Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 477: Victory or defeat is decided with one blow

Han Yang!

Xiang Ziyu almost said these two words from between his teeth.

The expressions of the other sixth-level Martial Kings around them also became angry, anxious, and extremely solemn.

Sixteen, no, fifteen sixth-level Martial Kings have arrived, and even the seventh-level masters must be wary and dare not take action easily.

But Han Yang didn't seem to feel any pressure at all.

He actually killed Yang Lingyun directly in front of everyone?

What's even more frightening is that when faced with Han Yang's murderous knife, there were so many of them that not even one of them had time to stop him.

This means that if the sword is slashed at them, they...may not be able to block it.

After killing Yang Lingyun, Han Yang looked at Xiang Ziyu lightly and said with a smile: It is indeed a pity. If you could have slaughtered the Yang family before and brought his head to me to atone for your sins, I might have let the Chu Dynasty go. . It’s a pity that you didn’t seize this opportunity.”

Yun Danfeng's gentle tone was like slapping an ant to death casually, without taking it to heart at all.

you wanna die!

Xiang Ziyu, the prince of the Chu Dynasty, was usually cynical and laughing, as if nothing mattered.

But that's because he thinks he's superior and can look down on all living beings.

Because I don't care about the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of the ants, I can laugh and curse without caring.

But now, he was completely angered by Han Yang's words.

Amplify the Chu Dynasty?

I'll let your sister go.


The void exploded.

Not crossing.

A fighting spirit with no return rose from Xiang Ziyu's body.

Compared with Xiang Baxian's fierceness, Xiang Ziyu's Budu magical power has a touch of calmness.

With the ability of a sixth-level Martial King, he can exert unparalleled magical powers, and his power is far superior to Xiang Baxian.

The void shattered.

Spiritual energy explodes.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man, corpse dog, fuya, and bird yin, condensed into a shrill light, and blasted towards Han Yang with Xiang Ziyu's overwhelming will to fight.

Martial arts, soul, and king realm are perfectly integrated.


A smile actually appeared on Han Yang's face, and he slashed out with his sword.

Beauty, turn on!

Evil Buddha Glazed Body, open!

The two meridians of Ren and Du are connected!

The six major acupoints with pulses are activated!

Han Yang used the sixth level of Yuan Dan in perfect form to slash out.

The four elephants curse and seal the sword, and the white tiger kills.

Han Yang, if you dare to seduce that bitch Yu Xuanji's daughter, you will die.

The free-spirited King of Flowers of Peach Blossom Island was actually the second to take action.

Bastard thing!

A bright sun rises into the sky.

King Mo Yunwu of Jinyang Valley cursed and then took action.

Brothers fighting the tiger, father and son go into battle!

Despite his words, he was dissatisfied with King Hyakuka, a son-in-law who was always flirting with women, but at the critical moment, he still had to protect Ichigo.

Three souls and three souls were all integrated into the Hao Sun.

A blazing sun struck Han Yang.

Everyone, come together!

At this moment, many Martial Kings present had long lost their previous arrogance and casualness.

Han Yang beheaded Han Bai with one blow, letting them know that if they didn't go all out, many people would die in the wilderness.

Following the roars that erupted one by one, the other thirteen sixth-level Martial Kings all took action.

For a time, the six dynasties, the nine holy sects, and fifteen kinds of magical powers bloomed in the void.

The sky above the ruins of Purple Gold City seemed like the end was coming.

Terrible energy turbulence, tearing everything apart.

The Purple Gold City, which had just been half rebuilt, was once again destroyed by the joint attack of fifteen sixth-order Martial Kings.

There was no fear on Han Yang's face when he faced fifteen top-notch magical powers alone.

Instead...the fighting spirit boiled.


The white tiger's sword slashed forward.

Xiang Ziyu, Mo Yun, and Baihua King have a total of eight sixth-order martial kings. Each of them inspired their own martial arts power and wanted to join forces to block Han Yang's sword.


Two sixth-level Martial King curse seals.

This white tiger kill was mixed with the two curse seals that had previously killed Black Yusen and Han Bai.

Coupled with Han Yang's own power.

This sword is definitely the pinnacle that a sixth-order Martial King can achieve.


The sound of the blade trembling sounded in the ears of the eight Martial Kings.

Trembling mind.

The evil Buddha’s Buddhist chants reverberated fiercely in the ocean of everyone’s consciousness.

not good!

