Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 476 Beheading the Enemy in the King’s Formation

You didn't escape, which is a bit surprising to me!

An old man in a sword robe stood in the air and said calmly: Remember, the person who killed you is Han Bai of the Tianjian Sect... Bai... Bai...

The old man was originally very confident, confident that he could force Han Yang back with one sword, and even kill Han Yang.

But when his flying sword collided with Han Yang's blade.

The power of the evil Buddha instantly overwhelmed his consciousness, making him unable to speak the second half of his sentence, as if he was stuck.

At this moment, his mind was already buzzing.

Dang Dang Dang!

The six flying swords were all chopped off.

The blade continued to slash at Kuro Yusen unstoppably.


Kuro Yusen roared in despair, but his body could not make any resistance movement at all.

He also fell into the Zen Buddha singing with the power of the evil Buddha and was unable to extricate himself.


The blade passed across his neck and decapitated him.

Before Black Yusen's three-soul-replacing technique of heaven, earth, and human could be activated, the terrifying power of annihilation exploded.

There was a loud bang, completely wiping out Black Yusen's head.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man, as well as the main body, were all destroyed by this sword.

It's not over yet!

The blade continued to move forward.


Another head flew up.

Until death came, Han Bai, the sixth-level martial king of Tianjian Sect, was still trapped in the Buddha realm and could not escape.

The soul is destroyed.

Han Yang's earth-shattering sword actually killed the eight lives of two sixth-order Martial Kings one after another.

There was deathly silence between heaven and earth.

Emperor Zhan stood far away. At this moment, his eyes were full of awe when he looked at Han Yang.

His small formless holy body was broken, and one of his arms was cut off.

This was his first defeat since his debut.

Now, he was even at a loss. He didn't know whether to turn around and leave, or continue to entangle with Han Yang.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sounds of piercing the sky sounded from all sides one after another, and seventy-three figures appeared in the void.

The martial kings of the Shengzong Dynasty arrived.

But at this time, their expressions became extremely ugly, as if they were seeing ghosts.

It has only been a few days, but Han Yang...has become so strong?

When he killed the Barbarian King and Mr. Fu before, he still had to use all his strength and even self-exploded his acupoints.

But today, he actually killed two sixth-level kings without any effort? !

Han Bai of Tianjian Sect may be slightly weaker, but he is just an ordinary sixth-level martial king.

But Kuro Yusen, the Thousand-faced Taoist, is second on the blood list and has been rampant in the wilderness for hundreds of years. He is definitely a strong man comparable to the Barbarian King.

Even he was killed by Han Yang with one blow.

They came with great momentum, but Han Yang gave them a blow.

Even before everyone arrived, one of the seventy-four kings died...


In the ruins of Zijin City, the First Holy Son of Yinlou and others all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Everyone's eyes were dull.

Han Yang, killed two sixth-level Martial Kings with one sword!

This guy suddenly became so much stronger?

Is he still in the Yuan Dan realm...

The Holy Son and Princes discovered that Han Yang's existence almost broke the common sense of martial arts in their minds.

Yuandan realm, King Wu realm.

Like a natural chasm, the boundaries between the two realms began to blur.

The seventh or eighth level of Yuan Dan, brutally killing the sixth level Martial King? !

They were once hailed as geniuses by everyone, but suddenly they felt that they were clowns compared to Han Yang.

Even Qin Luoli clenched her fists and turned pale.

Rather than Han Yang killing Black Yusen and Han Bai, she was more concerned about Han Yang cutting through the small formless holy body with one sword.

The emperor's small formless holy body was broken by Han Yang in the first battle on the blood list?

If this news spreads, it will definitely cause a bigger sensation than Han Yang's counterattack against the sixth-level Martial King.

Especially the God List!

If... she was informed by the God List, she simply couldn't imagine what kind of madness would result.

How on earth did he do it?

Compared to the other Holy Sons and Princes, Qin Luoli knew more about the true peak combat power of the Tianwu Continent.

She knew that there was actually another realm of genius above the saint-level geniuses like the Holy Son and Prince.

That is...the Eucharist.

