Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3315 Money can make the world go round

Have fun with the ghosts and spirits in the Heavenly Official Realm fighting for the beasts! If the people in the Chaos Sea saw this scene, they would probably go crazy...

The enthusiastic atmosphere that hit his face made the well-informed Han Yang stunned for a moment.

Even in today's chaotic war situation, Tianguan realm is still a strong person who can decide the outcome.

For example, the battle in the Buddha Realm.

If Liu Yuanyi and the others hadn't tried their best to stop Mr. Ce, leaving the third venerable without support, Han Yang wouldn't have been able to deceive her of her trump card, the Soul-Severing Sword.


If the three Lingyin Tianguan hadn't entangled Jian Yu, leaving Jian Yu free to join the battle, Mr. Ce might not have been able to fuse with the third master in the end.

The Heavenly Official Realm is enough to determine the outcome of a war.

But in the underworld, the ghosts and fierce ghosts in the Tianguan realm are so worthless.

Like wild beasts, fighting in the Colosseum gives those bored ghosts a brief thrill.

The madness in the underworld is beyond imagination.

Tie Qingshu pursed his lips and said nothing, staring blankly at the bloody fighting beasts in the Colosseum.

Once upon a time, she was one of them.

If Han Yang hadn't gathered her soul together, she might still be fighting in the Colosseum, forever relegated to the status of an animal, unable to reincarnate.

It was Han Yang who saved her again.

Tie Qingshu held Han Yang's hand tightly and didn't want to let go.

Han Yang looked from the Colosseum to the stands next to him.

Tie Qingshu suppressed his trembling and explained in a low voice: The Evil Mirror Hell is known for its symmetry, so the stands on the east and west sides are equally noble! Only the top VIPs can watch the game in the boxes on both sides of the stands! If you want Find out the information, maybe someone in the boxes in the stands on both sides will know.

Han Yang nodded thoughtfully, but did not go to the stands on both sides. Instead, he waved to summon a Colosseum servant.

When the servant saw Han Yang's cultivation, he didn't intend to pay attention to him.

Knowing that he had seen Tie Qingshu in the fierce ghost realm, he accompanied Smile and stepped forward.

What orders do you two noble men have?

He was talking about the two nobles, but his eyes kept falling on Tie Qingshu.

Obviously he didn't take Han Yang seriously.

Han Yang casually threw three underworld weapons and flying knives and said calmly: Bet on stone beasts and win!

There are two war beasts fighting, one controls the way of stone, and the other controls the way of fire.

Now the fire beast is suppressing the stone beast and bombarding them wildly, gaining the upper hand.

The servant couldn't help but look at Han Yang one more time before his eyes fell on the underworld weapon in Han Yang's hand.

As a result, after just one glance, I couldn't take my eyes back.

The underworld weapons are also divided into three, six or nine grades.

Even in the Fierce Ghost Realm, he can only control level seven or eight ghost weapons at most.

The ghost envoys in the 108th Cave are only in charge of ninth-level ghost weapons, which are the treasures of the town.

This shows how precious the underworld artifact is.

A person like Han Yang who bets three level eight ghost weapons at once is absolutely unique.

Even the craziest ghosts would not bet with ghost weapons.

That thing is hard to come by, it's too precious.

Three level eight underworld weapons almost blinded the servant's eyes.

It didn't even dare to take the underworld weapon in Han Yang's hand.

His attitude became more humble, and he hurriedly bowed and saluted again: Your Excellency, a moment later, a bet of this level requires the steward to handle it personally, please wait a moment...

There was no special signaling action. Just a moment later, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe and looking like a steward came from the air.

First, he glanced at the three underworld weapons in Han Yang's palm, and then glanced vaguely at Tie Qingshu, who was holding his arm beside Han Yang, looking like a little bird, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The steward is well-informed, he has seen every scene, and he can tell the clues at a glance.

