Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 432 After you sing, I will appear on stage

Ancestor! This is a wilderness, you, please don't be impulsive...

The Tianyan Sect elder who was kneeling on the ground panicked and hurriedly tried to persuade him.

The hive is not an ordinary magic weapon, nor is it an ordinary puppet.

Devouring the essence and blood of ordinary warriors will not allow them to advance at all. Only the essence and blood of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter level or the King of Martial Arts will be effective.

What's even more frightening is that when the hive advances to the first level, it may only need the blood essence of a saint son or saint girl.

The second level requires four!

The third level requires as many as eight people.

There are only so many saints, saints or martial kings in the wilderness. If they kill more than ten people in succession, wouldn't it cause a big mess?

If outsiders knew that it was Tian Yanzong who had done this secretly, Yanzong would replace Han Yang and become the target of public criticism that day.

Even if they could successfully leave the wilderness, they would not be able to escape the disaster of annihilating their clan.

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect flashed a ferocious look in his eyes, and said coldly: So what if the whole world is an enemy! As long as we can seize the resources in Han Yang Najie and let our Tianyan Sect give birth to a martial king, we will be the six great dynasties. , even if the ten great holy sects punish you, I, the Tianyan Sect, will not be afraid!

Tianyan Sect has king-level puppets.

Moreover, it is a king-level puppet that can fight against the ninth-level Martial King.

What is missing is just a Martial King who can control a king-level puppet.

The elder swallowed hard.

It was obvious that Elder Lian Yue's death had greatly stimulated this ancestor.

Bloodbath in the wilderness?

This time Tianyan Sect is afraid that it will cause a big mess.

I've made up my mind, no need to say more.

The figure of the Tianyan Sect ancestor disappeared in a flash.

The elder opened his mouth in confusion, and after a long time he murmured in a solemn voice: Cang Wuzi, Cang Wuzi, you have crazy thoughts and go on a killing spree, not to bring Tianyan Sect to the top, but to push Tianyan Sect down to the top. Go to hell...

Zijinsou's Mansion.

The sun rises and the sky becomes bright.

Zijinsou's alchemy practice officially entered its second day.

A lot of earth-level elixirs have been refined one after another. After Li Xuanyu and Ji Xiangtian swallowed the elixirs, they began to practice in seclusion.

Xiao Jiuer continued to swallow the corpse energy on the evil Buddha's body. She was not far from a breakthrough.

Han Yang was still sitting at the front door of the mansion.

On the table in front of you are good wine and delicious food.

Han Yang is definitely the first person in a thousand years to be on the blood list of the wild land and to be treated like this by people from the big wild city.

Not to mention, this wild land is open to all kinds of rivers, and there are people from all over the world. The food has the strengths of hundreds of schools, and it tastes really good.

Han Yang has long since gone without food, but food is tempting, so you still have to enjoy it.

Someone from the city lord's palace was offering a glass of wine to Han Yangman with a smile on his face.

Han Yang's nose twitched and he said in surprise: What kind of wine is this? It's actually only slightly worse than Han Bing Zui.

After being praised by Han Yang, the smile on the worshiper's face became more sincere and he introduced: This is the Baihua Wine that has been passed down by my Liu family for many years. It is famous all over the world. Compared with the Peach Blossom Wine from Peach Blossom Island, it is only slightly inferior.

Han Yang took a sip, nodded and said with a smile: The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a treasure. You fled to the wilderness, probably because of this Baihua Brew, right?

The worshiper's expression suddenly froze.

The Liu family was exterminated for no reason, and he couldn't understand why.

Now, after being exposed by Han Yang's words, he suddenly realized, and blood surged into his chest, making his entire face turn pale in an instant.

Han Yang put down his chopsticks and said calmly: It's a coincidence. Maybe I can find the big enemy of the family for you...

Liu Gongfeng looked at Han Yang in confusion.

But Han Yang's figure flickered and suddenly disappeared.


