Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 410 Even King Wu can’t stop me from killing people

Runes collide with runes.

Energy and energy tear apart.

The final result...the peach blossoms are gone and the green dragon rises.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, the blade of the demon sword went straight to the young man's eyebrows.

Youth is strong!

A Martial King who was so strong that he could defeat King Yaksha reversibly.

But Han Yang is stronger.

The two meridians of Ren and Du are connected, twenty-one acupoints are roaring, and the energy of the stars is boiling.

Even without using the beauty technique, Han Yang can now kill King Yaksha with a sword, not to mention that he has activated beauty one step ahead of time.


The sword in the young man's hand shattered into pieces, and the tip of the sword had reached an inch away from his eyebrows.


A buzz sounded.

Two slender fingers clamped Han Yang's Hundred Wars Sword.


The third-level Martial King spoke slowly and said indifferently: You are extraordinary. The Ninth Saint Son is no match for you. This competition can be over.

Looking at the blade close at hand, the young man's eyes were full of ferocity and malice.

Since his debut, he has never been defeated by someone of the same level outside the imperial level, let alone Han Yang's cultivation level, which is only at the third level of Yuan Dan.

Being defeated by such a low-born warrior whose cultivation was far inferior to his own, the unwillingness and unruly feeling in his heart made his eyes scarlet red and his body full of resentment.

The third-level Martial King on the side gave the young man a cold look and scolded: I am impetuous and arrogant. This is why you can only be ranked ninth among the saints. If you lose today, if you If you can learn a lesson, you will have the opportunity to reach a higher level in the future!”

The young man clenched his fists tightly and said nothing, but the unwilling anger on his face was still undisguised.

The third-level Martial King sneered and said: It's just that he was defeated at the hands of a wild genius. This kind of person has limited talents and even more limited resources. If you look back in a few years, you will find that he is simply insurmountable. The height you already have.”

The young man nodded with enlightenment, the evil spirit around him disappeared, and his face gradually returned to calm.


Seeing that the old man and the young man actually treated this battle as a conversation like a coaching match, Han Yang suddenly burst into laughter.

The young man gritted his teeth and glared angrily: Why are you laughing! I will bear the humiliation today...

Before he finished his sentence, he heard Han Yang say with a smile: The words are well said and very educational, but it's a pity...he doesn't have a few years left!

Before he finished speaking, the demonic sword Bai Zhan buzzed and trembled, and all the creatures escaped from the fingers of the third-level Martial King.

The crackling sound battle body is activated!

The warrior body of the brake girl is activated!

Deification, turn on!


The three-headed and six-armed shadow of the God of War in his previous life instantly merged into one with Han Yang.

During the Hundred Battles of the Demon Sword, bloody light bloomed.

The Four Symbols Curse Seal Knife, the Azure Dragon is broken!

The green dragon roared, opened its teeth and claws, and tore open the two fingers of the third-order Martial King.


With a pop, the tip of the knife was nailed between the young man's eyebrows.

And then...through!

It sprang out directly from the back of the head, bringing with it a shower of blood and brain matter.

The ninth holy son of Peach Blossom Island is dead!

There was dead silence between heaven and earth. There were nearly ten thousand people watching, but no one dared to make a sound.

In front of the mausoleum, you can hear a needle drop.

Han Yang actually forcibly killed the Ninth Saint of Peach Blossom Island with a single blow in front of everyone when a third-level Martial King tried to stop him.

This domineering and courageous?

The nearly ten thousand wild desperadoes were all too shocked to say a word. Their throats felt as if they had swallowed coals of fire, and flames were exploding in their chests.

Wild genius?

That third-level Martial King described Han Yang in a tone of scolding a chicken or a dog. Isn't that a humiliation to all of them?

Ten holy sects and six dynasties.

He has always been aloof and arrogant, treating everyone in the world like a stupid dog!

Today, Han Yang ignored the face of the third-level Martial King and killed the ninth holy son of Peach Blossom Island. It was like a flame that burned everyone's souls.

Make them explode.


Mr. Han, just let those blind people see that we, the lower Liba people, also have the confidence to win against the odds.

Master Han, we will definitely win.


It was clear that before half a stick of incense, they were still tit-for-tat enemies.