Not to mention the half-step fierce ghost realm, even in the fierce ghost realm, it is impossible to bet on a ghost weapon or an eighth-level ghost weapon.

Han Yang is obviously a pretty boy being kept.

He used the underworld weapon given by Tie Qingshu, so he wouldn't feel any pain at all.

And Tie Qingshu is probably the direct descendant of some big boss in hell.

Only those big guys would ignore the underworld weapons and throw them away at will.

What a lucky boy!

The steward was full of slander and envious of Han Yang.


The steward pretended to cough twice, calmed down, and said with a smile: I don't know if the distinguished guest has arrived, but I've been away to welcome you... Please follow me to the box to talk...

Han Yang couldn't help but sigh, money can really make people go around!

To be able to take charge of the Colosseum in the Thousand Mirrors Leader, this manager is definitely not weak in strength.

But because of the bet of three underworld weapons, he bowed to him.

The underworld is truly extremely corrupt.

Under the guidance of the steward, the two arrived at a certain box on the east side.

Because they were not sure of Tie Qingshu's true identity, the stewards did not dare to be careless and arranged a private room in the Eastland for Tie Qingshu and Han Yang.

This is the second most prestigious box in the Colosseum.

It can be seen how great the influence of the three underworld weapons is.

Han Yang looked around the box and seemed very satisfied, then casually threw the three artifacts to the steward.

The steward hurriedly caught it, and the smile on his face became a little thicker.

After putting away the underworld weapon, he quickly took out the jade slip from the ring and made a bet with Han Yang.

Fighting in the Fierce Ghost Realm often takes several days or even dozens of days to determine the winner.

This is just the beginning.

Han Yang dared to make such a big gamble, which strengthened the manager's judgment on Tie Qingshu's identity.

After the steward left, Tie Qingshu chuckled and said, I'm afraid that steward will regard you as the pretty boy I kept...

Han Yang smiled.

It's not bad to have such misunderstandings, it will save a lot of trouble.

Colosseum, inside the main hall.

The steward bowed and reported to the venue owner that Han Yang had placed bets with three ghost weapons.

The owner of the field casually took the three underworld weapons and raised his eyebrows: It's actually an eighth-level underworld weapon. This pretty boy is really generous...

Halfway through his words, his voice stopped abruptly.

As the owner of the Colosseum, he is well-informed and knows many important people.

Not only in Donghan Continent, but also in the entire Thousand Mirrors Territory, he knew more or less all the big shots.

no way.

Evil spirits have bad tempers and are not easy to mess with.

If the identity of the person causing trouble is not recognized, it is very likely that he will offend the wrong person and be killed inexplicably.

After getting the three underworld weapons, he found that one of them looked very familiar.

After a moment, he recognized the origin of the underworld weapon.

This is... the blood red line armor of the Hongyuan Ghost General?!

The owner of the field shook his hand and almost threw the underworld weapon in his hand.

Don't look at it, he is also a ghost general.

But compared with ghost generals like Hongyuan who hold great power in the Thousand Mirrors Territory, they are not that bad.

The Hongyuan ghost general can crush him to death with just one hand.

Would he recognize the blood red thread armor because this underworld weapon was a gift he gave to the ghost general Hongyuan on his birthday in order to please him.

The red abyss ghost will like it very much.

As a result, he firmly established himself as the general of Donghanzhou.

How could such a beloved thing end up in the hands of outsiders?

And he was treated as a bet without mercy!

The host realized that the identity of the two guests mentioned by the steward was probably not simple.

He quickly ordered: Send someone to investigate immediately. I want to know where the Hongyuan Ghost General is now!

After receiving the order, the steward prepared to leave.

The owner of the field once again ordered: No matter the cost! I must know the answer within one day!

The steward then realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly swore an oath.

In the underworld, if there is no time limit, the investigation may take ten or eight years.

Such an order from the farm owner must be a big deal.

He would never dare to be careless.

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