Salvarua have a high pride.
I can clearly understand from Reki-kun’s attitude before the use of force.
Well, that pride was crushed to pieces when I resorted to force, though.

In the meantime, Reki-kun’s training apparently finished.

Since we entered the 13th Month, his training doesn’t end early even if I come.
That’s because the training wouldn’t progress since I come here every day.
Besides, I learn various things while watching his training.


「Ah, Lily. Reki is coming~」

【Un. Is he holding it in his mouth today as well?】

「Un, he is~ He’s shaking his tail super happily. I wonder where the pride disappeared to?」

【Ahaha…… Reki-kun is still a child, so I think it can’t be helped?】


Because playing with furball became Reki-kun’s favorite after learning about it, he comes as soon as possible with the furball in his mouth when his training finishes.
The act of dropping the furball in my hand and urging me to throw it doesn’t make him look like a noble wolf at all. He’s a puppy who wants to play.
His energetically swinging fluffy tail is also adorable.

But, properly understanding our relationship of master and servant, he sits and waits for orders after handing me the furball.
Well, his tail is like that, and his eyes too are extremely restlessly demanding quickly, quickly, making me smile wryly.


【Reki-kun. I will play with you, but you also have to study properly, you know?】


His right leg comes out at the front as soon as saw the words of magical power.
Recently, his recognition speed of the words of magical power drastically improved. But, his left leg doesn’t come out often. Is he properly understanding?

But, he’s probably not listening to what I’m saying at the moment.
He’s absorbed in playing with the furball. I don’t know what’s so fascinating about it, but this seems like an extreme boom in Reki-kun’s head.
He played with my siblings until they were completely exhausted yesterday and day before yesterday too.

Incidentally, I took a refuge relatively early and was listening to Sani sensei’s lesson, so I didn’t get exhausted.
Abnormal, that’s the one word that sums up his stamina. His stamina is far higher than that of an ordinary dog. I don’t really understand the stamina of wolf species.
On top of an outstanding physical ability, he’s endowed with unbelievable stamina. And he presses to play with furball with that stamina. You can say that I would get dead tired if I fully entertained him.


【Then, it’s studying after playing for a bit today?】


A right leg comes out at front simultaneously with the words of magical power.
When I throw the furball with a wry smile, he immediately brings it to my legs and bows his head.
Throw, fetch, praise?
This is one action.

Because he’s waiting in a counterattack with his round and cute eyes, I have to praise him earnestly.
I think those round and cute eyes are unfair. Becuase of them, I couldn’t bring myself touch him before.


After playing with the furball for a while, Theo and Ellie whose practice finished came over.
Since the Winter Holidays begun, they have been training daily until afternoon.


「Lily. Can I play with Reki too?」


「May I play as well?」



Kissing me on cheeks and hugging me first after approaching and then asking for permission to play with Reki-kun is in the most recent fashion.
Although I think there’s no reason to ask for permission, it can’t be helped since Reki-kun’s master is me.

I hand over the furball to Theo and pass the Reki-kun’s playmate job to them.
After playing for a while and taking a rest, we begin Reki-kun’s lesson.
I did not forget to do my lessons and observe Reki-kun until then.

This is my most recent daily life.

The recent everyday life is entirely made with Reki-kun in the center, but the doting of me is not any different.
Reki-kun is cute so I thought it would disperse, but it looks like that’s that.


My difficult to understand lessons progress while resting on nonchalant Obaasama’s lap and occasional observing of Reki-kun moving at blurring speeds.

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