Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3367 The Thousand Mirrors Leader is completely destroyed

A lord realm.

Especially the death-defying counterattack of a lord who was born in the Zuo family noble family is very terrifying.

Zuo Qianyun's desperate attack was not even weaker than Lu Xingfeng's before! M..

Empress Shi Ji couldn't stop it at all.

Shiji had no choice.

Lu Xiu could stop, but she couldn't!

After all, Lu Xiu was the wife of a lord. Even if she offended Zuo Qianyun earlier, she would not be punished.

But she was just Lu Xingfeng's concubine.

Now that Lu Xingfeng is dead, if Zuo Qianyun is allowed to survive, she will definitely die!

Zuo Qianyun must be killed and Lu Xiu dragged into the water before there is any hope of survival.


Her forced killing also aroused Zuo Qianyun's anger, leaving the final blow to her.

The result was...she turned into dust and died in the final blow.


At the same time that Empress Shiji was killed, Lu Xiu's flying sword also pierced Zuo Qianyun's head.

It wasn't until after killing Zuo Qianyun that Lu Xiu's face darkened.

Originally, she was ready to stop, but she was suddenly dragged into the water by Empress Shiji.

These bitches really succeed more than they fail!

After her anger passed, she hurriedly looked at Han Yang and Tie Qingshu.

It didn't matter whether he killed Zuo Qianyun or not.

The important thing is not to offend the Taoist emissaries and masters.

With one glance, Lu Xiu's heart skipped a beat.

Master Qingtie's expression turned extremely ugly.

Looking at that posture, if it weren't for his insufficient realm, the master might even personally take action to avenge Zuo Qianyun.

Nianhua Daozi's envoy, Master Yijie, was relatively calm.

This is not difficult to understand.

Nianhua Daozi has no friendship with Qianjing Ling.

His friend Yang Handaozi even died in Qianjing Ling.

Zuo Qianyun killed Lu Xingfeng to avenge Yang Han Daozi. In the eyes of Nianhua Daozi, it was nothing more than no merit at best.

Death or immortality, Daozi may not care at all.

On the contrary, it was Master Qingtie who had an irreconcilable relationship with Qianjing Leader.


Just when Lu Xiu didn't know what to do, Master Yijie Han Yang suddenly said: Kill everyone in the Qianjing leader.

As soon as these words were spoken, the remaining ghost generals of Qianjing Leader were trembling with fright and hurriedly retreated.

Master Qingtie was furious and shouted angrily: Let's see who dares!

The envoy of Nianhua Daozi actually had a disagreement with his master.

Han Yang continued to act and said in an indifferent tone: Zuo Qianyun is the noble daughter of the Zuo family. Once the news of her death in our hands spreads and the Zuo family comes to press, we people will be in danger.

Tie Qingshu cooperated with the acting and said coldly: Nonsense! The Zuo family would never dare to offend a master and a Taoist disciple at the same time! You are repaying kindness with enmity!

Seeing Master Qingtie arguing for him, the ghosts led by Qianjing were moved by this.

He looked like he was following Tie Qingshu's lead.

Lu Xiu's eyes flashed with light, and he echoed: The envoy is right to be worried! Looking at the behavior of Lu Xingfeng and Zuo Qianyun, we know that these people from the Zuo Clan are unscrupulous and regardless of the consequences! The Zuo Clan may be harmful to us. , maybe not, but we shouldn’t place our own safety on Zuo’s knowledge of advancement and retreat...


Tie Qingshu looked filled with indignation.

Han Yang continued: Mrs. Lu is right! We have no way of knowing how Zuo will choose, but we cannot trust our own life or death on the goodwill of others.

After that, he ignored Tie Qingshu and secretly gave Lu Xiu a wink.

Lu Xiu was also cunning and did not choose to do it himself, but Chuan Yin's two ghost commanders.

Naturally, the ghost commander would not refuse the order of the lord's wife, and immediately took action to massacre the remaining ghost generals in the Thousand Mirrors Territory.

