Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 433 If you don’t have money to buy your life, you have to die.

I don't know if this woman from Wanyao Pavilion is really ignorant of the world, or she thinks she has control of Han Yang's lifeline. There is a bit of condescension in her eyes.


Han Yang waved his hand, and the demon sword Baizhan struck fiercely.

Han Yang, how dare you!

The woman screamed and jumped up. It was too late to escape and she could only watch the blade approaching.

Just when she thought she was certain to die, the blade deflected.


The blade of the knife hit her face hard, causing her to stagger.

The delicate face suddenly swelled into a purple color.

The heartbreaking pain made the woman furious.

Han Yang! You...


As soon as the woman opened her mouth, Han Yang drew out another knife with his backhand.

The other side of the face is also swollen.

Now, she didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Haha... those bullshit ten holy sects are not even as good as those two useless princes of Da Chu. They are useless except for being good at using poison.

Han Yang was slightly disappointed.

This woman from Ten Thousand Medicine Pavilion is only as strong as a first-order Martial King.

Compared with other forces, Yuan Dan Ninth Level's counterattack against King Wu is worthy of praise.

But the saintess of one of the ten most powerful sects is actually such a thing. She really doesn't live up to her name.

Shi Ke cannot be killed, please kill me!

The woman holding her neck looked like she was willing to die.

Han Yang's nose twitched and he nodded with satisfaction: Well, this is good, three kinds of mixed poisons, one kind of plant poison... It's powerful enough! It's equivalent to three earth-level elixirs.

This time the woman's eyes showed a trace of despair.

She pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool, secretly releasing four poisons at the same time, but none of them could poison Han Yang.

Are you... born with a poisonous body?

Thinking of a possibility, the woman's expression changed slightly and she hurriedly shouted: The innate poisonous body is very suitable for my Ten Thousand Medicine Pavilion skills. If you can join my Ten Thousand Medicine Pavilion, you will definitely be able to...

Han Yang interrupted her with a sneer, Now the six great dynasties, the ten great saint sects, oh, and the Martial Kings of the Thirty-six Wilderness Regions are all trying to kill me. Can you, the Ten Thousand Medicine Pavilion, protect me?

The woman couldn't help but hesitate.

Protect Han Yang?


Even if Wanyao Pavilion is one of the top ten holy sects, it cannot do it.

Nowadays, the six great dynasties and the ten great sects regard the wilderness as a place for cultivating poisonous insects and regard Han Yang as a whetstone.

Princes, princesses, saints and saints, all sharpening their swords, are all coming here to kill.

No matter how powerful Wanyao Pavilion is, it cannot withstand the pressure of so many Holy Sect dynasties.

Even the always strong King Yum had no choice but to compromise and allow the disciples of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty to wander into the wilderness.

Give you one last chance, hand over the elixir, or die!

Han Yang placed the Baizhan Dao across the woman's neck.

I...I have no more elixirs...

The woman wants to cry but has no tears.

Do you really think that Poison Pill, which is comparable to Earth-level pills, is so easy to refine?

If Wanyao Pavilion was that rich, there would be no need to go into the wilderness to kill Han Yang to stir up this muddy water.

Then what's the use of keeping you...

Han Yang sent his blade forward.

The woman's soul was gone, the Nine-layer Yuan Dan exploded, and runes burst out of her body, trying to kill her with a desperate blow.


Han Yang, who is so beautiful and in a state of deification, can kill even a third-level Martial King, let alone a mere ninth-level Yuan Dan?


The Yuan Dan rune exploded, but the blade still moved forward, wiping across the woman's neck in the desperate eyes.

Destroy flowers with ruthless hands, leaving no trace of mercy.

One hit kill.

When Han Yang packed up his trophies and returned to Zijinsou's residence, all the warriors from Zijin City remained silent and did not even dare to raise their heads in front of him.

All the previous rumors about Han Yang were just rumors after all.

Today, they finally saw with their own eyes that Han Yang's sword killed the holy son and the saint of Wanyao Pavilion without leaving any room for relief.