In the Emperor's Secret Realm, there are a very small number of amazingly talented warriors who will awaken their holy body when they gather the three souls of heaven, earth and man and step into the Martial King Realm.

Each type of holy body can be called an invincible existence at the same level.

The little formless holy body of Emperor Zhan is one of the very powerful holy bodies.

She once heard from the elders of the sect that a Martial King with a small formless holy body could attack the fifth or even sixth level at the third level.

Zhan Tianzi, who has activated the Little Formless Holy Body, definitely has the combat power of a seventh-level or even eighth-level Martial King.

But even so, he was treated lightly by Han Yang and the holy body was broken with a knife.

Is it a coincidence?

Or... Han Yang really has the combat power of an eighth-level Martial King?

For the first time, Qin Luoli felt a sense of despair about this battle.

Han Yang was like an invincible demon king, standing in front of everyone in the Shengzong Dynasty.

The seventy-four Martial Kings who originally came with great momentum were now in a very embarrassing situation.

Can you win?

Qin Luoli's confidence has begun to waver.

Han Yang, you are really strong! What a pity...

Among the kings, Xiang Ziyu, Prince Guo of the Chu Dynasty, jumped out of the air and stood in front of Han Yang, as if he was fearless.

Han Yang glanced at Xiang Ziyu indifferently and said calmly: From Chu State?

Chu State?

Xiang Ziyu's mouth twitched.

In the Tianwu Continent, when it comes to the Great Chu Dynasty, who cannot be respectfully called Da Chu?

Chu State...

This boy clearly has no respect for the Chu Dynasty in his heart.

No wonder, he dared to kill Xiang Baxian without restraint.

You shouldn't kill Ba Xian! Ordinary princes and princesses are dead when they die, but he has awakened the double-eyed divine eyes of our Xiang family. If you kill him, there will be no possibility of reconciliation with my great Chu.

Xiang Ziyu's expression was complicated.

Seeing a genius from the Great Chu Dynasty go to the opposite side of the country and fight to the death, he wished he could scold Dong Wang and others half to death.

If it weren't for those idiots, Han Yang would definitely be from the Chu Dynasty.

Han Yang chuckled lightly, shook his head and asked, When King Longevity ran thousands of miles to hunt me down, your court wouldn't be unaware of it, right?

In the past, you ignored me, but today, I have made it impossible for you to reach high.

From the moment the Changshou King chased him into the wild land, Han Yang gave up any thought of reconciling with the Chu Dynasty.

Prince Guo Xiang Ziyu moved his lips, but could not say a word of defense.

Yang family, damn it!

He glared hard at Yang Lingyun beside him.

Yang Lingyun looked embarrassed and backed away without leaving a trace.

Before coming to Purple City, he thought that Han Yang had been seriously injured and there might be an opportunity to take advantage.

As a result, Han Yang was furious and in a mess.

In front of the first and second masters on the blood list, as well as seventy-three martial kings, he killed the sixth-level martial king of Tianjian Sect with one sword.

If these weak fifth-level Martial Kings showed up now, wouldn't it be no different than sending them to death?

Not only him, but the other fifty-seven fifth-level Martial Kings also showed hesitation.

Han Yang is definitely not a warrior on the same level as them.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have gone through this muddy water in person. Suddenly, dozens of Martial Kings actually felt regretful.

Catching Xiang Ziyu's gaze, Han Yang looked at Yang Lingyun.

Are you the patron ancestor of the Yang family?

Yang Lingyun's appearance is similar to that of the arrogant and domineering wife of the palace master of Xuan Mansion.

It's me, so what... Yang Lingyun, whose whole body was tense, was extremely nervous.

Being targeted by such a monster that could kill a sixth-level Martial King with one sword made him feel on pins and needles, but he refused to give in.



Just as Han Yang's chuckle sounded, Yang Lingyun also received a scream reminder in his ears.


He was at a loss for words.


The sword flashed across his neck, and a huge head flew high with blood.

Until death came, the expression on the face of the ancestor of the Yang family was still one of confusion and disbelief.

Under the gaze of seventy-three fifth- and sixth-level Martial Kings, Han Yang, who didn't know the heights of the world, actually... took the lead in taking action?

How dare he take action?

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