Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3309 Three people together are invincible

The scene where Lu Ji turned into black light and merged with the Third Master, causing her strength to soar, is still before her eyes.

Everyone realized what the Third Lord wanted to do.

Stop her!

Jian Yu roared subconsciously.


At this time, no one can stop the Third Venerable.

Liu Yuanyi and the other three were seriously injured.

Ji Xiangtian is fighting with Mr. Ce and has no time to care about him.

The only one who can stop the Third Master is Han Yang!

It can only be Han Yang!


The moment the third venerable pounced on Mr. Ce, ripples rippled under Han Yang's feet and the source text flashed.


Han Yang's figure suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already between the Third Venerable and Mr. Ce.


The high-pitched sword sound sounded again.

It is still possible to break eternity with one sword.

The meridians and acupoints that had just recovered not long ago collapsed again.

All the power turned into sword light, slashing towards the third venerable.

This sword is much weaker than the previous strongest sword.

But the Third Venerable had lost all his energy and could not even block this sword.


Amidst the explosion, the Third Master was knocked back by Han Yang's sword.

Get away!

Mr. Ce was furious and took action with all his strength, intending to force Ji Xiangtian back and join the third venerable one.

Ji Xiangtian's face is full of compassion, like the Nine Heavens Bodhisattva, but his voice is charming.

Just now I wanted to break open the flowers of the slave family with a sword, but now I have turned my back on you. I am indeed a heartless bad guy...

His words are as charming as a fox.

Mr. Ce's mind was shaken for a while, and he felt different from the person in front of him.

It is a sin to make an enemy of a charming and dignified woman.

His shot was subconsciously half a beat too slow.


next moment.

The black light between Mr. Ce's eyebrows lit up again, waking him up.

What a cheap maid!

Mr. Ce was completely angered now.

He was seduced by Ji Xiangtian several times, which made him lose face.

All the anger was vented on Ji Xiangtian's head.


This time.

He no longer suppressed the black light between his eyebrows, but formed seals with his hands to condense the black light into a strange plum blossom.

The moment the plum blossoms lit up, a terrifying pressure descended on them.

All the people watching in Tianguanjing were shocked!

For example, the seriously injured Liu Yuanyi and the demon world official could hardly control themselves and had to worship.

This is the majesty only possessed by gods in the upper realm.

It's overwhelming.

Jian Yu gritted his teeth and roared, intending to repel Lingyin Tianguan and others.

Lingyin Tianguan and the other three also realized that the battle had reached a life-or-death moment.

If the Third Venerable and Mr. Ce were defeated, the three of them would never survive.

The three of them were like crazy demons. Just like Liu Yuanyi and the other three before, they used self-destruction to trap Jian Yu, preventing him from getting out of the battle circle and helping Ji Xiangtian or Han Yang!

Just when everyone thought the outcome was decided, and the auspicious heaven could not stop Mr. Ce's power, a sudden change occurred.

Behind the auspicious sky, a strange statue of Dharma appeared.

This Dharma-like treasure is solemn and elegant, with a hint of uninhibited style, like a prodigal son playing in the world.

Smiling and extending her palms to protect the auspicious sky


He actually blocked her from the mighty suppression from Mr. Ce.


Mr. Ce stared blankly at the white-clothed dharma image, and after a long time he murmured in a distraught manner: Being possessed by fanatical beliefs, you use other people's beliefs to create your own dharma image. lunatic!


It is the embodiment of its own rules.

Never allow others to get involved.

If the Dharma comes from someone else's practice, wouldn't it mean that he has become someone else's puppet?

But Ji Xiangtian is different from others.

She used her own rules and combined her crazy worship of Han Yang to cultivate a statue of Han Yang!

This means that as long as Han Yang is willing, he can use this dharma image to seize the auspicious heaven at any time.

The appearance of Ji Xiangtian is almost equivalent to an incarnation of Han Yang.

How crazy this is.

Even the most devout fanatics cannot leave their life and death to others.

But Ji Xiangtian did exactly that.

But the effect is quite amazing.

Han Yang, visualized by the auspicious heaven, is omnipotent and invincible, and he actually blocked the suppression of Mr. Ce's heavenly power with this dharma.

It's incredible.

Mr. Ce prides himself on being well-informed, but he has never seen anyone as crazy as Ji Xiangtian.

You deserve to die for letting me reveal this biggest secret!

The goddess version of Ji Xiangtian had lost her smile at this time, and her cold face was filled with cold murderous intent.


The auspicious sky is filled with lotuses step by step, and Mr. Xiangce is killed bravely.


Ji Xiangtian's arm exploded, and even bones could be seen.

But with this blow, Mr. Ce was knocked back


Bang bang bang!

Ji Xiangtian fought crazily with Mr. Ce, injuring himself by a thousand and injuring the enemy by eight hundred.

Unexpectedly, he did not fall behind.

Mr. Ce was defeated steadily after being killed, and the irritable look in his eyes became more and more intense.

Finally, he couldn't restrain the anger in his heart and completely ignited the black light plum blossom between his eyebrows!

Tianwei, soul-killing!

A soul sword suddenly appeared and slashed towards Ji Xiangtian.

On the soul sword, there are dots of plum blossoms, flashing with a mysterious and strange Taoist rhyme, which makes people shudder.

Ji Xiangtian tried to resist, but was suppressed by some kind of divine power.

Although Dharma Prime Minister Han Yang in white could protect her from being suppressed by the power of God, he could not get rid of the power of God and fight back.

Seeing that the soul sword is about to be struck between Ji Xiangtian's eyebrows!

At this moment, a desolate sword cry sounded, like a dragon's roar.


A ray of sword light came from a distance and struck the soul sword accurately.


A huge roar swept across all directions.

The Soul Sword, which was enough to kill the top ten on the Chaos Ranking, was blocked by Han Yang with the Qianye Fairy Sword.

Mr. Ce's eyes suddenly shrank, and he looked in the direction where the sword light came from in horror.

He was shocked to find that the situation of the Third Master was already in danger.

Han Yang actually had time to intervene in the battle here.

The outcome is about to be decided!

Damn it!

The look of determination flashed across Mr. Ce's eyes.

Between life and death, there is no room for hesitation.

Almost as soon as the soul sword collapsed, he used the soul sword again.

But this time, the soul sword is no longer used to attack Ji Xiangtian, but

It is simply used as a vehicle, carrying the black light incarnated by Mr. Ce, roaring towards the third lord.


Ji Xiangtian was horrified, but was unable to stop him.

That kind of divine power seemed to come from another world, far beyond the realm of Heavenly Officials, leaving her defenseless.

If it weren't for the protection of Dharma Minister in white, she might have fallen to her knees.

At this time, he could only watch the sword light shooting towards the battlefield between Han Yang and the Third Lord.

Han Yang moved quickly, but he couldn't move faster than the Soul Sword.

The soul sword is invisible.

Almost at the speed of moving, he appeared in front of the third venerable in an instant.

There was a soft pop.

Like a pebble falling into water, the soul sword, carrying the black light incarnated by Mr. Ce, sank into the body of the third venerable.

As Mr. Ce merged with the Third Venerable, his aura soared again!


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