This person really wants to fight to the death with the ten holy sects.

On a tall building several hundred feet away from Zijinsou's residence, two people stood side by side, taking in the whole process of the previous battle.

Very strong! At least possesses the combat power of a third-level Martial King!

Under the second sequence, he is no match.

Among the two, one was carrying a sword casket and had an elegant temperament, looking more like a scholar than a warrior. The other was shirtless, bald and eyebrowless, nearly ten feet tall, like a hill.

They are the fourth holy son from Tianjian Sect, Jian Yiqiu, and the fourth holy son of Jinyang Valley, Chen Tang.

The so-called second sequence refers to the fourth to sixth among the Sons and Princes.

The battle between Han Yang and the Saint Son of Wanyao Pavilion made them understand that the seventh to tenth Saint Son and Prince had no chance of killing Han Yang.

Moreover, his state is quite strange. He seems to be forcibly suppressing his cultivation to avoid premature breakthrough.

Jian Yiqiu frowned slightly, with a strange look on his face.

After Han Yang became famous, his growth experience was no longer a secret.

In just over a year, reaching the fourth level of Yuan Dan from the bone forging realm is beyond imagination and unbelievable.

In the current state, he is still in a state of suppression?

No matter how strong the talent is, it shouldn't have such a terrifying promotion speed.

Chen Tang grinned, showing his big white teeth: No matter if he is weird or not, just hammer him to death.

If I remember correctly, some people in Jinyang Valley have already died at the hands of Han Yang. Jian Yiqiu said jokingly.

Chen Tang didn't think he was dissatisfied and sneered: So what? That idiot is not good at learning. If I take action, Han Yang will definitely die!

Jian Yiqiu smiled and said nothing, looking at a restaurant a mile ahead.

There, there was a woman sitting on the bed, also looking this way.

Seeing him looking over, the other party actually raised his wine glass to him.

Chen Tang frowned when he saw this scene and said: Is it that female devil from the Tianmo Sect, Wan Qingsi? You'd better not mess with her. It is said that the third prince of the Dayan Dynasty died in the hands of this woman for no apparent reason. .”

Among the ten major sects, there are three major demonic paths based on different techniques.

The Demon Sect is one of the most difficult sects.

The disciples of this demon sect are all women. They are proficient in the art of charm. They are said to be from outside the realm of heavenly demons. They can arouse many evil thoughts in warriors and even make people become possessed.

Even Jin Yanggu is very afraid of the people of Tianmo Sect.

Jian Yiqiu said calmly: I'm not looking at her. Look at the restaurant where she is, in the shadow of the roof on the left.

Chen Tang, who was puzzled, frowned and looked again.

After a moment, his expression changed.

You bastard from Yinlou! He's actually hiding next to Wan Qingsi. Do you want to assassinate Wan Qingsi? He's really crazy.

Hidden building.

The only killer organization among the ten holy sects, it has mysterious origins and mysterious techniques.

He had assassinated more than one high-ranking martial king from the Holy Sect and the dynasty.

They are also the existences that the sect saints like Jian Yiqiu and Chen Tang dislike the most.

If the people of Yinlou take action, it will be useless even if there are guardians around.

By the time the guardian realizes something is wrong, the person may be dead.

In my opinion, the situation in this wild hunting has been chaotic. The Holy Sect dynasties are fighting each other endlessly. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are on the same level. We...

Before Jian Yiqiu could finish his sentence, a jade talisman around his waist shattered, causing his expression to change suddenly.

Picking up the broken jade talisman, there was a plum blossom seal character on it: seven!

Jian Qi is dead? Han Yang didn't move under our noses. Who can kill him in the wilderness?

Chen Tang looked surprised.

Jian Qi, the seventh holy son of the Heavenly Sword Saint Sect, is powerful and once defeated the second-level Martial King.

Now the fate talisman is broken.


Jian Yiqiu was about to speak.


There was another shattering sound, and there was also a life talisman... quietly shattering.

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