Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3336: Kill the Master and Destroy the Daozi

help me!

Empress Shiji’s face turned pale instantly!

She never thought that Lu Xingfeng would be so crazy, ignoring others and focusing on killing her.

It wasn't until a voice rang in her ears that she woke up from a dream.

Lord's Seal! Throw it away!

Lord's Seal!

Damn it!

Empress Shiji finally understood that Lu Xingfeng did not want to kill him, but wanted to regain the lord seal.

Only by holding the Lord's Seal can Lu Xingfeng defeat Zuo Qianyun!

Empress Shiji's hand shook and she subconsciously threw out the lord's seal in her hand.


Zuo Qianyun's eyes are about to burst!

She might be able to block Lu Xingfeng who doesn't have the Lord's Seal, but she can't resist a lord who has the Lord's Seal!

Once Lu Xingfeng takes over the Lord's Seal, she will definitely make the same mistake again and be suppressed again!

Shiji, this bitch, fails more than he succeeds.

The others were also dumbfounded when they saw Empress Shiji throw away the lord's seal at a loss.

No matter how weak Empress Shiji's combat power is, she is still at the lord level!

If he could resist Lu Xingfeng for a few breaths, reinforcements would arrive.

Giving up the Lord Seal at this time is the stupidest decision.

The bitch who uses sex to entertain people is really unreliable!

For a while, many people even thought of quitting.

The ghost generals can fight with the wind, but they don't want to fight with a lord who holds the lord's seal.

At the critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed towards the lord's seal.


When Lu Yu and Chi Lian Gui Shuai saw this scene, they were so frightened that their souls left their bodies.

If the candidate Taoist disciples died in Qianjing Ling, then they, the losers, would not be able to survive.

This is a disaster.

They had no idea that this master who only had the Fierce Ghost Realm would be so brave and dare to fight for the Lord Seal.

Chi Lian! You Ming!

Lu Yu had no choice but to roar at the two ghost commanders.

The two ghost commanders looked at each other and could only rush forward.

They have no choice.

If the Ksitigarbha Dojo were to know that a guru who had passed three levels and eight selections died under their protection, then they would have no choice but to die.

In desperation, the two of them could only rush forward to resist Lu Xingfeng's attack.


Lu Xingfeng had already had murderous intentions, and was ready to kill the unsuspecting little pawn in front of him with one palm.

Suddenly I heard the word guru and couldn't help but be stunned.

As a lord, he naturally knows that the so-called guru is an honorific title for those who participated in the Divine Selection of Ksitigarbha Temple and entered the third level, but ultimately failed to pass the level.

Although these people failed to become Ksitigarbha Taoists, their futures are equally limitless.

At least it is impermanent, and even the judge!

Is this reckless ghost a guru?

Lu Xingfeng was so blessed that he suddenly understood.

No wonder Chi Lian Gui Shuai would betray him, and no wonder Empress Shiji would risk her life to free the lord's wife.

It turns out that this master of Ksitigarbha Dojo was behind everything.


Only such big figures who ordinary ghost generals, ghost commanders, and even lords cannot afford to offend can make these people defect in battle.

Lu Xingfeng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but eventually he slowly calmed down.

He dare not kill a guru!

Otherwise, even if he can win today, he will be hunted to death by the Ksitigarbha Dojo.


There is no need for Ksitigarbha Dojo to hunt him down. Countless strong men from other areas and domains will come to kill him, take his dog head, and claim credit from Ksitigarbha Dojo.


Lu Xingfeng gathered 99% of his strength, preparing to knock away the troublesome master in front of him with one palm, and then obtain the Lord's Seal.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

Although he had restrained 99% of his power, the brave master was as fragile as a bubble. The moment his power came into contact, he made a muffled sound.

Then... it exploded into countless pieces with a bang.

A Ksitigarbha dojo master was beaten to death by him like this.

There was a sudden stagnation on the battlefield.

Even the lord's wife Zuo Qianyun and Empress Shi Ji looked at the lord Lu Xingfeng blankly.

Why didn't you realize before that this man of yours was so brave?

Even the master of Ksitigarbha Dojo dared to slap him to death.

Lu Xingfeng was also stunned.

He could swear to God that he had no intention of killing his master, he just wanted to slap her away.


Lu Xingfeng even forgot to get the Lord Seal, his eyes were dull and he wanted to explain.

At this moment, a roar filled with grief and anger sounded.


With the roar, a guy with the power of a ghost commander, who was blessed by the general's star war formation, came in from outside the lord's mansion.

I want you to die!

The visitor roared angrily, waving a Ksitigarbha temple that had been prepared for sacrifice in his hand, and used it as a stick to hit Lu Xingfeng.

not good!

Stop him!

Li Yu, General Zhen and others originally followed Han Yang to strengthen the Star Battle Formation.

At this time, when he saw Han Yang running rampant, he was immediately frightened out of his wits.

Tie Qingshu is dead, but he can still find a way to resolve it. After all, the real Taoist is not dead.

Based on their contribution to assisting Daozi, they may no longer be promoted, but at least they will not die.

But if Daozi is also killed together, then they are really doomed.

Empress Shiji and Zuo Qianyun also recognized Han Yang's identity.

Only Daozi can attack with the Ksitigarbha Temple.

Empress Shiji secretly thought: Qingtie really didn't lie, there really is a Taoist!

Zuo Qianyun's heart skipped a beat and he quickly shouted: Lu Xingfeng, don't do anything!

That is the candidate for the Ksitigarbha Dojo. Even if he loses a single hair, the Thousand Mirrors Collar will be razed to the ground.


Lu Xingfeng didn't even listen to her cry.

Ever since he accidentally killed Tie Qingshu, Lu Xingfeng's mind was buzzing and it was a mess.

It's over...I'm dead...

Lu Xingfeng knew very well what a sin it would be to kill a peerless genius, Master Ksitigarbha, who had passed three levels and eight selections and was only one step away from becoming a candidate for Taoism.

Cut into pieces by a thousand swords, he will never be reincarnated.

Death may be a relief!

His end will be extremely miserable.

At this moment, a ghost handsome man with an unstable foundation suddenly hit him with a stick.

The fear and anger in Lu Xingfeng's heart were completely aroused.

No matter how coward I am, I'm not as handsome as a kid!

So what if I kill my master? The worst I can do is abandon the Thousand Mirrors Leader and wander around the world.

A new ghost commander with an unstable foundation dared to take action against him.

It's just too much of a lie.

In anger, Lu Xingfeng didn't even think twice and punched out.

This time is different.

When he accidentally killed his guru, he deliberately withdrew his strength and didn't even know why his guru died.

Lu Xingfeng didn't spare any effort to kill a ghost commander who dared to challenge him.

With 100% of his strength, he punched the stick in the man's hand.

Huh? Why does that stick look familiar? Wait... the radiance shining on that person also seems familiar...

The moment the fist seal fell, such thoughts flashed through Lu Xingfeng's mind.

Don't blame Lu Xingfeng for his slow brain reaction.

But in the Thousand Mirrors Territory, and even in the entire Evil Mirror Hell, Taoist disciples from the Ksitigarbha Dojo almost never appeared.

Even the famous Judge Zuo only had three levels and eight selections!

Ksitigarbha Daozi was too unfamiliar to Lu Xingfeng.

He had only seen relevant records in the classics.

In my anger, I didn't realize it at all.

When he finally remembered that he had seen relevant records in some classics, it was already too late to retract his fist.

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