Something weird!

Hide quickly...

The eight martial kings facing the blade suddenly realized that they could not stop Han Yang's sword at all.

But now that the blade has been issued, it will definitely be too late to escape.

The endless sword light aroused by the white tiger's killing enveloped the eight figures.

You... leave quickly! Don't be enemies with Han... anymore, and take good care of my daughter.

King Mo Yunwu of Jinyang Valley burst out with a golden light.

The three souls and three souls instantly vaporized and turned into nutrients for the Haori Golden Body, causing King Mo Yunwu's body to expand several times, turning into a giant three feet tall.

He gritted his steel teeth and managed to block the King of Flowers.

The other six sixth-order Martial Kings, headed by Xiang Ziyu, also used their magical powers to try their best to resist.

Puff... Puff puff puff!

One after another, the sword light hit their various magical powers.


Xiang Ziyu, who was previously aloof and arrogant, did not pay attention to Han Yang at all, but now he screamed in despair.

The Xiang royal family's magical power has truly become a thing of the past.

The magical power is broken.

The sword shines on the body.

No matter how much he resisted, it didn't have much effect at all.

The force field of the Sixth Level King Realm was instantly shattered.

Xiang Ziyu and the other five sixth-level Martial Kings were turned into a pile of rotten flesh and corpses in an instant.

Dang Dang Dang!

The white tiger's sword struck the tall body of King Mo Yunwu, making a continuous sound of gold and iron clashing.

Ten knives!

Hundreds of swords!

The extremely intense sword light from White Tiger Kill seemed to be endless.

Han Yang was appointed governor of the Second Meridian, and the star energy and magical runes contained in the six major acupoints of the belt were far beyond the imagination of these Martial Kings.

King Mo Yunwu could not resist even if he burned three souls and three souls.

In the end, he was cut into countless pieces by a ray of Dawson's white sword.

A moment later...

The three soul substitute magical powers of Xiang Ziyu and others showed their power and appeared again within a hundred feet range.

But they were horrified to find that Bai Husha's sword light still enveloped them all.


The white tiger's killing sword glow, like a tide, finally subsided.

Seven of the eight sixth-level Martial Kings disappeared.

Prince Guo of the Chu Dynasty, Xiang Ziyu, died!

Six sixth-level martial kings, die!

Only King Baihua managed to survive under the protection of King Moyunwu of Jinyang Valley, who had the strongest defense power.

He stood there tremblingly, unable to recover for a long time.

He simply couldn't accept this reality.


A complete failure.

The kings who were supposed to be invincible were defeated so miserably?

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the attacks of the remaining seven sixth-order Martial Kings also fell on Han Yang.

It's done!

The eyes of the seven sixth-level Martial Kings showed unconcealable joy.

Han Yang's attack power is very powerful, but his weaknesses are also very obvious.

That is……

Not yet entered the realm of kings.

After all, he only has the seventh or eighth level of Yuan Dan and has not yet built his royal body. His fragile defense will definitely not be able to withstand their attacks.

As long as he can hit Han Yang's physical body, he will...certainly die.

All sixth-level Martial Kings firmly believe in this.


When all seven of their attacks landed on Han Yang, a mixture of black and gold light suddenly lit up on Han Yang's body.

Those are lines of swastika characters!

Evil Buddha Glazed Body!

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the seven sixth-order Martial Kings were shocked to find that their attacks did not cause any harm to Han Yang.

No protective runes were used, and no magical weapons were used.

Just using the Evil Buddha Glazed Body to block the powerful attacks of seven sixth-order Martial Kings?

For a moment, the seven sixth-level Martial Kings stood there dumbly like the King of Flowers.

how so……

They couldn't figure it out.

Just two days ago, Han Yang tried his best to kill two sixth-level kings.

After that, Han Yang rushed for two days and one night, bloodbathed the Thunder Wasteland, and had no time to practice and recuperate. How could it reach such a terrifying level?

It actually made them...unable to break through the defense.

Is this just how the so-called Holy Sects of the Imperial Dynasty joined forces to kill me? It's really disappointing.

A faint voice sounded in everyone's ears.

At this moment, Han Yang's voice sounded like a devil's whisper in the ears of King Baihua and others.

Everyone seemed frozen and unable to move.

In just a few dozen breaths, the originally menacing kings of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty were frightened by Han Yang... and flew out of their wits.

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