Chapter 79 – Everyday With Wolf-kun – Part 1


Wolf species, Salvarua.
When adults, their body size easily exceeds people.
A rare species which can use sorcery without tools.
According to one of the theories, they are monsters who have overflown and adapted to life on the ground. Details are unknown.
Excellent quality fur and astounding physical abilities. Treated as dangerous walking fortresses that could use magic, they were once hunted down on a large-scale like monsters.
During that time, Salvarua fur was extremely popular and their population rapidly dropped.
But, Salvarua are highly intelligent, not wanting to fight a futile war, they survived in small numbers in hiding.

On the Lizwald Continent, there’s no recognition of protection for endangered species.
Things that are endangering to people are always annihilated. Beasts with dangerous abilities are considered as such.

Salvarua with their astounding fighting power and high intelligence were domesticated at first, but it couldn’t be accomplished because of their high pride.
Instead, they have been designated as dangerous due to the damage they caused during domestication.

They are being cornered by people.
Reki-kun is a child who survived being cornered and taken into the Christophe House’s protection soon after birth.

I don’t think he would be taken into protection if not for Roland Ojiisama and Annela Obaasama being aware of guide dogs for the blind.
Because even the young of species designated as dangerous are being fundamentally culled.

It appears that it was a coincidence that grandparents learned about guide dogs.
While gathering information regarding my condition, the two had a chance to witness a person who actually suffered from Cloudy Eyes being assisted by a dog.
As I thought, the general concept of guide dogs is still not established yet, only a few trainers had gone through the training.

My grandparents gave the training method to trustworthy subordinates who applied it on Reki-kun. No…… they are applying it even now.
The training is repeated by trial and error, but the results are steadily increasing.
As far as the training is concerned, I feel it doesn’t seem much different from the training I saw in my previous life.
I have seen guide dogs only several times, but they are indeed different from ordinary pets.
According to their training, they can endure while supporting.
Of course, some of them might be rewarded with treats, but they are also trained to be able to endure their instincts.

By the way, you are not supposed to give treats to a guide dog while it’s supporting.
They are working, and such action interferes with their work.

Well, that is the general concept of guide dogs from my previous life, whether it would work on Reki-kun who’s training in front of me is a delicate matter.


【Reki-kun, didn’t he become somewhat big?】

「He’s still in the growing period. He will keep on getting bigger from now on, you know?」

「If I’m not mistaken, he will get to about 3m~?」

【T, three meters, is it…… that’s big, isn’t it?】


Although Salvarua are species of wolf, they grow to a size to which ordinary wolves can’t even compare.
By the way, the names of the unit for length use SI for some reason.
I thought there would be similarities somewhere when I heard the words magical power, but I didn’t think the units of length would be the same.
The units of time are same as before, just their names are different. I wonder if the name of the time units become different because there was no need to establish an accurate way to measure it?
Has length remained because it’s closely related to daily life? No, I don’t think the names of the time units would become obsolete because of a reason like that……
The truth isn’t certain. I feel something contrived, but I have no way of finding out at the moment. Sani sensei also didn’t know.
Although it’s often used, it seems there’s was no reason to investigate especially when it came to something that has become common sense. Especially since it’s not Sensei’s area of expertise.


「With the current size, he’s sufficiently big for Lily to ride him」

【Ah…… that’s right! I wonder if I could get a ride next time】

「He will let you on immediately if you ask, won’t he?」

「That’s right, that’s right~ Reki is already Lily’s manservant, after all~」

【Manservant…… the relationship between Reki-kun and me is that of master and servant, but a bit frank or how to say it, I would prefer if we could be more friendly…….】

「The difference between strength is already clear, after all. No, is it affinity? Anyhow…… Reki has completely submitted to you. Since he already submitted, being friendly would be unreasonable」

【It’s like that, as I thought…… well, I think it will depend on how I will treat him, I have to make adjustments in that area】

「Fumu, well that’s true. It won’t be possible without spending more time together. But, the pride of Salvarua is high. You have to work hard not to stimulate Reki-kun’s pride」

【Yes, I understand】

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