Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 440 A powerful enemy attacks

I don't dare tell any lies!

The third-level Martial King gingerly took out a jade box from the Najie and placed it in front of King Huang.

King Huang spread out the jade box with a flick of his fingers.

The jade box was full of broken life talismans, no more, no less, exactly thirty-nine.

Thirteen of them represent the life talismans of the third-level Martial King, which are particularly eye-catching.


The jade box, together with the broken jade talisman inside, was turned into powder by King Huang's out-of-control power.

Han Yang! You deserve death!

At this moment, King Huang's eyes were full of anger.

The surrounding air began to burn.

King Huang, spare your life!

The third-level Martial King begged, and his body was almost crushed to pieces by the king-level force field displayed by King Huang.

How long will it take for the Barbarian King to arrive at Purple Gold City?

After taking a deep breath and calming down a little, King Huang withdrew his force field and asked coldly.

The third-level Martial King accompanied Xing Xing and reported back: With the speed of the Barbarian King, we can arrive at noon tomorrow...

That's too late!

King Huang waved his hand and said coldly: The Lord of Purple Gold City sent news not long ago. Old Man Zijin once said that a heaven-level elixir can be refined within three days... The time will be tomorrow's hour. You send a message to King Barbarian, telling him that he must be there before Arrive at Zijin City before Chen time and kill Han Yang.

If we don't get rid of this son, our barbaric land will lose its majesty in the future!

The third-level Martial King respectfully accepted the order.

But he did not leave, but continued to report carefully: One more thing, the fate talismans of the thirteen palace masters shattered almost at the same time.


King Huang's aura was out of control again.

Thirteen third-level Martial Kings died at the same time, which meant that... Han Yang had at least a fourth-level Martial King's combat power.

In less than seven days, Han Yang's combat power increased by one level compared to when he was in the Secret Realm of Bones.

This kind of genius is simply terrifying.

Brother Man, kill him! Otherwise, we can only ask the eldest brother to take action himself...

Looking towards the direction of Purple Gold City, King Huang murmured.

The third-level Martial King trembled, his head lowered.

King Yum has not made a move for hundreds of years. Does Demon Sword Master Han Yang, a mere Yuandan realm warrior, actually want to alarm King Yum?

The sky in the wild land was simply broken.

Thousands of miles away from Purple City, in the Black Wasteland, Iron Wasteland City.

In a restaurant box, six young talents were sitting opposite each other.

Have you all received the news? Han Yang killed twelve third-level Martial Kings with one sword. There is no doubt that he has the fighting power of a fourth-level Martial King!

The only female Taoist priest among the six people spoke slowly, with a serious look on her face.

The other five people were all silent.

Some were sipping tea, some were drinking, and some were looking at the stars as if nothing was wrong, but everyone's fingers were tightly clenched, far from being as calm as they appeared.

In the silence, the female Taoist priest spoke again: Both Tianjian Sect and Wanyao Pavilion have sent a message to me, asking me to make the decision on their behalf. Wait... Do you want to fight Han Yang or give up first? Please ask each sect. Is the first person to come forward?

These six people are the second among the six dynasties and the ten holy sects.

The female Taoist priest who is speaking is the second saint of Xuan Dao Palace... Yu Luanqiu.

This woman has a wide network of friends and is very popular, which is evident from the fact that Tianjian Sect and Wanyao Pavilion agreed to let her make the decision.

Jiejiejiejiejie... If you have anything to discuss, just kill him! I, the Xuanming Sect, are not a coward like Ying Wujiu!

The second holy son of Xuanming Sect laughed strangely, his words full of sarcasm.

Ying Wujiu escaped from the battlefield and his reputation plummeted.

After leaving the barbaric land this time, he may be deposed as the second prince by the Qin Dynasty.

However, the second holy son of Zhujian Villa took a sip of tea and said calmly: Zhujian Villa is no longer involved... I am living a healthy life, so why bother to find Han Yang and die.

