The worshipers who were waiting on the side felt their tailbones tingle when they heard Ying Cheng's words.

In half a day, seven great saints died.

And it was framed on Han Yang.

I thought that the thirty-six domain kings' attack on Han Yang was already a big event, but I didn't expect that there would be something even more fierce.

Is this Young Master Han going to fight to the death with the Ten Holy Sects and the Six Great Dynasties? !

Pour the wine!

Just when the worshipers began to worry about Han Yang's situation, they heard Han Yang tap his fingers on the table and say two words calmly.

Enshrining a Ji Ling, he hurriedly put on the wine bowl and poured wine.

After he quickly filled two large bowls, the worshiper looked at Han Yang blankly.

At this time, are you still thinking about drinking?

Han Yang picked up the wine bowl and said with a smile: At this time, someone comes to drink with me. It shows that I am not alone. Come, drink and win!

Yingcheng stared at Han Yang's expression for a long time, and was impressed when he found that he really wasn't worried at all.

Drink victory!

The two raised their wine bowls and drank the wine in one gulp.

Sisu, the fifth princess of Daxia, couldn't help but say: Aren't you afraid that we will poison the wine?

She doesn't understand the friendship between men.

The two are eternal enemies.

Han Yang actually drank the wine brought by Ying Cheng?

Han Yang glanced at Sisu and then at Yingcheng, haha, the two of them grinned in tacit understanding.

Come on, drink and win!

No one answered Sisu's question at all, they just drank one bowl after another.

After four or five bowls, Yingcheng was about to fill it up again, but Han Yang held down the wine jar, waved his hand, and restored the sealing mud.

There's half a jar left. Let's drink it before we fight!

Han Yang's words made Ying Cheng's expression change.

Haha, okay! Tomorrow at this time, I will be at Shili Pavilion outside the city, warming wine and waiting for the hero!

Ying Cheng laughed boldly, carried the wine jar, and returned home happily.

Hey, wait for me.

Sisu looked confused and had no idea what the two men were doing.

She can play with women in the palm of her hand and make the other party want to die, but she can't figure out the man's mind.

It was as if...the two men in front of them had no thoughts at all, they were all the same.

Hundreds of feet away.

Is that the sixth prince of Great Qin? He actually drank with Han Yang across from him. Could he have had something to do with what happened this morning?

Three men and women in python robes stood in the darkness, looking at the front of Zijinsou's courtyard with cold eyes.

No... this person is a martial arts madman, maybe he just has the same temperament.

Hmph! Han Yang may not be the one who killed the seven members of our Imperial Sect, but the disciples of our Imperial Sect died because of him. We have become mortal enemies, and he actually has the same bad taste with Han Yang?

Okay, please stop saying a few words. Xiang Ming, when will the others arrive?

Among the three people, the leader is actually a woman.

Judging from the clothes, they should be from Dayan.

After the death of the third prince of Dayan, Liu Youzi, the former fourth prince of Dayan, who took over his position, once rebelled against the third-level Martial King and had extraordinary strength.

A stick of incense!

Xiang Ming's eyes flashed coldly, and he said solemnly: In one more moment, there will be nine saints, sons, saints, and six princes and princesses! Fifteen people will join forces to kill Han Yang!

Another man, Song Zhan, the fourth prince of the Dali Dynasty, said coldly: How many people are in the first group? Han Yang's strength can even kill my three emperor brothers. It is useless for me to wait for the second and third groups. Come up It’s also a way to die!”

Xiang Ming snorted coldly, obviously too lazy to answer.

If Han Yang hadn't killed the two princes who went to contact him out of ignorance, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these barbarians in Dali!

Although the six dynasties had equal status, Da Chu, Da Qin, Da Xia, and Dayan regarded themselves as orthodox. They called Da Li Beili and Da Shang as Nan Shang, and regarded them as barbarians.

There was a worried look in Liu Youzi's eyes.

The six great dynasties and the ten great sects were at odds with each other and were completely in disarray.

Can these people really join forces to kill Han Yang?

In the morning, the seven Saint Sons were killed, causing a huge sensation, but such losses were obviously not enough for the Imperial Dynasty and the people of the Holy Sect to work together.

Joining forces may only be in name only.


There was a slight vibration in the corner, undetectable.

Neither Xiang Ming nor Song Zhan noticed it, only Liu Youzi touched the sword hilt with his finger.

It's me, Third Princess, don't rush to take action...

The voices of the Seventh Holy Son of Yinlou came from the darkness.

Qiyin? What are you doing here? Didn't your Yinlou say you disdain working with us to do this? Liu You's purple eyebrows were raised, and his tone was cold.

All the holy sects and dynasties have no good impressions of Yinlou.

Xiang Ming and Song Zhan were like hedgehogs with exploded fur, they drew their weapons one after another, facing Qi Yin one on the left and the other on the right.

These killers in the hidden building have turned their backs and refused to recognize anyone. No one knows whether they will suddenly take action against them.

Qiyin chuckled and said: I just came here to remind you that tonight, it seems that you are not the only ones who want to take action.

Liu You's beautiful purple eyes moved, and she said thoughtfully: Barbaric?

Qiyin clicked his tongue in admiration and said, Just now, I discovered that there are thirty-nine martial kings in the thirteen wild regions, lurking not far from here...

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience was shocked.

On a tall building ten miles away from Zijinsou's residence.

Thirty-nine Martial Kings were hidden in the night, silently.

Thirteen realms, thirteen third-level Martial Kings, and twenty-six second-level Martial Kings, like ghosts, restrained their voices.

The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful with the candle...



At the second watch, the gong sounded, and these statue-like Martial Kings seemed to wake up at the same time, releasing an extremely powerful and amazing momentum.

Are you all aware of tonight's mission?

The first third-level Martial King spoke.

This person is the Shahuang King from the Shahuang Territory. Among the thirteen third-level Martial Kings, he is the weakest and the youngest.

Don't worry, we won't be impulsive.

No. 1 in destroying alchemy. If there is a chance, I will surround and kill Han Yang. If there is no chance, I will look for another chance next time.

Shahuang, don't worry about it, Luo Li, we are already very old...

King Shahuang sighed.

I curse in my heart, just because you are older, I am worried!

The third-level Martial King in the wild land is either a madman or a pervert, almost no normal person.

Tonight was just to destroy the alchemy and keep Han Yang, but King Shahuang felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.

It stands to reason that two fists are no match for four legs, but these lunatics might do bad things.

After sighing heavily, King Shahuang touched the center of his eyebrows and muttered silently: Bless the God of the Wilderness, don't let these madmen do anything...

Before the prayer was finished, four third-level Martial Kings were seen rising from the sky and flying majestically towards Zijinsou's house.

I'm... rough!

King Shahuang cursed the eight generations of ancestors of these four people in his heart, suppressed his anger, and roared: Everyone, disperse the attack and blow up the alchemy room for me.

The remaining thirty or so Martial Kings flew away in the air, piercing the night sky, and rushed towards Zijinsou's house.

The king's realm broke through the sky, and the sound was like thunder.

Zijin City in the night was awakened by sounds one after another in the air.

Countless warriors looked into the void in shock.

Under the moonlight, thirty-nine martial kings are majestic and soaring to the sky.

In particular, the thirteen third-level Martial Kings showed the domineering power of the lord of a wild land.

Kill Han Yang!

Kill Han Yang and change the blood list!


Half of the Purple Gold City was roaring to the sky at this moment...

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