Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 3368: Destroy the devil and save chaos

Tie Qingshu didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Xiu's sophistry and walked away directly.

Lu Xiu was just showing off.

After pretending to stop him twice, he allowed Tie Qingshu to leave.

He turned around and complained to Han Yang: Please ask the envoy to speak kindly for us in front of Nianhua Daozi regarding this matter. If Master Qingtie is allowed to misunderstand, I'm afraid we will end up in a terrible situation.

After all, the masters who passed through the three tests and eight tests are not as good as Taozi, let alone compared to the real Taozi.

Lu Xiu finally chose Nianhua Daozi's side.

Han Yang said with a smile: Mrs. Lu, please don't worry. Madam came here at the invitation to avenge Nianhua Daozi's best friend. Daozi will never break the heart of a friendly person!

Lu Xiu was naturally grateful.

Han Yang then asked: I wonder how Madam plans to go to the human world? Are she going to go as a divided soul, or in the form of an incarnation? If she is going to go as a divided soul, I have a zombie body here, which can be used as a temporary support for Madam. .”

Lu Xiu's eyes lit up, and she raised her hands politely and said, Then I'll be the one to help you.

She doesn't care how to get to the human world.

Using the zombie body provided by Nianhua Daozi is also a sign of trust and favor to Daozi.

Can show the closeness between the two.

Han Yang turned his wrist and the soul-suppressing tower appeared.

The soul-suppressing tower is the most precious treasure in the world of weapons.

It is also the remnant of the ancestors of the weapon world. It is not difficult to protect a ray of soul.

Most importantly, there are zombie bodies in the tower.

After Lu Xiu split his soul and took the zombie body, he gained another layer of protection.

As long as it does not appear in the Sea of ​​Chaos, it will basically not be suppressed by the law of heaven.

At least he can be safe and sound in the Soul-Suppressing Tower.

With a flick of his finger, Lu Xiu shot a ray of spirit into the soul-suppressing tower.

After finishing it, she smiled and complimented: As expected of the Taoist messenger, he has such a rare thing in his hand... I see that this thing is made from the remains of the Fierce Ghost Realm, and it can be integrated with the Tao of Time. It is really extraordinary.

The methods of refining underworld weapons in the underworld are infinitely superior to those in the human world.

Lu Xiu's words were purely flattering.

She herself can produce a ghost weapon that is countless times better than the soul-suppressing tower.

But she wasn't stupid enough to show off in front of a Taoist envoy from Jizo Dojo. ..

After chatting with Lu Xiu for a few words, Han Yang began to collect the loot.

In addition to Lu Xingfeng's fifth-grade underworld sword, the fifth-grade underworld spear used by Zuo Qianyun and the sixth-grade underworld sword from Empress Shi Ji were also collected by Han Yang.

It's a pity that the ghost body is the transformation of three souls and seven souls, and is not a real body.

After the ghost dies, its three souls and seven souls disperse, and its body turns into dust.

Otherwise, Han Yang can enter the realm of three lords, with the corpses of hundreds of ghost generals, so that Xiao Jiuer no longer has to worry about death.


What a shame.

Even so, Han Yang gained a lot from this trip to the underworld.

The two ghost generals Lu Xiu and Hong Jingling turned a blind eye to Han Yang's move to collect the loot.

Daozi envoys are openly corrupt, what do they dare to say?

You can only pretend you didn’t see it.

After cleaning the battlefield, Han Yang and Lu Xiu separated and left with Hei Mo and others.

It wasn't until Han Yang and his party disappeared that the two handsome ghosts said excitedly: This time we are leaning against Nianhua Daozi's golden thighs. It's hard not to be prosperous.

Lu Xiu also had a smile on his face: Taozi Nianhua is not just a Taoist. If he successfully picks the flower of the other shore, he will definitely become one of the Buddhist disciples of Ksitigarbha Dojo! We have set up the line in advance, and there will definitely be benefits.

The handsome ghosts nodded excitedly.

Return to the Red Mirror Territory! The Zuo clan's envoy is coming, and the Thousand Mirror Territory will soon become a place of right and wrong. We cannot stay here for long!

Lu Xiu also left with others.

The human world, the sea of ​​chaos, and the phoenix world.

More and more members of the Anti-Tian Society gathered outside the Phoenix Realm.

The battle between the Anti-Tianhui and Han Yang has become a life and death battle!

