Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3310 The incarnation of the dead body appears


Regardless of friend or foe, a thought arose in the minds of all the Heavenly Officials at the same time.

The third lord who is three people in one represents invincibility!

No one can defeat such a monster!

Such a strong man is actually just the third venerable member of the Anti-Tian Society? What a joke!

Liu Yuanyi almost lost his composure.

He is an opportunist by nature.

By chance, he made the right bet, and thanks to Han Yang's promotion, he achieved today's realm and cultivation level.

But at this time.

Facing the third venerable being who was like a heavenly being descending to earth, he could not resist at all.

Such a monster is simply invincible.

Han Yang, I’m afraid it won’t work either!


Although Jian Yu said nothing, he clenched his fists nervously.

too strong!

Not to mention how strong the Third Venerable is, this divine power alone cannot be resisted by the ordinary Heavenly Official Realm.

Han Yang, can you win?

She suddenly felt that Han Yang seemed a little careless.

There shouldn't be just two avatars left here.

If the three incarnations gathered together, they might still be able to fight.

Only two incarnations may not be able to defeat this invincible third master.

Even Jian Yu and Liu Yuanyi from Han Yang's lineage are like this, and others can imagine.

Except for the auspicious heaven, all the heavenly officials have endless respect in their hearts.

The eyes of Lingyin Tianguan and others are even more full of fanaticism!

This is the invincible third lord.

This is the invincible Anti-Heaven Society!

So what about Han Yang.

In the end, he will be defeated at the feet of the Anti-Heaven Society!

Victory belongs to the Anti-Tian Society!

in three in one

After that, all the heavenly officials were not optimistic that Han Yang could win.

The Third Venerable is the only exception!

She didn't feel any contempt for the three of them becoming one, but instead became more cautious.


The third venerable's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Originally, her plan was to capture Han Yang alive, search for his soul, and dig out the secrets of Han Yang.

Use this to crack the sky list.

At this time, there was no such thought at all.

Such monsters must die!


The sword screamed and the dragon roared.

The soul-cutting knife appeared between the third venerable's eyebrows.

She could only use the soul knife three times, and now she used it for the third time.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength!

Even though she knew that her combat power was still higher than that of Han Yang in front of her, she would not hesitate to use her most precious skills to kill the chicken with a knife.

I just want to be able to kill Han Yang with one blow and avoid other mishaps.


The soul-killing knife easily broke through Han Yang's defense.

Even the light of the Heavenly Ranking could not block the soul-cutting knife.

The aura of this soul-cutting knife is similar to that of Tianbang, but different at the same time.

The similarity is because this breath comes from the upper world.

The power is still above the original rules.

Can kill all creatures in the lower world.

The difference is because the aura of the soul-cutting sword is 80% similar to the heaven-defying magic technique, which is condensed from the lower realm techniques.

It's not like Tianbang, which has no atmosphere from the lower world.

One hit kill!

All of Han Yang's defenses were as fragile as pieces of paper under the three-in-one soul-killing knife, torn apart like a piece of paper.

The soul-cutting knife sank into the center of Han Yang's eyebrows.


Got it!

The third venerable man was relieved.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that Han Yang had been regarded by her as a threat and even a natural enemy that she had to go all out to kill.

She was on edge all the time.

Only at this time, seeing Han Yang's soul being destroyed by the soul-cutting knife, did he really relax.

The soul-cutting knife passed through the skull, bringing up a rain of blood.

Han Yang's incarnation gradually dimmed in the void, and finally collapsed and disappeared.


Everyone on Han Yang's side was in disbelief.

Especially Jian Yu and Liu Yuanyi.

In their hearts, Han Yang is almost invincible, and they have never seen Han Yang suffer a loss.

But at this time, Han Yang actually died under the soul-killing knife?

Jian Yu subconsciously looked at Ji Xiangtian.

Han Yang is the master of the auspicious sky.

Han Yang died in the battle, and this girl Ji Xiangtian might collapse.


When her eyes fell on Ji Xiangtian's face, she found that the corners of Ji Xiangtian's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a strange smile, which seemed to be proud of something, but also seemed to be mocking something.


Jian Yu was stunned.

Ji Xiangtian is actually smiling?

Just when she was puzzled, Ji Xiangtian chuckled and said: Oh, my hard work in acting finally came to fruition and I deceived that woman's big move...


Big move? !

Jian Yu was startled, as if remembering something, he suddenly looked in the direction of the ancestral home of the Buddha Realm.


Han Yang in this battle is not Han Yang's three incarnations, but two incarnations merged into one.

Han Yang is not dead!

Just defeated!



Not even defeated.

Judging from Ji Xiangtian's intention, Han Yang seemed to be defeated on purpose, leading the Third Master to use his Soul-Slaying Sword's secret skill.

Jian Yu's scalp was numb.

If this is true, then Han Yang's plan is too terrible.

The third lord who killed Han Yang's incarnation with one sword obviously didn't expect this.

She took a deep breath and said with a bit of high spirits: Finally, I can go to the ancestral land of the Buddhist world to see how Han Yang used to confer the new heavenly official...

This trip to the Buddhist world was originally for this purpose.

Han Yang's fight was completely unexpected.

Now that the enemy is solved, we can finally get a glimpse of the throbbing mystery of the original rules.

Just when the third venerable was about to walk towards the ancestral land of the Buddha Realm, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because Mr. Ce's message came from his mind.

Go quickly! This may be Han Yang's plan...


What's the plan?

The Third Venerable did not understand what Mr. Ce meant at all.

Before Mr. Ce could finish his explanation, a sudden change occurred.


The source text appears again.

A figure in white clothes appeared in front of him.

It turned out to be the same as Han Yang in white before.

Third incarnation?

This was the first thought of the Third Venerable.

As Han Yang fought in the south and north, causing a bloody storm in the Sea of ​​Chaos, his technique of incarnation of the three dharma phases also became famous all over the world, and no one knew about it.

When seeing Han Yang in white, the Third Venerable subconsciously thought that this was Han Yang's third incarnation.


When she scanned Han Yang's divine body with her spiritual consciousness,

At this moment, the pupils suddenly shrank.

My seat!

The white-clothed Han Yang in front of him turned out to be the three incarnations in one.

Impossible! I clearly killed two of your incarnations, how could you recover so quickly...

The Third Venerable was in disbelief.

Just a moment ago, two incarnations of Han Yang were killed, and now another three incarnations appeared.

If Han Yang's incarnations were endless, there would be no need to play any conspiracy at all and he could just go straight to the sea of ​​chaos.

Tianbang will never escape the encirclement and interception of Han Yang's incarnation army.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate an incarnation of that level.

It is impossible to recover instantly!

The third venerable man was puzzled.


Han Yang smiled faintly and said: After losing the soul-cutting knife, let's see if you still have

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