Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3316 The army gathered and marched into the 108th cave

Thousand mirror collar.

Lu Yu was in a very bad mood.

He gained nothing from the trip to Huangquan Road.

Not even the shadow of acquired creation was seen.

Originally, I wanted to stay near Huangquan Road for a while and continue to explore.

As a result, the empress ordered him to return to the Thousand Mirrors Territory ahead of schedule.

You know with your buttocks that this order must have been made by Chi Lian Gui Shuai.

In order to prevent himself from getting the acquired creation and to please the empress, he was ordered to return urgently.

This guy Chi Lian deserves death!

It just so happens that a senior official can crush people to death!

He couldn't disobey the order, so he could only return to the Thousand Mirrors Leader in frustration.

The first time he returned to the Thousand Mirrors Territory, he received an order from the empress to meet him, which made him quite strange.

Since Chi Lian Gui Shuai came to power, he had almost no chance to see his empress.

I don’t know why this time?

I'm in a humble position, I've met my empress!

After arriving at the meeting hall, Lu Yu was shocked.

In the hall, four ghost commanders arrived, and all thirteen ghost generals except him and Hong Yuan were present.

This is unprecedented.

Ever since the lord left the territory, the top management of the Thousand Mirrors Territory has never been so organized.

What surprised Lu Yu the most was that Empress Shiji, who had always been lazy, was now wearing formal clothes and accompanying a woman in black robe.

And that woman is the wife of the official lord of Qianjing Ling!

This lord's wife is quite legendary.

According to rumors, she first became the lord of Thousand Mirrors Territory.

And the current lord is just his son-in-law.

I don’t know what happened in the middle. The lord’s wife was unable to come out of seclusion, and even gave up the position of lord to the current lord.

At the beginning, the current lord was still cautious, for fear of offending the lady.

As a result, the lord's wife never came out of seclusion since then.

The lord completely let himself go.

Even Shiji, the concubine, was praised to the heavens and called herself empress.

Seeing the lord's wife appear at this time, Lu Yu's heart was shocked.

I knew something big was going on.

When the current lord took a concubine, this lady did not appear, but she actually appeared this time!

I'm a little late for my humble duty, please forgive me!

Lu Yu bowed to the lord's wife again.

Get up and let's talk business!

The lord's wife seemed unwilling to say anything more to him, and simply ordered him to stand up.

When Lu Yu stood still, the lord's wife said lazily: Li Yu, please tell them about the matter...

Lu Yu glanced secretly.

The newly appointed concubine, Empress Shiji, remained silent from beginning to end, looking humble and submissive.

The hem of her clothes she held firmly betrayed her nervousness.

have to!

Now that the powerful lord's wife is out of seclusion, life is difficult for the Shiji Empress.

Lu Yu even took pleasure in his misfortune.

If Empress Shiji hadn't been fond of the new and disliked the old, and believed Chi Lian's slander, he would have been the one who should have become the Ghost Commander.

Now that Empress Shiji was so frustrated, he even wanted to laugh.

at this time.

The ghost general named Li Yu took a step forward and spoke solemnly.

Not long ago, the ghost general Hongyuan risked his life and sneaked into the world of the sun to find out an important piece of information! During the flower picking conference, the flower pickers who picked the flowers from the other side appeared in the Sea of ​​Chaos!


These words were like thunder, exploding in everyone's ears.

Lu Yu's expression even froze.

Sea of ​​Chaos!

The Huangquan Road on the other side of the 108th Cave leads to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

And I just returned from there.

Damn it! !

Originally, he was still wondering why Hong Yuan was not seen during that time.

It turns out that he went to the human world!

I also found out such important information.

This is a great achievement.

If you report it to hell, you will definitely get a heavy reward.

Not to mention a mere ghost commander, it is not impossible to even be named the lord of the territory.

At the Bianhua Flower Conference, Han Yang made all the disciples of the Eighteen Hells lose face.

All Taoists would like to eat their flesh raw.

Such a good opportunity was actually obtained by that guy Hongyuan.

Lu Prison couldn't help but lament.

I am also in the 108th hole, why didn't I realize this?

On the high platform.

Ghost General Li Yu continued: Although Ghost General Hongyuan had great achievements, he was greedy for merit and rushed forward with the intention of sneaking into the world to capture Han Yang alive. In the end, he failed and died. The information about Han Yang has been delayed until now. Everyone You must take this as a lesson and don’t be reckless...


The unexpected turn made Lu Yu almost laugh out loud.

That guy Hongyuan is really stupid.

After discovering Han Yang, he didn't want to report it immediately. He actually wanted to take advantage of the sky and ran to capture Han Yang.

Han Yang is an existence that can defeat the Eighteen Hell Daozi.

How can it be so easy to capture!


Lu Yu remembered something, took a step forward, bowed and reported back: Empress Qi! Previously, I was in the 108th cave, which is near Huangquan Road in the Sea of ​​Chaos! Chi Lian Gui Shuai, for his own selfish purposes, For seducing me back to my territory and wasting the opportunity to fight, please punish me!

The sudden words shocked everyone present.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai's face even turned red.

He subconsciously wanted to retort, but when he saw Empress Shi Ji's cold eyes, he could only swallow his explanation back.

It is true that he was the slanderer and encouraged Empress Shiji to issue an order to recall Lu Prison.

But can he betray Empress Shiji?

He didn't know what Empress Shiji would do if the lord's wife knew about this, he would definitely be liquidated by Empress Shiji!

Without any choice.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai could only kneel down on the ground with a bang and respectfully apologize!

The lord's wife's indifferent eyes swept over Chi Lian Gui Shuai, and the corner of her mouth raised a sarcastic arc.

Finally, he said calmly: Since Chi Lian Ghost Commander likes the territory so much, then this time when the army goes out, I will trouble Chi Lian Ghost Commander to stay and guard the territory.


Chi Lian Gui Shuai was so heartbroken that he almost suffocated.

He knew with his buttocks that Han Yang would definitely die this time when Qian Jing led his army to attack the border.

This was almost a feat, but he was actually thrown into the lord's mansion!

But unfortunately, he couldn't resist yet.

The lord's wife is more powerful than the lord.

Lu Yu, I will kill you!

Chi Lian Gui Shuai gritted his teeth with hatred!

The lord's wife continued: You already know about Han Yang. Next, all the ghost commanders and ghost generals will gather together, select the strongest ghosts under their command, and immediately send troops into 108 holes to capture Han Yang!


Everyone respectfully accepted the order.

Lu Yu was moved in his heart.

It seems that the lord's wife is as greedy as Hongyuan, and is not ready to report the situation, but is ready to capture Han Yang personally.

No wonder this lady, who had been in seclusion for many years, chose to come out of seclusion at this time.

Lu Yu's eyes swept between the ghost commanders and ghost generals.

Most of the ghost commanders and ghost generals have been bribed by Empress Shiji.

Those direct descendants of the lords and wives were either sent to guard various continents, or were directly trapped and killed.

It stands to reason that the news about Han Yang should be known to Empress Shi Ji first and then concealed.

Who informed the lord’s wife who was in retreat?

Li Yu, the lord's wife's direct aide, was in the Southern Wilderness Continent at the time, so it couldn't be him.

Could it be Mei Ji?

Lu Yu's eyes fell on the most charming and passionate one among the many ghost generals.

According to rumors, Meiji is jealous of Empress Shiji and may be tricked and killed at any time.

It's not surprising that he would betray Empress Shiji and show favor to the lord's wife.

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