I'm sorry, Master, I tried my best...but still couldn't protect the elixir you need.

I won't be able to stay with you from now on.

When death came, Ji Xiangtian was surprisingly unafraid, but instead had a trace of regret in his heart.

In her whole life, she has done whatever it takes to practice cultivation. She is not a good person at all, and she has never wanted to be a good person.

Only in the past few months with Han Yang, did she feel a little warm in her heart.

Now, when she died for Han Yang, she actually felt like she would have no regrets even if she died.


A soft sound.

The rapier that had clearly stabbed her in front of her eyes was pinched by two fingers.

She blinked tiredly, and finally saw clearly the owner of her fingers... Han Yang.


Ji Xiangtian was a little confused.

With so many enemies attacking Han Yang, how could Han Yang still have time to save himself?

Han Yang flicked her forehead with his finger and said with a smile, It's okay, you can have a good rest.

Ji Xiangtian's head shook and he fell asleep in Han Yang's arms.


Qiyin found that his teeth were trembling.

After being unable to attack for a long time, he became angry and focused on fighting Ji Xiangtian, not realizing that the real battle was over.

It wasn't until Han Yang appeared that he was shocked to find that everyone else had been killed.

Fourteen saint-level geniuses and twelve third-level martial kings were all dead in less than a few dozen breaths.

Even a fourth-level Martial King wouldn't be able to achieve such strength.

Han Yang already had the strength to compete with the first geniuses of all the major holy sect dynasties.

Go to hell!

Han Yang snapped his fingers and shot a burst of energy towards Qi Yin.

Qiyin couldn't even dodge, and watched helplessly as his energy dropped.


Blood spurted from his forehead, the middle of his head was penetrated, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Han Yang, who was holding Ji Xiangtian, suddenly appeared beside King Shahuang.

King Shahuang turned pale.

When Han Yang killed many princes and saints with one sword, he prepared to evacuate, but was tightly entangled by Xiao Jiuer and was unable to leave after all.

Han Yang! Don't be complacent! You killed so many temple masters today, which is enough to alarm King Huang and King Barbarian. You will definitely die!

The Shahuang King whined like a defeated dog.

I'm waiting for them!

Han Yang smiled and waved his hand with a knife.

Star Destroyer God!

The terrifying power of annihilation instantly submerged King Shahuang.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man perished at the same time.

Third-level Martial King, die!

Xiao Jiuer tilted his head and looked blankly at Ji Xiangtian, who was held in Han Yang's arms, with a strange expression.

Just as Han Yang was about to speak, he saw Xiao Jiu'er also reaching out her hand and making a gesture towards him for a hug.

With a wry smile, he bent down and picked up Xiao Jiu'er.

Okay, there won't be any more fighting before dawn. You should seize the time to recover from your injuries...

Han Yang was exhorting Xiao Jiuer, but found that she didn't listen at all, and still looked at Ji Xiangtian blankly.

Finally, Xiao Jiuer followed Han Yang's previous behavior and flicked Ji Xiangtian's forehead.


Poor Ji Xiangtian was awakened by the shock and asked innocently: Master, why did you hit me?

Han Yang: ...

The entire Purple City was completely silent.

When the kings came before, half the city was shouting that they wanted to kill Han Yang and change the blood list.

Now seeing Han Yang showing off his might, killing kings and saints, killing all enemies, all the warriors in Zijin City were so frightened that they could not utter a word.

Countless people hid in their homes, closed their doors and windows and pretended to be dead.

The result of this battle was beyond everyone's expectations.

Who would have thought that Han Yang could actually make a comeback against the odds on his own.

There are so many saint-child-level geniuses in the Imperial Sect, but they can't stop Han Yang's sword?

If the two kings of the wilderness don't come out, I'm afraid that he will no longer be able to defeat him!

Or perhaps, only when all the remaining wild realms and hundreds of kings come, can there be a chance to kill Han Yang.

Outside Zijin City.

Ying Wujiu turned pale and ran wildly.

What kind of sword skill is that! It can kill twelve kings with one sword! How is it possible, how is it possible!

As we all know, the third-level Martial King possesses three souls of heaven, earth, and human, which is equivalent to having four lives, and it is very difficult to kill him completely.

This is why king-level forces rarely engage in endless battles.

Because if a Martial King is not killed, it will cause endless harm.

But now, Han Yang can kill the third-level Martial King himself and his three souls with one sword, and instantly take away the Martial King's four lives?

This is what really shocked Ying Wujiu.

Unless the eighth- or ninth-level Martial King strikes with a crushing attitude, even a high-level Martial King cannot achieve the same level as him.

This guy is invincible!

Ying Wujiu has already begun to think about quitting.

Although the treasures and techniques of Shenxu are good, they must be lived to enjoy them.

Han Yang is no longer a prey hunted by the six dynasties and the ten holy sects, but a prehistoric ferocious beast that chooses people to devour. Anyone who wants to take the ring in his hand will be snatched from the tiger's mouth, which is equivalent to committing suicide.

Brother Ying? Your face seems a bit ugly.

A voice suddenly came from behind Ying Wujiu.

It frightened him so much that he shuddered, swayed, and instantly fled hundreds of feet away like a rabbit.

Si Wenxuan, the third prince of Daxia, stood there with an innocent face and did not move, his eyes full of astonishment.

He just said hello, Ying Wujiu, but he was frightened like a frightened bird?

Yuan, it turns out to be Brother Si...

Ying Wujiu couldn't hide the horror in his eyes, and asked in surprise: You still dare to wander here, haven't you seen so many broken life talismans...

Halfway through his words, his voice suddenly stopped.

Because he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be no princes or princesses from the Great Xia Dynasty participating in tonight's ambush.

The life talisman is broken?

Si Wenxuan glanced down at the unharmed life talisman and said suspiciously: There is no broken life talisman here... Could it be that you have already taken action in advance and there was an accident?

It is no secret that fifteen people including Ying Wujiu joined forces to surround and kill Han Yang.

Si Wenxuan came all the way and wanted to participate in this matter.

Unexpectedly, I rushed so slowly that I arrived a step late.

Dead. Ying Wujiu's expression slowly stiffened, and he said harshly: They are all dead! Except for me, no one else survived!


Si Wenxuan stared at Ying Wujiu blankly, thinking that he was hallucinating.

Sixteen saint-level geniuses, plus the second prince Ying Wujiu, as long as Han Yang does not have the fighting power of the fourth-level Martial King, he will definitely die.

Now, the whole army is wiped out?

Not only them, the Wilderness Temple dispatched thirteen third-order Martial Kings and twenty-six second-order Martial Kings to lead the battle, and all of them died in Han Yang's hands.

What Ying Wujiu said next made Si Wenxuan completely speechless.

So...I saved my life?

In his mind, such an idea came up.

Savage Temple.

A third-level Martial King rushed towards the ruins of the temple.

Stop! Are you looking for death! Do you dare to interrupt my king's memorial ceremony?

The Desolate King did not show up, but simply crushed him with a terrifying power.

The dignified third-level Martial King was crawling on the ground like an ant, not even daring to raise his head.

King Huang, calm down... Something big has happened, and I have no choice but to disturb my king!


King Shahuang led thirty-nine kings from thirteen domains to hunt Han Yang in Zijin City. The entire army was destroyed and all fell.



The graceful body of King Huang suddenly appeared in front of the third-level Martial King. His delicate face was full of anger, and he shouted loudly: You bastard, you are alarmist, do you know what you are talking about!

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