I, Daxia, are not prepared to participate in the siege. said the second prince of Daxia.

Han Yang killed twelve kings with one sword and had already scared away many first-series geniuses.

Five against one. If you add that loser Ying Wujiu, it's six against one. The majority of people want to stop fighting...

Yu Luanqiu said calmly: In this case, please inform the leaders of each family and let them confront Han Yang in person.

At this point, except for the first person of each sect and each dynasty, everyone else will withdraw from the hunt for Han Yang.

The magnificent wild hunting came to an end with such a ridiculous result.

Everyone had to admit that except for the top players from the major forces, there would be no one who could be Han Yang's opponent.

Only the second son of the Xuanming Sect sneered: A bunch of trash, if you want to be a coward, just do it on your own. I, the Xuanming Sect, will not back down, just wait to hear the good news about us and Yinlou! We The two sects join forces to kill Han Yang!

After saying that, he walked away.

Yu Luanqiu flicked her jade fingers and shook her head with a smile: It seems that the younger generation of Xuanming Sect and Yinlou will be separated for a hundred years!

In his words, it was clear that he was not optimistic about the two sects joining forces.

The others stood up and left without saying a word.

When there was no one else in the box, Yu Luanqiu murmured softly: Interesting... I didn't expect that country girl Chen Qiaoqian to have such a fiancé. If the ancestor hadn't spoken out, I don't know how long he would have kept it secret... …”

Yu Luanqiu, the descendant of Yu Feiqiao, was shocked when he heard about Chen Qiaoqian and Han Yang.

Chen Qiaoqian's good luck can make all women jealous.

Junior Sister Chen, Junior Sister Chen, I'm very curious, what will your expression be like when you receive the news of Han Yang's death! Hahahaha...

Yu Luanqiu, who covered her face, actually laughed like crazy.

Black wilderness.

Thousands of miles away from the Purple Gold City, two figures flew through the air unscrupulously, flying towards the Purple Gold City.

Mr. Fu, are we really going to kill Han Yang this time?

Among the two, the slightly younger King Wu sent a message to ask.

Hearing this, the white-bearded Mr. Fu snorted coldly: Why, Han Yang killed Lao Deng, do you still have compassion for him?

Old Deng was the Martial King who was left by Chen Yu to guard the mausoleum in the Secret Realm of Bones.

After he was killed by Han Yang and his life talisman shattered, the two of them sneaked into the wilderness to investigate the cause of Lao Deng's death.

Unexpectedly, Lao Deng died in the hands of Han Yang.

The complicated relationship between Han Yang and Chen Yu made it difficult for the two of them, so they had no choice but to send the news back to the main forum.

The news from the main forum surprised the two of them.

Kill Han Yang and take back Najie!

Eight words were equivalent to a death sentence for Han Yang.

Mr. Fu was a sixth-level Martial King. He could kill a mere Han Yang, but he could only capture him easily.

The young King Wu was about to speak but stopped.

He always felt that if they secretly killed the Lord's son-in-law, it would bring serious consequences.


Mr. Fu glared at the young warrior and cursed through his voice: Why is there such a fool like you in the Yang family? Don't you understand that there are no two masters in man and no two days in the sky?

The young King Wu couldn't help but be startled, and then lost his voice: You mean to say that I, the Potian King of the Yang family, want to kill Han Yang?

He vaguely understood.

After the Lord returns, he intends to cultivate Yang Xuanzhi, the Po-Heaven King of the Yang family, as his heir.

The premise is that Yang Xuanzhi can marry Chen Qiaoqian, the Lord's only daughter.

Otherwise, the Lord's power will eventually fall into the hands of Chen Qiaoqian and her husband Han Yang.

Yang Xuanzhi is clearly trying to eradicate dissidents!

Old Fu, I understand what to do!

The eyes of the young King Wu were filled with murderous intent.

If the Po Tianwang of the Yang family can become the son-in-law of the Lord, the Yang family will surely soar to the sky.

For the sake of the family, Han Yang... must die!

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