If Han Yang cannot be defeated, the Anti-Tian Society may be destroyed.

All the Anzi of the Anti-Tian Society who were summoned came to Feng Realm at the risk of being exposed.

In just a few days, the number of Anti-Tianhui Heavenly Officials gathered outside Fengjie has reached as many as 220!

Nearly 90% of the members of the Anti-Heaven Society gathered in Fengjie!


The Phoenix Realm Anti-Heaven Society will once again welcome a strong man!

The fifth venerable member of the Anti-Tian Society, the Mad King!

The Mad King can be said to be famous in the Anti-Tian Society.

The combat power is second only to Yuan Ming, the previous world lord of the Yuan world, and Zhen, the mainstream of the previous world in the Zhen world, who can be regarded as the third member of the Chaos Sea lineage in the Anti-Heaven Society!

Now that the whereabouts of the Yuanming Realm Lord are unknown and he is suspected to have been killed, the Mad King is vaguely looking to become the second person.

Almost all the Heavenly Officials of the Anti-Tianhui met outside the Feng Realm.


Amid the thunder, black air billowed.

A huge black airship suddenly appeared in the void.

It is the Mad King's vehicle.

The hanging hearts of the heavenly officials were finally relieved.

Han Yang's record was so horrific that even the Yuanming Realm Lord was suspected of dying at Han Yang's hands.

This made the heavenly officials fearful. Even if more than two hundred people gathered together, they did not dare to take it lightly.

With a strong man like Mad King sitting in charge, he could barely make them feel at ease.

The appearance of the Mad King at least proves that the Anti-Tian Society still wants to fight Han Yang and has not given up.

Welcome the Mad King!

Welcome to the Fifth Lord!

The heavenly officials all saluted.



Two rays of light flashed.

Two figures actually appeared in the Royal Sky Boat.

This made many heavenly officials startled.

Before they could understand what was happening, more than a dozen figures flew out of the air boat.

After seeing clearly the identity of the visitor, the heavenly officials were all in an uproar.

The Lord of the True Realm!

Second Master!

They all came to the Phoenix Realm together, this...

The final battle actually starts in the Phoenix Realm?

The heavenly officials couldn't believe it.

The person who stands side by side with the fifth venerable Mad King of the Anti-Tian Society, is actually the second venerable member of the Anti-Tian Society, the first person in the Sea of ​​Chaos lineage, and the mainstream of the previous generation of the True World!

And the leader of the dozen or so Tianguan realms behind the two of them is the True Realm Master who is currently ranked first on the Chaos Ranking. How wonderful!

The three powerful men arrived together.

He even led all the Heavenly Officials from the True Realm to arrive, which was far beyond the expectations of the Heavenly Officials present.

I thought that the Heavenly Officials of the True Realm would not give up the True Realm easily.

On the Feng Realm side, there is at most the Black Abyss Realm’s previous realm lord, Mad King, to help out.

Unexpectedly, all the Heavenly Officials from the True Realm came out in full force.

Two generations of realm masters have arrived!

Suddenly, the morale of the Anti-Tian Army was greatly boosted!

Your Majesty, you are victorious!

The true world is victorious!

Countless people raised their arms and shouted, and the crowd was passionate!

Venerable Liu Zhen looked at the more than two hundred Heavenly Officials with a solemn expression.

Ordinary members of the Anti-Tian Society don't know the truth, and they don't even know what happened in the Buddhist world.

But he knew that the third lord had died in the hands of Han Yang's incarnation.

Han Yang is more terrifying than expected!

This is why, after learning about the death of the Third Lord in battle, he immediately sent an order to the True Realm and led everyone to the Phoenix Realm.

We must join forces with all the heavenly officials of the Anti-Heaven Society to kill the incarnation of Han Yang in the Phoenix Realm!

This is the last chance for the Anti-Heaven Society!

Unless Han Yang dies, the Anti-Tian Society will be destroyed!

Everyone, the catastrophe of life and death in the Chaos Sea is approaching. Han Yang, the devil of troubled times, is in the Phoenix Realm. Who is willing to work with me to destroy the devil and save Chaos!

Venerable Liu Zhen spoke loudly.

Under the light of this second lord, even the Lord of the True Realm, the number one person on the contemporary chaos list, is willing to take his wings.

We are willing to go!

Destroy the devil and save Chaos!

The people in Tianguanjing were excited and cheered.

It was as if they were really the saviors who saved the Chaos Sea.

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