Tie Qingshu looked like he was hesitating to speak, but in the end he did not step forward to stop him.

They were just a few ghost generals, and they soon died in the hands of the ghost commander led by Hong Jing.

So far.

All the high-ranking people above the Qianjing Ghost General were killed and wounded.

Han Yang and Tie Qingshu's identities as flower pickers were temporarily hidden.

Seeing the last ghost general of Qianjing Leader die, Tie Qingshu felt relieved.

Han Yang remained calm.

Han Yang eradicated the Thousand Mirrors Leader, which made Lu Xiu overjoyed.

In this way, her murder of the noble daughter of the Zuo family would not be exposed.

You can blame it on Lu Xingfeng later.

There is even less one person who can take credit.

Among all the remaining people, she has the highest realm, and she will definitely receive the most rewards afterwards.

What a God-sent opportunity.


Her attitude towards Han Yang became more humble and kind.

Han Yang was not looked down upon at all just because of his level.

Messenger, what do you think we will do next?

Lu Xiu respectfully asked Han Yang for instructions.

Han Yang muttered: I heard earlier that the ghost general on the Thousand Mirrors Territory had said that Zuo Qianyun had informed the Zuo clan that the Zuo clan's envoys might arrive at any time. We must leave the Thousand Mirrors collar before the Zuo clan's envoys arrive.

Lu Xiu naturally agreed and said diligently: You can go to the Red Mirror Leader. I, the Red Mirror Leader, will definitely protect your safety...

Han Yang smiled and said: I won't go to Qianjing Ling! The Huangquan Road corresponding to the Buddhist world is in Qianjing Ling. Now that it's over, I'm going to leave the underworld and return to the human world.

Hearing this, Lu Xiu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

This is a good opportunity to please the Taoist envoy.

Before Lu Xiu could speak, Han Yang continued: If Mrs. Lu has time, she can send a spirit to follow me to the human world and meet Daozi in person.

Can I?

Lu Xiu couldn't hide her excitement.

This is a good opportunity to meet Daozi in person.

Nianhua Daozi is a genuine Ksitigarbha Dojo Daozi, not a candidate Daozi like Yang Han!

The status is more noble.

Once he returns to the underworld, Nianhua Daozi's realm will advance by leaps and bounds, and his future will be limitless.

But not everyone has the opportunity to meet the true master of Ksitigarbha Dojo.

Han Yang smiled and said: Although the soul of the Lord Realm is powerful, even a ray of the soul will be suppressed by the heavenly law in the world, but I have a secret treasure that can protect Mrs. Lu's soul for a short time, so it doesn't matter.

After hearing this, Lu Xiu hesitated and immediately agreed, sending Han Yang to the human world.

Tie Qingshu on the side couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Han Yang was so slender that he was almost bald by Mrs. Lu.

In conjunction with killing Lu Xingfeng and killing Zuo Qianyun, it was not enough, but he even wanted to use his soul in the human world.

Tsk tsk.

This Mrs. Lu is really miserable.

If what is expected is true, Mrs. Lu’s separated soul will definitely go away and never come back.

After being used by Han Yang, his body will be destroyed and his traces will be wiped out.

Lu Xiu didn't know this, and still couldn't hide his excitement.

At this time, Tie Qingshu snorted coldly and said: Since the two of you are so in love, let's leave together! I will not go with the murderer of the innocent people in Qianjing Leader.

Ah this...

The smile on Lu Xiu's face began to stiffen.

This master has such a bad temper.

She would never let Tie Qingshu leave before Han Yang promised to take her spirit to the human world to meet Nianhua Daozi.

After all, he is a guru, so he has to find ways to please him no matter what.

Now with the benefits promised by Han Yang, this so-called guru is dispensable.

The key point is that the master has a strong dislike for her. Instead of being hot-tempered and cold-hearted, it is better to concentrate on pleasing Nianhua Daozi.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiu pretended to be sad and explained: Master misunderstood, it was just a last resort. We have no ill intentions towards you, Master...

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