Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

212, quarantine facilities and visitors

The quarantine facility is located somewhat away from the fairy city where we are staying, which means that a vertical take-off and landing plane capable of conducting dark inspections for mobility will be used again.

The drifts that were the Shinkansen were not so far from the city that it was possible to contact them by magic, but the quarantine facility is impossible due to distance problems.

There will still be an urgent need to develop magic for long distances.

The unavailability of magical means of communication led Natasha and the rapidly gathered fairy clans to go to quarantine facilities.

The demonic props I'm holding are using a technique I've developed, and it's safer for both me and Kuti to be present just because they're opponents.

I'd prefer not to go if I were to consider safety in the first place, but Scarlett is the one who's transferring it, so I can't help but keep her safe.

I think if I use the magic props that I make her have, I can get away with it if she has physical abilities. But the situation where you have to assume escape is wrong from the beginning.

If Kuti and I were together, there would be nothing to make that dragon tribe like as far as the data is concerned.

Regardless, we know that the collected data is not the only one.

But one or the most powerful mage in the woods next to the world. I am his apprentice.

I'm not complacent but I have no element to lose.


Possible planes for vertical take-off and landing were apparently manufactured in multiple ways, and we're on a different plane than the one the Scarlets are on.

Unfortunately, Leki, it's also a matter of size this time, and you're leaving a message, but Kutipad is also banned, so you'll be fine if I leave a message with Mira.

Well, either way, Leki, you can't get on the plane, so there's no other way to get you there than to come after me on your own.

Mira is Mira and the plane obviously doesn't seem possible...

Besides, it's important to give you a chance to return the stigma.

No way, I wouldn't flatter you twice in a row. You won't, will you?

We had better get to the quarantine facility, which is our destination.

Sometimes this one was closer in places, but even though he was in custody, it also seems that he was not able to be very fast because it is a situation where caution has to be returned.

The quarantine facility is a huge, domed structure, but apparently there is even more space in the basement.

When we quantify the collected data, we can see that the magical physical question has a rather robust structure, among which there are rooms available that can accommodate various situations.

It looks like Natasha just chose an establishment.

The original aim seems to be an experimental site for understanding the dangers of objects found in drifting materials, but it can also be made to function as a robust isolation facility.

The room I'm going to use this time is a specially built quarantine space, and as far as the data goes, it looks like a pretty special room.

Rather than being physically or magically robust, it would be a room like a natural enemy for a brain muscle type that is highly capable of combat because it seems to be the type that absorbs and disables it.

Well, it's a room with little meaning for a type like me who specializes in gathering information.

From the collected data, we can assemble magic that can disable the ability to disable.

While browsing the facility's data, the plane that Scarlett and the others boarded will also arrive, and the transfer will now begin into quarantine space.

The place where we got off seems to be the place that hits the front entrance, but not where Scarlett and the others got off.

It is only natural that she carries because she is extremely dangerous.

It's impossible to just let such a presence in through the front door.

Direct routes are available, so it starts there.

We also enter the facility immediately and are put through to the conference room.

Most rooms in this experimental facility can barely be seen from the outside.

Of course, there are a lot of special rooms, but the original awkward technology used to send the footage.

Even in the woods next to the world, where various magic props are developed from drifting objects, it would be strange to find them inferior to the Orioles in the field of communications.

There's a remote video transmission system called the Silver Eye.

Well, it's never something I can use all the time.

I was sent to the conference room because if it was my magic, I could get video and audio in quarantine.

It is rejected because it is just too dangerous to go to see him directly, but I can't even not confirm it.

Sometimes it's the first survivor found in a drift, but that's the most dangerous dragon tribe.

It seems that there is no other existence in the forest next to the world as it stands, other than darkness, that threatens the fairy clan.

But the Dragons don't.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Fairy Clan is now in a critical situation since darkness.

Nevertheless, the other party has already been detained.

If we lock ourselves in quarantine, it shouldn't be possible to escape.

Why were you in that place after that?

There are many things I would like to ask about, such as the relationship with drifting materials.

