Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 431 Ten Heavenly Martial King Sixth Level


The four kings will flee in four directions without hesitation.

Can't fight!

The Holy Son of Jinyang Valley, who was clearly more powerful than them, was directly killed by Han Yang.

They are just first-order Martial Kings, what the hell!

Whether you can escape or not depends on luck.

Want to leave? It's not that easy!

When the master returned, Ji Xiangtian became arrogant again.

Lotus seal!

Auspicious seal!

The two seals fired at the same time, actually trapping the four kings and generals, even though it was only for a short moment.


Xiao Jiuer roared and rushed towards the two old opponents.

Peach Red Slash!

Li Xuanyu controlled the petal peach blossoms and also struggled endlessly with his opponent.

Ji Xiangtian put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly, Still want to escape? Let's see how my aunt will deal with you!


Han Yang silently took back the knife.

These three women in my family are obviously angry, so I still don't want to grab monsters.

The four kings had no intention of fighting, let alone Han Yang who was watching eagerly from the side.

An unstable king general with a broken hand was punched in the head by Xiao Jiuer.

Get rid of one of the two.

The other general was no match for him. He barely managed two moves and was killed by Xiao Jiuer with a few punches.

After killing two kings in a row, Xiao Jiuer raised the corners of his mouth happily, picked up the candied haws, and while licking it, he walked to Han Yang and held on to Han Yang's shirt.

Not too well-behaved.


The Lord of Purple Gold City swallowed.

There are no weak soldiers under a strong general.

The women around Han Yang are also quite terrifying.


With an auspicious seal, the auspicious sky will kill the frightened opponent.

Ha ha ha ha……

Ji Xiangtian laughed proudly: Auntie, I am also a saint-level being who can defeat King Wu reversibly!

When she was in Zhutian Dao, she never thought that she would have such a glorious day.

After laughing, she saw Xiao Jiu'er following Han Yang cutely, and her expression became serious.

Good guy!

This little girl is clearly a rival for her favor.


She shrunk in size and turned into the lucky version of a Fuwa. She ran to Han Yang's side and imitated Xiao Jiu'er, gnawing on the candied haws and tugging on Han Yang's clothes.


Han Yang's face turned dark, and he flicked Ji Xiangtian backwards.

We are both cute girls, but why is the gap between us so big...

Dang Dang Dang!

Boom boom boom!

Li Xuanyu became more and more courageous as he fought, and gradually began to gain the upper hand.

Unfortunately, after his companions were killed, the general lost his will to fight. He was mostly defensive and rarely launched an attack.


A sword stabbed through the head!

Li Xuanyu sighed regretfully.

Just a little bit.

If this person could go all out to fight her for more than ten rounds, she would probably be able to break through and enter the Martial King realm.

Moreover, it is to awaken three souls, light up three souls, and reach the sixth level in one day!

If we stop now, it will take at least ten more days of hard work to achieve the same effect.

It seems that you guys have gained a lot.

Han Yang smiled and nodded.

Ji Xiangtian covered his forehead and said first: In three days...well, in five days at most, I can break through to the Martial King Realm! With the King Realm force field, I can kill even the second-level Martial King!

A third-level Martial King, a third-level king with one strength, turning the imaginary into reality. She has not yet been able to defeat him.

But the second-level Martial King is by no means a match for the Auspicious Seal and the Lotus Seal.

Han Yang nodded.

Ji Xiangtian, who thought he had the approval of his master, covered his head and hid away having fun.

Li Xuanyu took a sip of ice drunk and said indifferently: Ten days! The sixth level of King Wu!

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Ji Xiangtian's face disappeared instantly.

I...I went to practice!

The battered Ji Xiangtian ran away in a flash.

Hearing the news, Han Yang's smile grew stronger, and he nodded and said, It's just the right time. The powerful men from Tianyan Sect, Daqin, Daxia, and Dachu have all arrived. I guess it's just the right time for the ten disciples of the Holy Sect to arrive. Not far.

The ten holy sects!

