Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 411 Believe me he can win

Big trouble.

When he saw the body of the Ninth Holy Son of Peach Blossom Island, the Master of the Left Hall realized that what happened today could not be rectified.

If the Ninth Holy Son had not died, even if he was seriously injured, they could have carried out the Desolate Temple, carried out King Bai Sheng, and forced the Martial King back from Peach Blossom Island.

But now, the Ninth Holy Son is beyond death, and the powerful Martial King in front of him is obviously about to go crazy.

It is almost an impossible task to take Han Yang away.

The master of the left hall secretly gestured to the Great Black King to inform the master of the hall immediately, while looking at the man from Peach Blossom Island in confusion.

After all, this old man was a third-level Martial King, or a third-level Martial King born from the Holy Sect. How could he watch the Ninth Holy Son being killed in front of his eyes?

Such a waste?


As soon as the Master of the Left Hall said a word, he lost his voice in horror and took a step back in a state of disbelief.

He saw the other person's two bloody fingers.


A third-level Martial King was actually injured in the Bone Secret Realm.

Who can hurt the third-level Martial King?

Could it be...Han Yang? !

However, Han Yang's combat power was just barely enough to defeat King Yaksha. How could he injure a third-level Martial King?

You...who were you hurt by?

After thinking about it for a while, Hall Master Zuo couldn't hold it back and asked in an incredible tone.

Upon hearing this, the face of the third-level Martial King of Peach Blossom Island turned dark instantly.


Who else could it be?

Asking knowingly.

Are you deliberately slapping yourself in the face?


Seeing the extremely ugly expression on King Wu of Peach Blossom Island, Hall Master Zuo finally took a breath of air.

It’s really Han Yang!

This Han Yang killed the Ninth Holy Son of Peach Blossom Island in front of the third-level Martial King?

If this is really the case, the Desolate Temple must re-evaluate Han Yang's combat power.

Even he couldn't kill his protector in front of the third-level Martial King.


King Wu of Peach Blossom Island looked at the Master Zuo with a ferocious expression, Do you still want to stop me from killing people?

The master of the left hall was silent.

He couldn't stop it, couldn't stop it.

According to the rules of the Holy Sect, if the Ninth Holy Son dies, this person as the protector will also die!

Wouldn't it be a joke to mention the covenant between King Yum and the Ten Holy Sects with a dying person?

You can kill him, but the Najie in his hand must belong to my Wilderness Temple.

In the end, the Zuo Hall Master had no choice but to compromise.

Those who cannot get Han Yang must get the Shenxu treasure in his Najie.

King Wu of Peach Blossom Island flatly refused, No!

Although the Ninth Holy Son died, the protector must die, but if he could bring back the treasure in Han Yang Najie, maybe... he could be exempted from the death penalty.

An entire Najie treasure elixir is enough to cultivate several or even dozens of martial kings.


The left hall master's teeth were almost broken, and he said sternly: Half! The treasure in the Najie must be divided into half among us. Otherwise, even if you kill Han Yang today and get the Najie, you will never be able to leave the wilderness alive.

Each of the thirty-six realms of the Wilderness has a third-level Martial King sitting in command.

Not to mention, there are the Barbarian King and the Desolate King above the third level!

Even if King Yum doesn't take action himself, a mere third-level Martial King will not be able to leave the wilderness alive.

After pondering for a moment, King Wu of Peach Blossom Island slowly nodded: Yes! But I must take Han Yang's body away...

Just as the left hall master was about to speak, he heard a burst of laughter from the side.

Hahaha... I mean, you guys... I'm not even dead yet, and you're starting to discuss how to divide my treasure, and you even want to fight for my body?

Han Yang moved his sword forward, pointed at all the Martial Kings, and said with a smile: Want to kill me? Have you asked me if I have a sword?

This is a very domineering sentence.

But at this time, in the eyes of the nearly ten thousand warriors from the wild land around them, there was a strong sense of sadness.

A deputy hall master from the Desolate Temple in the Tianhuang Territory arrived, and together with the four kings and generals, they became the five Martial Kings.

Not to mention, there was the even more powerful Martial King of Peach Blossom Island, who wanted to kill Han Yang and then quickly. No matter how strong Han Yang was, how could he possibly survive?

The more domineering his words are now, the more desolate he makes everyone feel.

A hero's end, that's all.

It is really disappointing that a person who can kill the second-level Martial King at the third level of Yuan Dan should die here.

Ji Xiangtian broke into a cold sweat.

At this time, she didn't have much hope that Han Yang would survive.

Six Martial Kings.

Not to mention that Han Yang was only in the Yuan Dan realm, but he was a third-level Martial King. Facing this scene, he was afraid that he would die of hatred.

At this moment, a delicate hand pressed on her shoulder, making her tremble.

Don't worry, he can win!

The aroma of alcohol hit his nostrils, making Ji Xiangtian realize who the visitor was.

Drunk cat Li Xuanyu!

That's the third level Martial King!

Ji Xiangtian almost shouted in anger.

I don't know since when, she has forgotten the way of the heavens, forgotten her identity of the eighteen heavens, and regarded herself as Han Yang's person.

She didn't want anything to happen to Han Yang.

Even though... Han Yang always likes to play with her and make her brain collapse.

Li Xuanyu leaned on Ji Xiangtian, his eyes were drunk, but he said firmly: He will not die.

The same words were said, this time with a firmer tone.

There seems to be a kind of fanatical worship involved.


Ji Xiangtian turned around and was about to say a few words of sarcasm subconsciously, but suddenly he felt a familiar yet unfamiliar wave... the soul!

You, you, you...are you condensing your heavenly soul?!

Her eyes widened, as if she had seen the most incredible thing.

This little drunkard just took a nap, how could he start to gather his heavenly soul and step into the realm of the King of Martial Arts?

God is too unfair to me.

It's not condensation, it's just...revival.

Li Xuanyu said in a calm tone: I used to be the Martial King, but my three souls were scattered and I fell to the bone forging realm...

Ji Xiangtian opened his mouth in shock.

Was he a King of Martial Arts?

How old was Li Xuanyu when he joined Yuanmen?

Like, thirteen years old?

Thirteen-year-old King Wu?

Li Xuanyu didn't explain anything to her. There was a special sparkle in her eyes, and she looked at the hot man standing in front of the six Martial Kings with burning eyes.

Believe me, he won't die.

After having her three souls scattered, she thought she would never be able to become the King of Martial Arts again in this life.

As a result, Han Yang taught her a set of healing techniques, which allowed her three scattered souls to gradually revive.

How could this man be so miraculous and unbelievable that he was defeated at the hands of a few first-, second-, and third-level little martial kings?

Even if it is six statues, so what.

He can win!

The six martial kings from Peach Blossom Island and the Desolate Temple all looked at Han Yang, who was standing with a sword.


A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the third-level Martial King, like a demon in the middle of the night. He grinned ferociously, revealing his white teeth, Now, no one objects to me killing him, right?

Han Yang's words were provoking everyone.

How could the King of Martial be humiliated by his juniors?

Han Yang must die!

The master of the left hall took a deep look at Han Yang, and finally said: Be careful, don't beat the body to pieces, we... are half a family!

make a deal!

After spitting out the last two words, the figure of the old man on Peach Blossom Island suddenly disappeared.

The triple king realm force field instantly descended on Han Yang's body.

The terrifying pressure even shattered the bluestone and soil under Han Yang's feet into smoke.


He punched out, and countless peach blossoms, with a fatal threat of coquettish beauty, crushed towards Han Yang...

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