Apparently nearly a thousand people died directly at the hands of Han Yang.

But at this moment, everyone was cheering for Han Yang.

Kill well, kill wonderfully, and kill like a croak.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock…

The blood on the fingers of the third-level Martial King on Peach Blossom Island splashed to the ground, and his voice sounded like pearls and jade, clearly audible.

He stared blankly at the Ninth Holy Son who was held on the tip of a knife by Han Yang, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.


The Ninth Son is dead?

He clamped Han Yang's knife, but still couldn't prevent the Ninth Holy Son from being killed!

The third-level Martial King of Peach Blossom Island felt like his head was buzzing and his chest almost exploded.

Han Yang, you... deserve death!

Amidst the furious roar, the triple king realm force field spread out overwhelmingly, crushing Han Yang.


Han Yang stepped on the magical cloud steps in the sky, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already out of the range of power.

Shaking away the brains and blood from hundreds of battles with the magic sword, Han Yang said calmly: If you want to take action, you must be prepared to die. Could it be that I lost this one, so will you forgive me?

Boom boom boom!

The bluestone and soil at the feet of the third-level Martial King flew, shattered, and turned into dust under the torn apart King Realm force field.

The furious third-level Martial King has become a weapon to obliterate everything.

The terrifying aura expanded to a hundred feet away, causing the onlookers' wild warriors to panic and start to retreat.

There were people who couldn't escape and were directly shocked by the terrifying murderous intention and turned into idiots.



At this moment, the third-level Martial King of Peach Blossom Island had scarlet eyes and had only one thought: kill Han Yang.

As the protector of the Ninth Holy Son, he allowed him to be killed in front of his eyes.

This is a heinous crime on Peach Blossom Island.

Even if he is a third-level Martial King, he will be executed after returning.

Han Yang's sword not only took away the life of the Ninth Holy Son, but also cut off his future.

You bastard, just die!

This man was extremely furious, his King Realm force field was boiling, and his peach blossoms were flying. He was ready to kill Han Yang at all costs and avenge the Ninth Holy Son.


At this moment, there was a loud shout.

Five figures appeared in front of the mausoleum.

At the same moment, the five king-level force fields unfolded, colliding and tearing against each other with the king-level force field of the third-order Martial King on Peach Blossom Island.

The five figures that appeared were clearly the five Martial Kings!

However, they are only one second-order Martial King and four first-order Martial Kings, and cannot compete with the master of Peach Blossom Island.


The five force fields exploded at the same time, and the five people groaned, and their faces turned pale.

The leader, a middle-aged warrior, shouted angrily: You, Peach Blossom Island, dare to send a third-level martial king into the wild land. Do you want to start a war with my wild temple?

The person who came was none other than the left hall master of the Tianhuang Territory Desolate Temple, as well as four kings and generals.

The five people thought that capturing Han Yang was just a trivial matter. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the secret realm, they saw the scene where the third-level Martial King was about to take action against Han Yang.

There are countless treasures in the ring in Han Yang's hand.

And he himself has an astonishing secret.

How could they allow Han Yang to fall into the hands of the Martial King of Peach Blossom Island.

Seeing someone interfering, the man from Taohua Island had scarlet eyes and his body was covered with murderous intent. He shouted in a ferocious voice: This bastard is killing me, the Ninth Holy Son of Taohua Island. You, the God of Desolation, are really going to brazenly stop me. My revenge?

The Ninth Holy Son of Peach Blossom Island?

The master of the left hall was startled at first, then sneered disdainfully: Are you kidding? How could the dignified holy son of the Holy Sect die at the hands of Han Yang!

He thought this was an excuse deliberately made up by Taohua Island after he was caught in the act.


How could the Holy Son, who had the ability to defeat the King of Martial Arts, be defeated by a third-level Yuan Dan?

The master of the left hall subconsciously looked at the corpse at Han Yang's feet with a blade piercing the head.


His pupils shrank suddenly, and his body couldn't help but tremble crazily.

With this outfit and the aura that has not completely faded away, there is no doubt that what the other party said is the truth.

The Ninth Holy Son!

It was really the corpse of the Ninth Holy Son.

Such a great saint son actually... fell in the wilderness, in the hands of Han Yang, who was at the third level of Yuan Dan?

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