Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 436 One sword conquers all directions

When Han Yang killed King Wu of the Dynasty in the Secret Realm of Bones, everyone in the wilderness admired him.

This impression was completely changed when Han Yang killed the fourteen Martial Kings of the Wild Temple outside Zijin City.

By slaughtering two major temples in a row, he has obviously become a thorn in most people's eyes and flesh.

At this time, thirty-nine martial kings arrived, and everyone cheered.

Everyone is looking forward to Han Yang's end.

The faces of the worshipers and guards outside the courtyard where Zijinsou was located turned pale, and each of them stared blankly at the thirty-nine martial kings coming from the sky.

Disaster is coming!

Thirty-nine Martial Kings could blow up the entire Zijin City.

This house will surely turn into a river of blood.

It's none of our business, we are all forced by the city lord!


Many Yuan Dan realm enshrined and Qi gathering realm guards dropped their weapons in a hurry and ran away with their heads in their hands.

When the four leading Martial Kings saw this, they snorted disdainfully: You deserve to die for helping the tyrants to commit evil!


A round of Lunwang realm force fields fell, and all these warriors were crushed into pulp.

Everyone under the king's realm is an ant!

Except for saint-level geniuses, no one can resist the power of King Wu's force field.

Hundreds of warriors who fled died in the first wave of massacre.

Some of the warriors who had not fled randomly looked at each other, and at the same time they felt happy in their hearts, they discovered that the target being surrounded and killed by the thirty-nine martial kings... Han Yang, still sitting in front of the courtyard gate, gently dropped his son.

Under the moonlight, the figure dressed in white looks relaxed and comfortable.

There was even a faint blush on his face after drinking wine, and his whole body exuded an idyllic and leisurely style.


Everyone was speechless.

This friend, they come here with murderous intent, all to cause trouble for you, don't you worry at all?

Han Yang! You are so brave, you don't take us seriously anymore.

Hmph, tonight is the day you die!

Several third-level Martial Kings were so angry at what they saw in front of them that they shouted angrily and took action against Han Yang without hesitation.

The other third-level Martial Kings also rushed forward with roars, completely forgetting their previous plans.


King Shahuang had the urge to scold his mother, and hurriedly sent a message: All deputy palace masters, slaughter the Zijin Mansion for me!

Among the third-level Martial Kings, he was the only one who had not forgotten the plan he had made in advance.

The twenty-six second-level Martial King deputy palace masters were ordered to respond and were preparing to disperse from all directions to attack the courtyard where Zijinsou was, when they suddenly saw a bright sword light up.

The Four Symbols Curse Seal Knife.

White tiger kills.

King Wu’s Curse Seal!

The sword light filled the sky, like a white cloud, covering the entire courtyard.

Zheng! Zheng!

The sound of the trembling blade sounded in the ears of every Martial King.

All the martial kings in the Savage Temple looked at the shining sword light in the sky in shock, with horror in their eyes.

How many yuandan runes are needed for a sword light of this scale?

Even if thousands of Yuandan Nine Levels were added together, the number of all the runes would be no more than this.

This Yuandan realm boy actually wants to protect the entire courtyard with one person?

Boom boom boom!

The sky was filled with sword light, overwhelming the sky and the earth, blasting towards the thirty-nine Martial Kings.

Halfway through, he collided violently with circles of King Realm force fields.

Bang bang bang!

Click! Click!

The sound of the force field cracking came and went one after another, and howls were heard everywhere.

The sword light that filled the sky turned into a white tiger, roaring and whizzing past all the Martial Kings.

When the endless sword light dissipated, Han Yang's figure appeared in front of everyone.

His height swelled to two meters, and behind him was a shadowy figure of the God of War with three heads and six arms.

Her long fiery red hair fluttered in the wind.

The violent and majestic aura was as if a god was alive.

The sword light disappeared and the screams disappeared.

King Shahuang glanced around, his face was livid, and his teeth were clenching.

Just one knife!

Han Yang then killed more than a dozen second-level Martial Kings.

Even the third-level Martial King, two people suffered serious injuries.

Thirty-nine Martial Kings came with great momentum, but now they haven't fired a single move, and only about twenty people are left.

