as a crystal.

I suppose it should be called her magic trait.

This brilliance makes the flesh more resilient than it can possibly be and increases the speed and endurance of the reaction to the maximum.

However, we know that this characteristic of the mother is unusual and very rare for other humans.

Because even Kuti, who traveled everywhere, has only seen one wife.

But this kid had it.

Alive from collected data.

It should also be a dormant state, where instead of the flesh being in a completely defensive mode and all kinds of metabolism being lower, the magic is crystallizing, gaining so much defense and viability that the flesh is unlikely.

'Ma'am... isn't this the Dragon Clan?

"Probably is."

Kuti has taught me before.

that there were a number of species on the continent of Lisvalt, among them a very small number, but with dragon characteristics.

I can single-handedly blow up the mountains and recognize fairy clans that humans can't see.

To too much danger, we talked about being destroyed by humans from a long time ago…….

'Why, in the drifts...?

I can think of a few hypotheses.

Aren't they a race that has gone beyond dimension?

Because of the small number of people who could exceed the dimension, they had to become a minority.

Their strength can also be explained by the characteristic of the crystallization of their mother's magic powers.

The old lady herself doesn't have that much magic power, so she doesn't have that much magic power to crystallize.

Still has more strength than a master.

But to look at this child, there is a tremendous amount of magic in the corner.

If you were able to transcend dimensions outside of aptitude, it's not strange to have enormous magic power.

Therefore, the Dragons were terribly strong.

So where did the dragons come from?

I don't know that.

Because the drifts are flowing through the things of the world we live in, it is possible that they are.

Like interdimensional travel magic, there's a means to travel from another world to the forest next to the world.

Apart from the Auriol and the world of life, it is not surprising that there is another world. It should rather be.

And... the Dragons are from another world.

I can think of this extent just because I think about it.

But the question is not where this kid came from.

"Natasha, as you can see. What will you do? Kuti tells me you know, the dragons are pretty dangerous, right? I think it's possible to capture Scarlett by using the magic props he gave her."

"Ah, uh... the Dragons are dangerous. Even if you look at the data shown... it's not very, but you can't leave it... please"

In the conference room, which was quiet due to tension, everyone inside had their eyes nailed by the footage, and there was nothing to utter as one of them.

That's the same with Natasha, who is the queen and the biggest determinant.

Exactly. She also had survivors in the drift, and she never seemed to think that was a dangerous dragon tribe.

Neither do I. Kuti, even Dr. Sunny.

I am not in a position to be surprised at the convenience of exchanging information with Scarlett at the scene.

That's why I was able to turn to her for instructions earlier than anyone else.

"Scarlett, issue emergency response G62. Immediately detain and deactivate Subject 01 '


A marker is displayed in the dragon clan, which is reflected in Scarlett's sight, and a tentative name of "Target audience 01" is set.

With that, some of the safety devices of the magic props that I am letting her hold will be disarmed by auto.

Some of the magic props I'm bringing to Scarlet incorporate the safety devices I've set up.

I'm the only one who can disarm this, and I can't start anything without disabling the safety device.

If you try to force it to start, it's starting to self-destruct.

That's all, it's a dangerous magic trick and can only be used in an emergency.

Use it now.

"We will execute emergency response G62."

I can see that Scarlett's atmosphere, which had entered a combat posture and had even lost some of its gaps, is further tightened by my issued orders.

When I said it was an exchange over magic, I felt the temper emanating from her, and I felt like my stomach was squeezing...


That's a flash of events.

There are only three magic props to use in emergency response G62.

The first is a magical artifact that extends to two hundred times, deploying a cage that combines magic of junction and defense toward an object.

The second is a magic tool that interferes with everything, such as the subject's magic, flesh, and so on, and even weakens and builds a living environment.

The third is a magic tool that interferes with the spirit of the object and develops a number of sorceries to make any resistance impossible.

Prevent escape and damage to allies in the first, weaken and kill objects in the second, and render objects powerless in the third.

And these are ready to be completed within a second of activation.

It's labeled an emergency response. Because there's no point in taking the time.


"It's over. What should we do about the destination, etc.?

"There are quarantine facilities at large laboratories. There's a room there that the dragons can't get out of right away."

"Now, let Scarlett take you there, and I'll need your guidance until then."

"Yeah, right now."

Few would have understood what had happened to the restraint that ended in an instant.

However, the footage clearly shows a different sight than earlier.

The sight of the geometry floating around the Dragon Nation unfolding like a cage that traps this child is perplexing.

I developed magic efficiently, so I had no choice because it didn't restrain me at all in appearance.

In the first place, it's useless to expect the kind of magic you use in an emergency.

Such playing elements should be applied to what can be afforded.

As Natasha rushes and begins to give orders, I also tell Scarlett to transfer the dragon tribe in captivity.

First, we have to get it out of this Shinkansen.

'Good day, Scarlett. Next we will transfer Target Person 01. Take it out of the drift first. The magic props used...'

Subjects detained by the emergency response G62 cannot even be touched by normal means.

There's nothing special about touching it, but it can't be moved by normal physical magic.

But I'm the one who developed it.

At the same time, they also develop magic to move them around.

Rather, it's natural because it's magic for use on a set.

Thus, the first survivors found in the drift were to be transferred to quarantine facilities under severe restraint.

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