Naturally, Natasha and the fairies are the same.

This is the forest next to the world, and its supreme power is Natasha, the queen.

Even though we lend our strength to various things, such as restraint, the lead is over there.

"So you're ready for the interrogator? Good. Dear Lilianne, is it possible to awaken the subject while in captivity?

Subject 01 transported into quarantine space by Scarlet's hand - The Dragons are still unconscious in the center of the room.

We are already in place to monitor the situation in the room from various angles, and the conference room shows a number of footage of it.

Some of the fairy clans Natasha brought seemed to specialize in interrogation, with several fairy clans already in the room completing standby.

But I'm not talking about interrogation any more than there's some kind of restraint magic that doesn't even allow anyone to touch me.

But I'm just scared to untie restraint magic, even though it's isolated space.

The Inquisitor's fairy clan is inside.

"It's probably possible. Run?


It would be possible for me if the other person was just the other person, even though I can't make a promise, but I have restraint witchcraft.

Even so, Scarlett is the one who runs it.

'Scarlet, use YU23-1'

Copy that, sir.

Scarlett uses magic props that are not awakened by pain, irritation, or the like, but are less physically burdensome, interfering with and awakening the subject's magic.

Even though they're about to be interrogated, their bodies are small.

Yes, this dragon clan is only about the size of a child.

... and it's a girl.


"Wow, what are you doing to me!

"I wouldn't do anything wrong if you'd answer my question"

"Ugh, that's a lie! It must be because of you! You're lying at last!

She woke up seconds after being prompted to awaken. She was a young girl of the Dragon clan, but panicked into a situation where restraint magic prevented her from taking any physical movements.

When I wake up, my body won't be able to move anything, so I guess that's natural.

It had summoned and scattered a line of sounds that had no idea what it meant, crystallizing the magic of my whole body in an attempt to tear away the magic of restraint, but it did not lead to breaking my magic of restraint.

Since I gradually began to understand the situation and to pronounce words that seemed to make sense, it became a task of analyzing the language from there.

The interrogator tried to communicate his intentions in several languages, but he couldn't speak.

But fortunately, Dr. Sunny knew a similar language, so the analysis work could be completed in a relatively short time.

Apparently, a fairy investigation team met in Auriol. The dragon tribe seemed to use these words, but she doesn't.

Did that dragon tribe learn in Auriol or is it because this dragon tribe is still a child?

That's what we'll find out.

Anyway, the interrogation was to begin while magically translating words that had managed to be understood, even if it was awkward.

But the dragon girls are totally hostile to this one and not very cooperative.

That would be the case, too.

No matter how you look at it, it's those in front of you who restrained themselves, and you don't know where you are.

You can't trust them, and you have no idea what's going to happen to you.

I think it's just splendid not to cry out of anxiety and fear.

Anyway, you look like an obvious kid.

You look a little older than me.

If the dragons grew up the same way as their normal race, they wouldn't be that old.

It's just that, in my case, it adds thirty plus to my mental age.


Less than an hour for the Inquisitor to forgive.

Successfully heard from the dragon girl who managed to regain her composure.

Her name is Me Lyle Oril.

She is the daughter of the chief of the dragon clan's elite Shi 'il Oril and is seven years old.

I was first surprised that the Dragons were not extinct and that many survivors existed, but as I listened, I found that the Dragons were like those of another world, as I had expected.

Because of the place names and circumstances she talks about, Auriol and the forest next door to the world were too often different.

What was definitive was the presence her tribe was fighting for.

It is a white mist that devours and destroys the world.

It seems that she is different from the darkness eating the forest next to the world, but her stars have already been eaten by more than half.

That hasn't happened in Auriol, and the forest next to the world isn't white fog, it's black darkness.

In other words, isn't it about another world? That's the natural answer.

From those of us who have been discovered in drifts or know the magic of inter-dimensional movement, that is a story that is likely enough.

In other words, the Dragons are visitors from another world, not Auriol or the forest next to the world.

Besides, it's from a star that's about to perish just like the fairy clan.

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