Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 454: Destroying the Beehive and Defeating Mr. Fu

Han Yang!

Among the hive puppets, the hysterical roar of the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect could be heard.

He's really going crazy.

Their Tianyan Sect sacrificed so much, but Han Yang still didn't take him seriously.

Damn it!

Han Yang deserves death!

If the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect had previously wanted to kill Han Yang and seize the treasure.

Then just kill Han Yang now!

Without killing Han Yang, it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart.


The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect roared, controlled the hive puppet, and punched Han Yang.

At the same time, red light flashed in Han Yang's eyes.

Beauty, turn on!

The warrior body of the brake girl is activated!

Deification, turn on!

The three states were superimposed, and his momentum suddenly soared.

This kid's... aura is no weaker than that of a fifth-level Martial King! It's even close to that of a sixth-level Martial King!

Awe flashed in Mr. Fu's eyes.

Level 3 Martial King is almost a hurdle!

Even the strongest Yuan Dan Ninth Level, such as the First Prince, the First Saint Son, is the peak combat power of the third-level Martial King.

It is almost impossible to kill the fourth-level Martial King.

Because, the fourth level Martial King has stepped into the Soul Mirror.

You can use the seven emotions and six desires to draw the soul of the warrior.

No matter how strong the Yuan Dan realm is, he will die from the seductive methods of the fourth-level Martial King.

But Han Yang seemed to have the strength to compete with the Po Realm Martial King.

You have to try it to know whether it's true or not! Han Yang, let me weigh you!

There was a bright light in Mr. Fu's eyes, and six colors of light flashed.


He waved his sword and slashed at Han Yang with the power of three souls and three souls.

Hive Puppet, unrivaled in physical attacks.

Even Li Xuanyu, who had returned to the sixth level of peak, was suppressed when he did not activate the beauty state.

Mr. Fu, the number one soul attack!

It can directly kill the soul and destroy the soul.

Two people join forces, one material, one soul.

Crush your opponents in all directions.

This was the reason for Li Xuanyu's defeat.

At this time, the two teamed up to kill Han Yang!

Well done!

Han Yang let out a soft drink, and the acupoints in his body surged, and the power of the stars and runes rushed towards the Demon Sword Bai Zhan.

Tianyin cuts!

Cut it out with one knife.

But he is not the strongest Star Destroyer God before!

After the fifth acupoint, the Xuanzhong acupoint, was opened, a new magical power was awakened, the voice of heaven!

Now, the martial arts based on the Sound of Heaven appears for the first time.


The sword screamed and trembled.

The star energy and runes on the Demon Sword Baizhan seemed to turn into nothingness and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Soul attack!?

A look of disbelief flashed in Mr. Fu's eyes.

Han Yang unexpectedly launched a divine soul attack!

Moreover, the soul attack of this sword actually made him feel threatened.

This is impossible!

Mr. Fu didn't believe that a sixth-level Yuan Dan could pose a threat to him at the soul level, so he still killed him with one sword.


Tianyin Slash and Three Souls and Three Souls Slash collided together.


The Three Souls and Three Souls Slash made an overwhelming sound of shattering.

Mr. Fu clearly felt that an unrivaled power of the soul was crushing towards him.

If the power of his three souls and three souls is still the power of the human world, then Han Yang's Tianyin Slash is the power of heaven!

This is suppression from the rules level!

In the face of heaven, humanity is vulnerable!

At the same time as the three souls and three souls were smashed into pieces, Mr. Fu made a muffled sound, and his soul stagnated for a moment!


Tianyin Slash shattered the Three Souls and Three Souls Slash and hit the Hive Puppet.


The hive puppet let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice, and struck the Tianyin Slash with its fist.


The power of the soul carried on Tianyin Zhan began to destroy the connection points in the hive puppet's body like a ravage.

Bang bang bang bang!

Rays of light exploded from the hive puppet's body.

The tall body of the puppet was frozen in the void, without any reaction.

Above the ruins of Zijin City, the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect, his eyes about to burst, screamed miserably: Move! You should move it!

At this moment, his body was cold.


The connection between him and the Hive Puppet was completely severed.

No matter how he operated it, the hive puppet remained motionless!

Han Yang actually cut off the link between him and the hive puppet with one knife.

Now, the most alarming thing for the ancestor of Tianyan Sect is not that he cannot kill Han Yang, but that there is a big flaw in Tianyan Sect's puppetry technique!

The hive puppet clearly possesses the peak combat power of the sixth-level Martial King, but in the end, it was easily cut off and unable to control it.

In this way, even if their Tianyan Sect gives birth to King Wu and can control the strongest puppet in the Tianyan Sect's ancestral land, can they really dominate Tianwu and become one of the holy lands?

For the first time in his life, the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect was slightly shaken about the future of the Tianyan Sect.

Star Destroyer God!

The ancestor of the Tianyan Sect stopped, but Han Yang's attack did not stop.

With one move to destroy the Star God, he slashed towards the sluggish Fu Laofei.

Just as the blade was approaching, the look in Mr. Fu's eyes returned.


Mr. Fu roared angrily, and the six-level King Realm force field was superimposed.

Thousands of layers broken!

He displayed his strongest martial arts and used the terrifying superimposed power to attack the Star Destroying God's annihilating power.

Boom boom boom boom!

After a series of roars, the power of annihilation collapsed and disappeared.

Mr. Fu stepped back more than ten feet with a pale face and looked at Han Yang in horror.


He teamed up with the Hive Puppet, but still lost to Han Yang!

Han Yang's combat power has reached the peak level of the sixth-order Martial King!


When Mr. Fu was still about to speak, Han Yang slashed out with his sword again.

Tianyin cuts!

The blade trembled and buzzed.

The voice of heaven swept through all directions and headed towards Mr. Fu.

Fu Lao's eyes were about to burst and he was squeezing out the power of his three souls and souls, so he wanted to fight Han Yang desperately.

At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

I come!

Following the sound, a demon-subduing pestle flashing with golden light suddenly appeared between Mr. Fu and Tianyin Zhan.


Tian Yin Zhan hit the golden Demon Subduing Pestle.

The invincible Tianyin Slash only made the light on the Demon-Conquering Pestle dim slightly, and then disappeared.

Mr. Fu's eyes widened in disbelief.

He had personally experienced the power of Han Yang Tianyin Slash.

How could it be cracked so easily?

Who is coming?

The next moment, a tall shadow slowly appeared next to the Demon-Conquering Pestle, and a hand the size of an ordinary person's head was grasped on the Demon-Conquering Pestle.

King Kong!


This was the first thought that came to Mr. Fu's mind when he saw this phantom.

But he was soon overturned by himself.

This phantom is not so much the King Kong Demon God as it is an ancient ferocious beast with well-developed muscles!

He vaguely guessed the identity of the visitor.

In the wild land, the first battle king under the Bai Sheng Throne is the Barbarian King!

The shadow gradually solidified, and the true face of the King of Savagery appeared in front of everyone.

Shirtless and upper body, the whole body is like steel and iron bones, forged from glass, with bronze skin, swollen muscles, ferocious face, and fangs protruding from the outside of the lips.

The famous Wild King looks like an orc who has not fully evolved.

Full of wild flavor!

Are you Han Yang, who ranks third on the blood list?

The sound of the Barbarian King's jar sounded in the void.

It shook the soul like thunder.

Even though they were more than ten miles away from Purple Gold City, the Holy Sons and Princes all felt the pressure from the Barbarian King.

This sixth-level Martial King is much more powerful than Mr. Fu!

Not on the same level at all!

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