Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 453 Let Chen Yu understand my attitude

Another sixth-level Martial King!

Why is this King Wu so strange? He is not from the Imperial Holy Land, nor is he the Second Wilderness King!

Is there a hidden sixth-order Martial King in Tianwu Continent?

Is it one of the four great protectors of the Ming Cult?

Mr. Fu took action and calmed many people.

These holy sons and princes are all speculating on Mr. Fu's identity.

In this world, in addition to the Imperial Sect and the Wilderness, there is also the mysterious Mingjiao, which has four great protectors and is a high-level Martial King!

It's not the four great protectors of the Ming Cult! Those four are unique and have their own distinctive style. The person who took action is even more low-key!

The water in Tianwu is really deep, and there is actually a sixth-order Martial King hidden there!

In the entire Tianwu Continent, almost all the Martial Kings above the third level have entered the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Now that a sixth-level Martial King suddenly appears, it is definitely a top priority.


Hahaha, Han Yang has provoked too many enemies. He will definitely die this time!

Some people couldn't help but gloat.

Originally, Li Xuanyu showed great power and single-handedly suppressed the unrivaled Hive Puppet, creating a chance for Han Yang to survive.

As a result, another sixth-level Martial King jumped out.

This time, Han Yang will die!


With everyone's eyes looking expectantly or jokingly, King Wu of the Yang family rushed to Han Yang.


The young martial king of the Yang family delivered the strongest blow.

Soul-cutting sword!

At the cost of human soul, kill Han Yang!

Just when the soul-cutting sword was about to fall on Han Yang, Han Yang suddenly opened his eyes!


The eyes are shining!


After opening his eyes, Han Yang casually slashed at him with a knife!

Soul-cutting sword versus soul-cutting sword!


The two weapons were chopped together, and the sound of shattering sounded almost at the same time.

The soul-cutting sword of the young Martial King of the Yang family was easily shattered.

His eyes widened in horror. have broken through the sixth level of Yuan Dan!?

Taking action from Li Xuanyu, Han Yang chose to break through immediately, but it was only half a stick of incense.

In such a short period of time, Han Yang actually broke through the sixth level of Yuan Dan?

Oh? Is he the bastard next to Chen Yu?

Han Yang could tell at a glance his foundation from the martial arts of the Yang family's king.

The young King Wu of the Yang family suddenly trembled and retreated hastily.

Before the breakthrough, Han Yang's killing of the third-level Martial King was like killing a chicken but a dog.

Now that he has broken through to the sixth level of Yuan Dan, he may be easily crushed to death by Han Yang.


The young King Wu of the Yang family did not hesitate and ran away.

Want to leave? It's not that easy!

Although he knew that this person was King Wu next to Chen Yu, his enemy was his enemy.

Han Yang raised his knife and slashed it with one strike.

The Four Symbols Curse Seal Knife, the Azure Dragon is broken!


A sleeve of blue dragon!

The radiance of the demonic sword's hundred battles directly tore the head of the young martial king of the Yang family, nailing him to the void.

Before he could use the Three Soul Substitution Technique, the blade shook.

Star Destroyer God!

The power of annihilation exploded, instantly annihilating all the life of the young martial king of the Yang family!

It wasn't until death came that the young King Wu of the Yang family roared: My Yang family will never let you go...

Yang family? Okay, I'll wait!

Han Yang's arm shook and he dropped the body of the young King Wu of the Yang family to the ground.

There was total silence on the battlefield!


All the Sons and Princes saw some clues in Han Yang's move.

Han Yang actually broke through before the battle and reached the sixth level of Yuan Dan!

At the fifth level of Yuan Dan, Han Yang's combat power was already unmatched.

Now promoted to the sixth level... It is true that the sixth level Martial King is invincible in the wilderness!


Someone moaned softly, with fear in their eyes.

One month!

It was less than a month from the time Han Yang stepped into the wilderness to now.

Han Yang actually broke through and reached the sixth level of Yuan Dan.

I thought that after Han Yang stepped into Yuan Dan, his breakthrough speed would slow down.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a few minutes faster than when in the Qi Gathering Realm!

This kind of talent seems to be comparable to Li Xuanyu who has a water spirit body.


At this moment, Li Xuanyu spurted blood from his mouth and was hit hard by Mr. Fu and was knocked away.

The two sixth-level Martial Kings joined forces, but Li Xuanyu's strength was still a little low after all.

Han Yang stepped forward with his sword in hand, supported Li Xuanyu, smiled and said, After all, your breakthrough was a bit forced.

Li Xuanyu snorted, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and released the black water domain again without giving up!

Li Xuanyu is highly talented and can make breakthroughs quickly.

But after all, she is not Han Yang, and she does not have a deep enough foundation in martial arts to support her.

After reaching the sixth level Martial King, her combat power is only slightly stronger than the ordinary sixth level Martial King.

It may be easy to deal with some ordinary sixth-level Martial Kings.

But at the same time, he was unable to deal with the invincible Hive Puppet and the mysterious Mr. Fu.

Even if the beauty state is turned on!

Let me do it!

Han Yang held Li Xuanyu's shoulders.


Li Xuanyu stared at Han Yang with some disdain.

Just say, you, a sixth-level Yuan Dan, want to compete with the sixth-level Martial King?

In her opinion, Han Yang was similar to her. After breaking through, it was possible to kill an ordinary fifth-level Martial King, or to kill a sixth-level Martial King with explosive power.

But Honeycomb Puppet and Mr. Fu are both absolutely strong among the sixth-order Martial Kings!

You look down on me, don't you? Even though you broke through a few years earlier than me, I am stronger than you!

Han Yang pinched Li Xuanyu's cheek, stepped on the flying sword, and stood in front of the Honeycomb Puppet and Mr. Fu.

You bastard!

Li Xuanyu stamped his feet angrily.

How dare you pinch her face!

She couldn't help but remember that when she first met Han Yang, she was still a high-ranking wine and sword fairy, and even gave Han Yang a token.

As a result, just over a year later, Han Yang dared to pinch her cheek.

Moreover, it was only after she recovered her sixth-level Martial King cultivation.

No, I have to work hard to break through and completely suppress this bastard!

Li Xuanyu, the wine swordsman, once again felt eager to seek a breakthrough.

When she breaks through to the seventh-level Martial King realm, she must pinch Han Yang's face back.

Han Yang! Are you finally willing to stand up from behind this woman?

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect had scarlet eyes and his heart was filled with murderous intent.

In order to kill Han Yang, their Tianyan Sect paid too much.

Almost half of the sect elites were killed or injured this time!

Han Yang ignored the furious Tianyan Sect ancestor, but looked at Mr. Fu and asked indifferently: Is there a transmission note?

Mr. Fu frowned and did not comment.

Han Yang didn't take it seriously and said to himself: I'll give you ten breaths and pass a message to that old guy Chen Yu: If he doesn't come to Xuandao Palace to see Qiaoqian within two months, he will wait until the future When we meet again, don’t blame me, your son-in-law, for not giving him a good look!”

As soon as he said this, a cold murderous intention flashed in Mr. Fu's eyes.

Bold! How dare you disrespect the Lord!

To these people, Chen Yu is like a god.

The Lord humiliates the minister and dies!

Han Yang dared to call Chen Yu old man, which was considered disrespectful by Mr. Fu!


Han Yang sneered disdainfully: For an old bastard who abandoned his daughter and ignored family ties, you can't even call him an old man to be polite!

Looking Fu Laoji up and down, Han Yang sighed: Forget it, I'll kill you! The death of a sixth-level Martial King can make him understand my attitude!

The sword lights up and the battle begins!

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