This result simply shocked everyone present.

Even the four most insane Level 3 Martial Kings among them were all retreating in confusion at this moment, not daring to move forward rashly.

In just the past few days, Han Yang's power seemed to have increased, beyond everyone's imagination.

In the distance, in the gloomy darkness.

Liu Youzi's eyes were dull, and her delicate body trembled slightly as she looked at Han Yang, who was standing with a knife like a demon.

Killing more than a dozen second-level Martial Kings with one sword?

Even the First Prince and the First Holy Son cannot do it!

The princes and saints of the second and even third order were completely vulnerable in front of Han Yang.

If Xiang Ming and Song Zhan had charged forward just now, their fate would not have been much better than those of the second-level Martial Kings from the Savage Temple.

He...his total amount of runes has reached such a terrifying level!

Qiyin's expression was dull, and the afterglow of the waving sword light in the sky still remained in his eyes.

In the ordinary Yuan Dan realm, runes are like streams that can stretch endlessly.

A genius at the level of a saint, his runes are like the Yangtze River and can sweep across all directions.

But Han Yang... the runes are like a vast sea, almost endless.

Han Yang's sword simply used the number of Yuan Dan runes to kill those second-level Martial Kings.


There was a sound of teeth chattering nearby.

It's Xiang Ming and Song Zhan.

The two never thought that they were so close to death.

If Qi Yin hadn't reported the news and the Wild Martial Kings had taken action first, they might have been the ones who died just now!

So what about the Holy Son and Prince!

Facing Han Yang's knife, they were all idiots.

Are we... still going to take action?

Xiang Ming asked with a trembling voice.

He has already begun to think about quitting.

Who dares to be an enemy of such a monster?

Faced with this question, Liu Youzi clutched the hilt of her sword tightly and could not utter a word.

It's hundreds of feet away from here.

The twelve saint-level geniuses from the six dynasties and the ten holy sects all looked at the sword strike just now in shock.

Brother Ying, how about it? The three of us join forces, are we sure?

A young man wearing a peach blossom robe asked in a low voice.

This person is the third holy son of Peach Blossom Island, Yu Zuoyang!

And the brother Ying he talks about is the second prince of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Wujiu!

Ying Wujiu held the golden bow tightly behind his back and said nothing.

He once shot and killed four third-level martial kings and thirteen second-level martial kings with the Yingshi Moon Bow. His confidence was not weaker than that of any warrior of the same level.

But at this time, faced with Yu Zuoyang's inquiry, he was unable to answer.

Another first-sequence member, Mu Xuanjiang, the third saint son of Zhujian Villa, said coldly: I'm afraid you may have gone astray... Han Yang's sword is indeed very strong, but how many more cuts do you think he can make? knife?

As soon as these words came out, the gloomy atmosphere suddenly changed.

indeed so!

The Qi of the Qi Gathering Realm and the runes of the Yuan Dan Realm are not endless.

After it is used up, it takes a long time to recover.

Han Yang slashed with such a terrifying sword, and most of the runes in his body were probably consumed.

This sword may be his limit!

Mu Xuanjiang sneered and continued: Besides, there are thirteen third-level Martial Kings waiting for him to kill! How many people do you think he can kill...

Yu Zuoyang nodded slowly and said: Brother Mu is right, we don't need to worry more, as long as we wait... The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, the final winner will definitely be us!

These three words made many saints and princes slowly cheer up.

Manpower is sometimes poor.

No matter how strong Han Yang was, he would still be exhausted by so many Martial Kings in the Wild Temple.

When the time comes, they will just reap the benefits and kill him.


King Shahuang roared angrily.

Isn't that what you said?

Killing Han Yang was not the purpose of their trip, destroying the alchemy was the most important thing.

The eight second-level Martial Kings scattered in all directions without hesitation.

As soon as the third-level Martial King thought about making a move, Han Yang sneered: A group of courageless bandits are only qualified to hide in the wilderness and dominate. Now, do they not even have the courage to fight me?

There seemed to be some kind of strange bewitching power in his voice, which caused those third-level martial kings who were already almost crazy to have their eyes scarlet red and their aura surge.

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