Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 525 The God of War Will Not Escape

Master, why don't we... let's run away while we have the opportunity to keep the green hills here? Aren't we afraid of running out of firewood?

Ji Xiangtian lay on the ground and sent a message to Han Yang pitifully.

It's too awful.

The fight between ninth-level Martial Kings was simply devastating for low-level Martial Kings like them.

Ji Xiangtian now speaks intermittently, let alone standing up, and is interrupted from time to time.

The real power of the ninth-level Martial King is not in his Qi or runes.

Not even in the King Realm force field!

What's really great about them is...the power of their souls!

Every move is filled with powerful power, even if it only spreads a little, it will make the low-level Martial King unable to lift his head.

Ji Xiangtian felt that his soul was about to be torn apart by the two people fighting.

You want me to escape?

Han Yang sneered and closed his eyes silently.

He was the supreme god of war in his previous life, how could he escape without a fight?

Even if he wants to leave, he must tear off a piece of flesh from the body of the Ni Wang named Yang!

If Yang Mace and Li Lianjiu are willing to fight, let them fight!

In the end, he will let them know who is the master of this battle.

Under the nourishment of the heavenly elixir, the acupoints in Han Yang's body were recovering rapidly.

One hole!

Two holes!

Every time half a stick of incense passes, one acupuncture point is completely restored.


Not enough, this speed is far from enough!

Han Yang's eyes flashed with fierceness and he gritted his teeth.

Beauty, turn on!

Deification, turn on!

Evil Buddha Glazed Body, open!

In an instant, he superimposed his condition to his prime.

As a result, the wound on his chest exploded again.

The huge sword mark almost cut off half of his body.

You can even directly see the moving internal organs in the body.

This was the first time in his nine rebirths that he had been injured so seriously.

However, this only aroused his ferocity even more.

Let him restore his acupoints like crazy.

Under the blessing of the prosperous state, the recovery speed of the acupoints has increased to more than twice!

For every half stick of incense, there will be three acupoints for immediate recovery!

Master...Master, if you are like this, no, nothing will happen to you, right?

Ji Xiangtian was frightened.

Han Yang's current appearance can only be described as extremely miserable.

The sword marks were dripping with blood, and the internal organs were squirming in the abdominal cavity, which looked quite terrifying.

Even the Glazed Sword King Fu Liuxin not far away looked at Han Yang in shock as he was bleeding profusely.

In the battle between the ninth-level Martial King, Han Yang not only did not take the opportunity to escape, but also inflicted more injuries on himself.

What... exactly does he want to do?

Boom, boom!

The unrivaled powerful soul attack tore the void apart again.


Zhang Wuyou, Qing Wang, Luanyuan Saint and other first and second level martial kings all vomited blood and fainted.

Even Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian were shocked and screamed in pain.

Only Fu Liuxin and Zhongwang could barely support themselves in the aftermath of the battle between the ninth-level Martial King.

At this time, when the King of Zhong looked at Han Yang, who was seriously injured and bleeding, with a pale face, he couldn't help but have a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

Demon King Han Yang, who killed Prince Guo Xiang Baxian and many princes and saints, has become a thorn in the side and flesh of the Chu Dynasty, and even the holy sects of all dynasties.

Originally, he, a sixth-level Martial King, had no chance of killing Han Yang.

But now, Han Yang was seriously injured, and in the aftermath of the battle with the ninth-level Martial King, his condition was in critical condition.

If I could kill him by surprise...

The thought just flashed through his mind, and the king couldn't help but feel excited.

If he could really kill Han Yang, he would definitely be appreciated and rewarded by his ancestors.

Now Han Yang is definitely the person with the highest reward in Tianwu Continent.

Han Yang, go to hell!

With a look of madness flashing in his eyes, the king made up his mind and took action boldly.

No one expected that under such circumstances, Da Chu, the King of Zhenzhou, would choose to take action against Han Yang.

In the distance, there was a burst of exclamation.