Peach Blossom Island!

Li Xuanyu's eyes flashed with coldness, and he looked at Xiao Jiu'er with a stern gaze: Hey, little girl, you play a few tricks with me, and I will give you a new pair of shoes later, how about it?

Xiao Jiuer tilted his head in confusion.

Li Xuanyu pointed to her little feet.

Twitching Bai Shengsheng's toes uneasily, Xiao Jiuer nodded heavily.


With a sword cry, Li Xuanyu's mouth curled up slightly, and he immediately fought with Xiao Jiu'er.


Han Yang turned back and looked at the Lord of Purple Gold City on the side.

I heard nothing...I know what to say and what not to say...

The Lord of Purple Gold City turned green and waved his hands hastily.

Be good.

If people from the six major dynasties and the ten major holy sects knew about this, a sixth-order Martial King would soon appear next to Han Yang, and it would shock the heavens.


How could that girl in white break through to the sixth level of the Martial King in one fell swoop?

Most of the Purple City City Lords don’t believe it.

From the ninth level of Yuan Dan to the sixth level of Martial King, he is not a god in the sky, it is too exaggerated.

Han Yang smiled and then flicked his fingers.


The face of the Purple Gold City Lord froze, and he collapsed to the ground weakly, passing out.

The city lords in the distance did not dare to approach. They all looked frightened, thinking that Han Yang was about to go on a killing spree.

Take him down. One day later, when he wakes up, he will forget what happened today.

Han Yang stepped back to the previous seat and Damajinda sat down.

Those who worshiped him carried the unlucky Lord of Purple Gold City down.

Han Yang squinted his eyes, penetrated Najie with his spiritual consciousness, and carefully examined the beehive of Tianyan Sect.

It takes Sumeru as a mustard seed, one mother and one thousand sons, integrating offense and defense, Pseudo King Realm... nine high-end puppet techniques are used. This kind of Yanshi technique is not weak even in the God Realm. It's just a small world. There is such technology.”

This is not the first time that Han Yang has discovered something is wrong in this small world.

When Yu Kongzhou appeared, he was very surprised.

Later, when I heard that the Shenxu also existed, I thought it was a technology that came from the Shenxu, but the Shenxu turned out to be a Buddhist land, which was obviously not related to the Puppetry Technique and the Sky Control Boat.

These top technologies clearly...have other sources.

Perhaps, only when I stand at the pinnacle of this small world can I get a glimpse of its secrets, right?

Han Yang murmured softly.

Thousands of miles away from Zijin City, Yunhuang City.

An elder from Tianyan Sect rushed into a certain hall in a panic.

Ancestor, something bad is happening!

He knelt down in front of the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect with a pop, and said tremblingly: Lian Yue, the life talisman is broken...


Before he finished speaking, the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect on the main seat crushed the puppet bead in his hand.

What did you say?

The ancestor of Tianyan Sect exuded a terrifying aura, which made the elder unable to lift his head.

Although both are at the ninth level of Yuan Dan, the ancestor is at the level of a warrior, and the latter is just an ordinary ninth level Yuan Dan.

Big beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks, and the elder said tremblingly: Just now, Elder Lianyue killed a saint on Peach Blossom Island with a beehive, causing the beehive to advance to the first level, but then Elder Lianyue But he died, and the hive information was interrupted. It is very likely that he was taken into the ring by someone!

The hive swallows the essence and blood of the warrior, and can evolve to a total of three levels!

The third-level hive can kill the sixth-level Martial King, and its combat power is unparalleled.

A first-level hive can also kill a second- and third-level Martial King.

Now, people died in the battle and the puppet was taken away, which is simply unbelievable.

Han Yang! It must be Han Yang!

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect flashed with hatred in his eyes, and his murderous intent was as real as ever.

A ferocious roar sounded in the hall.

It seems... we need to change our plan and evolve the hive to the third level first!

The words of the Tianyan Sect ancestor meant that the barbaric land would cause a bloody storm.

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