Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3335 Destroy the Lord’s Mansion and Capture Lu Xingfeng Alive

Lu Yu was naturally unwilling to release Chi Lian Gui Shuai, but Tie Qingshu ordered him to obey.

You'd better be honest in front of your master and Taoist disciples!

Lu Yu sent a message to warn.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai said seriously: It was all a misunderstanding before. From now on we belong to the same family, so naturally there will be no more dirty things...

Lu Yu snorted coldly and ignored the remark.

When he was blind and introduced Chi Lian to Empress Shiji, Chi Lian was also so righteous.

As a result, after gaining the favor of Empress Shiji, she immediately turned against him and kicked him away from Empress Shiji.

You'd be damned if you believe this nonsense again.

Meet the Master!

Chi Lian Gui Shuai bowed respectfully to Tie Qingshu.

Tie Qingshu said calmly: The Youming Guishai who was used by you before, can you persuade him to join me?

Chi Lian Gui Shuai immediately patted his chest and said: That guy originally wanted to seek refuge with Empress Shiji, but now that Empress Shiji is under your command, he must immediately abandon the dark side and join the bright side...

Tie Qingshu nodded with satisfaction.

Chi Lian Gui Shuai immediately ran to recruit You Ming Gui Shuai to surrender.

Neither Chi Lian nor Lu Yu mentioned it in a tacit agreement. In fact, as long as Master Ksitigarbha and the candidate Daozi come forward, Lord Lu Xingfeng will inevitably surrender.

A little lord still dares to be an enemy of the candidate Taoist disciple of Ksitigarbha Dojo?

It’s too late to please.

The reason why they didn't mention this was because both of them urgently needed an opportunity to make contributions and please Tie Qingshu and Han Yang.

If the master and Taoist master knew that they could convince the lord with just a few words, wouldn't their chance of making meritorious deeds be gone?

Only when you have enemies can you achieve success, right?

Then let Lu Xingfeng be the enemy.

Outside the Lord's Mansion.

During the past three years, more guarding generals came to surrender one after another.

At this time, the number of generals gathered around Han Yang had reached more than 190!

Han Yang was in the Sea of ​​Chaos and had only a hundred heavenly officials under his command.

Now in the underworld, there are nearly two hundred ghost generals who are above the heavenly officials!

This damn place really cannot be judged by normal logic.


On this day, while all the generals were still immersed in their cultivation, a ray of fire shot into the sky from the Lord's Mansion.

Immediately afterwards, there was the roar of Lord Lu Xingfeng.

Shiji! How dare you betray this lord!

The hysterical roar shook the sky, and the entire land of the Lord's Mansion, which was hundreds of millions of miles away, trembled.

The power of the lord is so terrifying!

Han Yang's eyes lit up.

Empress Shiji succeeded in stealing the seal, and Tie Qingshu's mission was completed!

Now it's our turn.

Han Yang rose up in the air, raised his arms and shouted: Break the lord's mansion and capture Lu Xingfeng alive!

Those ghosts will be impatient for a long time.

After hearing Han Yang's call, he immediately cheered.

Break the lord's mansion and capture Lu Xingfeng alive!

If it were in the past, these ghosts would never have the courage to resist the lord.

A whole two realms higher.

The lord could easily crush them to death.

Now that there is a candidate Daozi from Jizo Dojo leading the team, it is different.

Didn't you see that even the lord's beloved concubine Shi Ji betrayed the lord?

This is the general trend!

Follow the alternate path and you will win this battle!


The ghost generals roared, blessed Han Yang with general stars, followed Han Yang, and killed towards the lord's mansion.

In the lord's mansion.

Lord Land's storm surged like thunder.

He never expected that his most beloved concubine would betray him and release the dead woman from the lord's seal.

The concubine and the decent lady teamed up to deal with this husband.

What a big joke.

Bitch, die!

For a moment, Lu Xingfeng's hatred for Shi Ji even exceeded his hatred for the lord's wife.

He just wanted to slap Empress Shiji to death.

Sister, save me...

Empress Shiji is also very clever.