Hundreds of feet away, a tall building suddenly exploded.

Two figures shot out from it.

You just released the scent of random medicine and destroyed Zijinsou's refining of heaven-level elixirs. You are so bold!

Han Yang took action with anger and slashed him with a knife.

A huge cauldron suddenly rose up and hit the sword.

The sword energy shattered.

The cauldron spun back, and the two figures fled into the distance without even looking back.

It was obvious that he was repeating his old tricks to lure Han Yang away from Zijinsou's mansion.


Han Yang snorted angrily and turned on the status instantly.


Cracking sound!

Sha girl!


After the four major states are activated, gods and demons come to the world!


Han Yang slashed out again.

Four Symbols Cursed Seal Saber, Four Gods Slash!

Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu!

The four divine beasts entangled and roared, slashing down towards the two people in the air.

The two figures separated, one continued to escape, and the other released the furnace, trying to stop Han Yang again.

But this time, he failed.


The furnace tripod was cut into two pieces with one knife.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief. Before he could speak, the green dragon roared, the white tiger roared, and Xuanwu roared.

Three divine beasts hit his chest.

All defenses were torn apart, and his body was torn into countless pieces by the three divine beasts.

Eighth Senior Brother!

The woman who ran away let out a shrill wail.


Suzaku neighs!

With the brilliance of the flame rune, he also caught up with the woman.


It has a strong medicinal fragrance that disperses into the void.

A pill exploded, blocking the blow for the woman. The woman with scarlet eyes wanted to continue running away.

Get down here!

Han Yang drove the flying sword in front of him, and then kicked it out.

Just as the woman had time to put her hands on her chest, she was kicked hard to the ground.


Half the city shook.

A two-story building was smashed and collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, the woman's figure jumped out of the ruins, trying to continue her escape.

However, Han Yang followed closely like a ghost.


Slash the woman's neck with a knife!


Another pill exploded, saving the woman's life.

The woman rolled out in embarrassment and looked at Han Yang in shock, How is it possible, you, how can you not be poisoned!

The two elixirs she released earlier were both extremely poisonous elixirs.

Let alone the Yuan Dan realm, even a second-level Martial King can be poisoned to death.

But Han Yang was caught in two waves of alchemy energy one after another, and he was unscathed and showed no signs of poisoning.

Han Yang opened his mouth, sucked in all the Danxiang, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

After Phoenix Mountain and Medicine Master Tian, ​​it had been a long time since he had been fed so well by the enemy with poison.

Are you from Wanyao Pavilion? If you hand over ten of these pills, I will spare your life!

Han Yang had a smile on his face.

It is indeed the first sect among the ten holy sects that is famous for its elixirs.

These two poison pills are almost comparable to ten earth-level elixirs.

Great supplement!

For the sake of tonic, it's okay to spare this woman.

The woman's expression froze, and her eyes became extremely hateful: You...since you can guess that we are from Wanyao Pavilion, how can you dare to kill my eighth senior brother?

Among the ten holy sects, if any disciple is born, he can suppress all directions, which makes people respectful and respectful.

Not to mention these saints and saints.

Each one of them is a noble being who enjoys the treatment of the top martial kings of the six dynasties.

She never thought that someone would dare to kill them after finding out their identities.

Han Yang chuckled disdainfully: Looking at your age, you are still so naive? You, the ten great holy sects, sent your saints and saints into the wilderness to kill me. Do you think I will show mercy and let you go? Can’t you make it?”

The woman who opened her mouth was speechless for a long time.

In fact, in her opinion, if a holy girl like her wants to kill someone, the other person should just wait to be killed.

Han Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense to her and said coldly: Hand over the elixir, or die!

After the shock and resentment, the woman calmed down a lot and sneered: Han Yang! You also know that we just released the fragrance of random medicine. Without my antidote, that Zijinsou would never be able to refine a heaven-level elixir. Medicine, I don’t believe it, you still dare to kill me!”

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