Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 524 The great eunuch of the current dynasty VS the rebel king of the previous dynasty


Everyone felt their bodies shake, and then the entire Ziyun City trembled violently.

Bang bang bang bang!

A violent crash sounded.

The west wall of Ziyun City was completely changed beyond recognition.

Huge gaps were torn into the city wall, and the original appearance was almost unrecognizable.

The first-order Martial Kings headed by Zhang Wuyou struggled desperately in the aftermath, and their bones were almost completely shattered.

If it weren't for King Wu's powerful vitality, they would have died by now.

Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer were not much better either. Their whole bodies were covered with cracking wounds, their eyes were dull and they were in a trance.

Even the strongest Fu Liuxin, the seventh-level Martial King, had severe injuries to his eyes and was vomiting blood.

Even if it is just the aftermath of the fight, these Martial Kings cannot bear it.

In this case, can Han Yang survive?

Even though everyone's souls and bodies were severely damaged, they still managed to look towards the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Han Yang and Donglin King Yang Kai still stood in place, as if they had not moved.

After a while...


Donglin King Yang Mace's neck exploded, and almost half of his neck was missing.

What's even more frightening is that his overwhelming and powerful aura seems to have been torn apart and is in dire straits.


Han Yang's chest was pierced by sword energy.

His body was almost split in two by King Donglin's sword.

A mysterious power belonging to the ninth-level Martial King tortured his wounds and made his body unable to recover.

The evil Buddha's glazed body was actually cut through by Donglin King Yang Mace with a sword.

At this time, Han Yang did not pay attention to his own body, but looked at the demon sword Bai Zhan in his hand with a sad expression.


A cracking sound sounded.

Cracks appeared on the Demon Sword Baizhan.

The demon sword, which had been slightly repaired after killing the Dream King Liu Hanmeng before, still couldn't withstand Han Yang's peak sword.



In a series of sounds, the Demonic Sword Baizhan collapsed into countless fragments, falling from the air.

The magic knife that had been with Han Yang for the longest time collapsed!


Dong Lin Wang Yang Kai's lips moved, he could only say one word and then couldn't say any more.

Because at this time, his heart was full of panic and the luck of surviving the disaster.

If the magic sword hadn't shattered after a hundred battles, Han Yang's previous sword would definitely have killed him, or at least killed him!

Fortunately, the knife was broken!

At this moment, Donglin King Yang Kai only had awe and shock in his heart.

This man is truly worthy of being the husband chosen by the Lord for the Young Master.

So powerful that he was afraid.

If Han Yang is given a magic weapon and a precious sword, or one of the emperor's nine weapons is given to Han Yang, then Han Yang will definitely have the ability to counterattack the ninth level of King Wu!

He must die!

Unless Han Yang dies, Yang Xuanzhi, the true dragon of the Yang family, will have no chance of marrying Chen Qiaoqian.

Han Yang, you are very strong, but you will die today!

The injury on Yang Mace's neck began to recover quickly.

Without the blessing of soul power, the injuries caused by Han Yang would not last long.

Rather than the injuries he caused to Han Yang, which were difficult to recover from.

Han Yang pursed his lips and moved his toes slightly.


The sound of swords sounded.

Three hundred and fifty-nine Thousand Leaf Divine Swords merged into one and appeared in his hand.

Broken my magic sword, you deserve to die!

Han Yang likes the magic sword Bai Zhan very much.

Therefore, he is going to let Donglin King Yang Mace be buried with the Demon Sword in a hundred battles!

Even if he forcibly uses reincarnation to squeeze his potential and damage his foundation, he will still kill this person.

The boiling sword intent surged out from King Donglin.

In his eyes, Han Yang was no longer an ineffective junior, but a life and death enemy!

Just when the two people are attracted by their anger and the war is about to break out...


The sound of the flying boat shaking the sky rang in everyone's ears.

An extremely luxurious flying boat appeared at the top of Ziyun City and became the focus of everyone's attention.

Jiejiejiejie... Ziyun City is really lively. We are not late, are we?

Following the laughter of a sinister vulture, two figures appeared in the void.

Wearing a python robe, he was obviously a man from King Zhenzhou Wu of the Chu Dynasty. He stood at the back respectfully like a slave.

In front of him was an old eunuch wearing a gold embroidered python robe.

Prince Royal Horse Supervisor Li Lianjiu!

Qing Wang, who was crushed by the aftermath and looked a little depressed, couldn't help but change suddenly when he saw the old eunuch.

The chief eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor, Li Lianjiu, the admiral.

He is one of the legendary figures of the Great Chu Dynasty. He has been famous for a long time. He practices the exclusive magical skill of the eunuchs of the previous dynasty, the Sunflower Book!

This person, who is at the ninth level of Yuan Dan, is going against the second level of King Wu!

The third level of the King of Martial Arts, against the fifth level of the King of Martial Arts!

The seventh level of the King of Martial Arts, counterattacking the ninth level of the King of Martial Arts!

It can be called a legendary existence.

He disappeared from sight three thousand years ago, and everyone thought he had died of old age.

I didn't expect that he would appear again here and now.

Thinking of his previous actions of kneeling before King Donglin and betraying the Chu Dynasty in front of everyone, a chill arose in King Qing's heart.

Today, I'm afraid I'm going to suffer!

Li Lianjiu? You old hater is still alive...

When Donglin Wang Yang Kai saw the old eunuch, a smile appeared on his face.

Li Lianjiu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked Yang Mace up and down, as if he was recalling something.

After a long while, he said in surprise: King Ni! You are the King Ni who attacked our Great Chu Dynasty in the Emperor's Secret Realm and killed thirteen kings in a row!

He was still calm, but the middle king's pupils shrank suddenly after hearing the word Ni Wang.

Rebellious King!

The nightmare of the Chu Dynasty.

Thousands of years ago, Ni Wang went to a holy place in the Emperor's Secret Realm of the Great Chu Dynasty and killed thirteen eighth-level martial kings in a row. He became famous in one battle!

At that time, this Ni King was only a seventh-level Martial King.

Thousands of years have passed, and there is no trace of the Rebel King. I thought the nightmare was gone.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, he was promoted to the ninth level of Martial King.

The next moment, King Zhong saw the wound on Yang Kai's neck that was slowly recovering.

Han Yang can actually kill the Ni King?!

The king's eyes widened suddenly, as if he saw a ghost.

After Li Lianjiu confirmed Yang Kai's identity, he suddenly laughed strangely: Our family was originally planning to capture Han Yang, the junior, to find out the whereabouts of you rebel kings, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself. Okay, very good !”

Donglin King Yang Maci also smiled indifferently: I have long wanted to kill a castrated dog from Da Chu to see if my sword is sharp. Today is the day to kill you and sacrifice the sword!

Since Li Lianjiu appeared, he and Yang Kai have become the focus of everyone's attention.

Just like the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Even Han Yang, the man who injured Yang Mace, was ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

This is the power of the ninth-level Martial King.

They are originally part of the way of heaven, and they are originally the sons of heaven and earth!

They are the real darlings of Tianwu Continent!

Han Yang took out a heaven-level elixir from Najie, swallowed it, and began to use the Nine Turns of Stars Art to recover from his injuries.

Now that Li Lianjiu and Yang Kai are facing each other, he is happy to watch dog eat dog.

Let's see if you, the rebellious king, are really capable of reversing the world!

Li Lianjiu waved his hand, and three silver needles shot out, biting towards Yang Mace like a dragon.

The war begins!

But it has nothing to do with Han Yang.

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