Knowing that he was no match for Lu Xingfeng, he clung to the lord's wife like a little bird.

The lord's wife Zuo Qianyun also looked confused.

She didn't understand why Lu Xingfeng's concubine betrayed Lu Xingfeng and risked being killed to rescue her.

But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

She alone was no match for Lu Xingfeng.

If they join forces with Shi Ji, who is also in the lord realm, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Just think of this.

Zuo Qianyun laughed and said: Lu Xingfeng! This is your own fault! Even your favorite concubine betrayed you, which shows how unpopular you are! Yesterday, you wanted to spoil your concubine and destroy your wife! Today, let your concubine and concubine join forces, I will crush you to ashes!


Zuo Qianyun fought bravely towards Lu Xingfeng.

In terms of combat power, Zuo Qianyun is definitely above Lu Xingfeng.

In that battle earlier, if Lu Xingfeng hadn't suppressed it with the Lord's Seal, Zuo Qianyun would never have been defeated.

Now that the lord's seal was stolen by Shi Ji, Lu Xingfeng was like a hairless tiger, no longer majestic.

Lu Xingfeng is also a smart person.

He knew that without the Lord's Seal, he would never be able to defeat the fierce Lord's wife Zuo Qianyun.

Regardless of his injuries, he fought desperately towards Empress Shiji.

Empress Shiji's soul disappeared.

Although she is also in the lord realm, she is just a little woman who entertains people with sex.

There isn't much combat power at all.

After becoming the lord's concubine, even the fighting instincts from the ghost period were abandoned.

He was retreating steadily after being killed by Lu Xingfeng, and the lord seal in his hand was about to be lost.

Just then, there was a roar.

Destroy the lord's mansion and capture Lu Xingfeng alive!

Following the sound, several figures emerged from the darkness.

The leader is surprisingly Tie Qingshu!

Behind him were the two ghost commanders Chi Lian and You Ming, and then the three ghost generals headed by Lu Yu.

The six of them joined forces to kill Lu Xingfeng and help Empress Shi Ji escape from the siege.

Chi Lian! How dare you betray this lord!

Lu Xingfeng was really furious.

It's just a betrayal by a beloved concubine, but even the most trusted ghost commander betrayed him.

It feels so bad to be separated from everyone.

In the lord's mansion.

There are two ghost commanders who have been watching from the sidelines.

At this time, they were all shocked to see the lord's wife and Empress Shiji, and Chi Lian and Lu Yu joining forces to make a comeback.

These two pairs are mortal enemies.

They actually joined forces to deal with the lord.

The lord has done something so outrageous that he actually made his sworn enemy and love rival stop making peace and join forces to fight against the enemy.

Brother, where are we going from here?

A lord is a lord after all...

The two of them still tended to help Lu Xingfeng.

The lord is granted the title of Nie Jing Hell, and his name is justified.

To resist the lord is to resist the Hell of Evil Mirror.

They will not rebel easily without knowing the truth.

At this moment, the noise exploded again.

Destroy the lord's mansion and capture Lu Xingfeng alive!

This time, it turned out that two hundred ghost generals stormed into the lord's mansion with great momentum.


The two ghost commanders looked at each other, shaken.

What a hell.

It's outrageous enough that the lord's wife joins forces with Empress Shiji.

These lazy guys and cowards actually joined forces to resist the lord?

Why? !

They were originally ready to help, but they hesitated for a moment.

The lord has betrayed so many relatives, must he have made some big mistake?

Lu Xingfeng's face looked extremely ugly at this time.

With his level of cultivation, two more ghost commanders are nothing, and he can barely handle it.

But two hundred ghost generals, blessed by formations, are indeed a big trouble.

If those ghost generals were to protect Empress Shiji and the lord's seal, then he would have to kill all the ghost generals to get the lord's seal.

That bitch Zuo Qianyun will never give him this time!


With no other choice, Lu Xingfeng activated the forbidden technique and attacked Empress Shiji with a desperate fight.

You must get back the lord seal before the ghost generals arrive!

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