Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 452 Mr. Fu intervenes

Sanxian Island was once prominent.

Even if the attack on the emperor-level forces failed and the Martial Emperor was not born, its power is far from comparable to that of ordinary king-level forces.

Even the six great dynasties and the ten great sects are paying close attention to him.

The Li family of Sanxian Island is one of the three pillars of Sanxian Island.

For such a powerful head of the family, it was a big deal for him to close his doors five years ago.

Now it seems that it is quite strange that Li Xuanyu is living outside.

If Li Xuanyu's martial arts qualifications were average, that would be fine.

But Li Xuanyu was promoted to the sixth level of Martial King at a young age.

This kind of talent is considered unique even in the Imperial Sect.

I'm afraid something has happened to the Li family! Look... Li Xuanyu can even suppress the terrifying honeycomb puppet of Tianyan Sect!

A prince looked ahead and said.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help but gasped.

They fully understand how powerful the Hive Puppet is.

The puppet is not afraid of life and death, and has an almost indestructible pseudo-king state.

As a result, it is more difficult to deal with than warriors of the same realm.

A puppet at the level of a sixth-order Martial King is almost crushing to an ordinary sixth-order Martial King!

When the hive puppet appeared, all the saints and saints felt despair, feeling that Han Yang would die and the treasure in the ring would eventually fall away.

But now, Li Xuanyu used the black water domain and the Peach Blossom Martial Arts of Peach Blossom Island to suppress the Hive Puppet.

Even if the hive puppet releases the sub-puppet, it cannot break through the siege of the black water realm and cannot pose a threat to Li Xuanyu at all.

If you fight on your own, you will encounter Peach Blossom Martial Arts again.

The Peach Blossom Martial Arts of Peach Blossom Road is inherently magical, not to mention that Li Xuanyu was personally trained by Han Yang.

Do you understand? There is something weird about that Li Xuanyu!

Something is indeed wrong!

The amount of energy, the runes, and the strength of the soul can suppress the hive puppets in all directions!

Not only that, these three items of true energy, rune soul, and soul are far more powerful than ordinary Martial Kings!

Don't you think Li Xuanyu's fighting method looks familiar?

Han Yang!

They gradually discovered that Li Xuanyu and Han Yang seemed to be somewhat similar today.

Although it has not reached the point where Han Yang's energy and runes are endless, it is still very strong.

At this point in the battle, he was still able to suppress the hive puppet!

Boom boom boom!

Peach Blossom Martial Arts, drunkenly perform peach blossoms!

Countless peach blossom blades, overwhelming, swept towards the hive puppet.

The hive puppet's huge body was riddled with holes.


The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect couldn't help but release more than a dozen demon bee puppets.


The Blackwater Realm is coming!

Only the Demon Bee Puppet in the early sixth level is invincible against the freezing power of the Black Water Realm.

In the clicking sound, at least seven or eight demon bee puppets were frozen to pieces.

Without these child puppets, the hive puppet became even weaker, and gradually became somewhat weaker than Li Xuanyu!

No way! There's no way I can lose!

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect simply could not accept such a result.

This time, in order to kill Han Yang and seize the Shenxu treasure, their Tianyan Sect made a desperate move.

He didn't even bother to hunt down the six dynasties, the ten holy sects, and the barbarous land, the three most powerful forces on the Tianwu Continent.

If you can get the Shenxu treasure, find a place to hide, and train your own Martial King, then there is still hope.

In a few hundred years, Tianyan Sect can make a comeback.

But if he misses again and fails to kill Han Yang, Yanzong will be finished that day!

Facing the strangulation by the three forces, Tianyan Sect has only one way to die!

The ancestor of Tianyan Sect vomited out a mouthful of essence and blood.

The Yuan Dan in Dantian shattered, and runes flowed into the body of the hive puppet.

He started fighting for his life!

Even if his realm falls afterwards, he doesn’t care anymore!

If Han Yang does not die, Tianyan Sect will perish!

The other strong men of Tianyan Sect also realized the dangerous situation at this time, and they all let out desperate roars.

Ancestor, avenge us!

Kill Han Yang!

Kill Han Yang and seize the treasure!

Hahahaha, our Tianyan Sect will definitely become a Holy Sect!

Dozens of strong men from the Tianyan Sect exploded their own Yuan Dan and poured runes into the body of the Hive Puppet.

Their runes come from the magical powers of the Tianyan Sect, and they come from the same lineage as the ancestors of the Tianyan Sect.

With the blessing of their runes, the hive puppet's destructive power doubled, instantly reversing the situation and overwhelming Li Xuanyu!

Death, death, death!

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect had scarlet eyes, as if he was crazy.

Operating the hive puppet, he frantically attacked Li Xuanyu.

Not long ago, the Tianyan Sect was a fisherman who reaped the profits after the snipe and the clam fought.

But now...

Except for him, all the Tianyan Sect disciples who entered the wild land this time were already dead.

How could he be willing to kill Li Xuanyu!

Oh? Have you finally started fighting for your life?

After the fierce battle, Li Xuanyu vented a lot of his anger.

At this time, seeing everyone in the Tianyan Sect trying to fight for their lives, a playful smile couldn't help but appear on their pretty faces.


Li Xuanyu only heard a sweet shout.

Red light rose from her body.

His eyes were also shrouded in red light.


The unique fighting method of Han Yang reappeared in Li Xuanyu!

After activating the beauty state, Li Xuanyu's strength increased dramatically, almost reaching the peak state of the sixth-level Martial King.

A set of drunken peach blossoms smashed over and shattered one arm of the hive puppet.

Before the Hive Puppet could restore it, the Black Water Domain surged over and froze the broken interface of the arm!

The hive puppet loses its ability to repair itself.

The ancestor of Tianyan Sect was extremely desperate.

The hive puppet is going to be defeated!

He is going to lose!

Old Fu!?

The young King Wu of the Yang family looked at Mr. Fu next to him in horror.

He didn't expect that Li Xuanyu could make a comeback in such a situation.

If Li Xuanyu wins, it will be difficult for them to kill Han Yang.

Mr. Fu naturally knew the crisis situation at this time.

He sighed and said, I will join forces with the Beehive Puppet to contain Li Xuanyu. You go and kill Han Yang!

I... kill... kill Han Yang?

Hearing Mr. Fu's words, the voice of the young King Wu of the Yang family began to tremble.

His strength is comparable to that of King Tianhuang or Luo Qianfang. Killing Han Yang is just a gift!

Mr. Fu said coldly: I am working for your Yang family, why can't you die for the Yang family?

One word made the young King Wu of the Yang family feel cold in his body and in his heart.

Don't worry! Han Yang is making a breakthrough now. He may not even have the strength to resist. Go kill him!

After leaving a few words, Mr. Fu flew away in the air and killed Li Xuanyu.


The sixth level king realm force field is coming!

In ancient times, the brutal murderous intention enveloped Li Xuanyu at the same time.

A huge black sword slashed towards Li Xuanyu's neck!

Mr. Fu's martial arts is completely different from that of the six dynasties. It is full of ancient atmosphere and very powerful.

Boom boom boom!

One person and one puppet, working together to kill the enemy, suppressed Li Xuanyu in an instant.

The young warrior from the Yang family gritted his teeth and finally roared, killing Han Yang.

For the Yang family, and for the Lord's daughter Chen Qiaoqian, Han Yang must die!


This young King of Martial Arts, with one strike, was a fatal blow. He actually took the initiative to burn human souls and launched a soul-killing strike!

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