Fu Liuxin's expression was trembling, but he resisted the urge to intercept.

He also wanted to see how much combat power Han Yang still had at this time.


The sword's light shines like a sword!

With the peak combat power of the sixth-level Martial King, the King of Zhong launched an attack on Han Yang.

Cut it down with one knife.

The fierce sword light seemed to be able to swallow everything.

The six-level king-level force field and the three souls and three souls were all integrated into this sword.

This knife can cut off the soul.

Master, be careful!

Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian exclaimed at the same time.

In their worried eyes, Han Yang opened his eyes.

You deserve to be killed!

His eyes were full of anger.

I was trying my best to restore my acupoints, but a mere sixth-order Martial King dared to make a sneak attack?

Damn it!

Destroy the Star God.

Han Yang used his sword to control the sword and drew it out with one stroke.

A coquettish black line crossed the sky.

Not good! It seems that his injury has not affected his strength at all?

The king's pupils suddenly shrank, and he hurriedly wanted to retreat, but since he had taken action, how could he easily retreat?


The black line brought by the Star Destroyer God collided with his sword light.


The three souls and three souls were hit hard like thunder, causing the king to wail in pain.


Before he could recover, the Qianye Divine Sword had already slashed through his neck.

A head flew high into the air.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man were wiped out in an instant.

This man who guarded the sacred capital of Zhongzhou and was the leader of the nine states of Chu Dynasty was killed by Han Yang's sword because of a wrong decision.

As for Han Yang, as if he had done nothing, he continued to close his eyes and began to use medicine to restore his acupoints.

At this time, the wound on his chest was still terrible.

His face still looked dying.

But Fu Liuxin didn't dare to look up at him.

Is it really...a monster? Even though he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he still acted like a normal person and killed a sixth-order Martial King with one sword? !

He even wondered whether Han Yang deliberately pretended to be seriously injured and set up a trap to test them.

As a result, the king was unlucky and ran into a trap, leaving no trace of his body.

Hmph! I won't be fooled!

Fu Liuxin suppressed his restless mood and began to resist the aftermath of the battle with the ninth-level Martial King with all his strength.


With one blow, the west wall was completely reduced to ashes.

Even the seven or eight nearby blocks disappeared in the energy bombardment.

For all living beings in the Tianwu Continent, the battle between the ninth-level Martial Kings is a doomsday natural disaster.

Their fight would be absolutely earth-shaking and a huge disaster for ordinary people.

Countless people in Ziyun City, under the influence of the soul power of the ninth-level king, were wailing in pain and bleeding from their seven orifices...


One black and one white, two streams of light passing by each other.

Finally, the figures of Li Lianjiu and Yang Kai were revealed.

Half of Yang Kai's face collapsed, his head was almost torn apart, and he looked very miserable.

If this kind of injury had happened to anyone else, he would have died long ago.

But he can still levitate out of thin air.

Li Lianjiu gritted his teeth and roared: The Lotus Sutra! The Lotus Sutra, one of the nine great powers of the previous dynasty! Damn... the remnants of the previous dynasty's abuses!

His injuries were not serious either. The area around his heart had been shattered by Yang Mace's sword, and he was hanging by one breath.

What's even more frightening is that he already has a short lifespan, and now his beard and hair are all white, he is old, and he even speaks with a trembling voice.

You know too much... It seems that I must kill you today!

Donglin King Yang Kai's eyes were filled with cold light, and a golden light rose from his eyes and gradually enveloped his whole body!

Fragments of the God List.

He forcibly activated the fragments of the God List in Tianwu Continent.

Want to kill me? It depends on whether you have the ability!

Li Lianjiu also smiled ferociously, and a golden light flashed around his body.

He also activated the fragments of the God List!


The two roared again, and the silver needle of the Sunflower Book and the green sword of the Lotus Sutra struck together.


The snow-white torrent of energy instantly drowned everything.

The western part of Ziyun City disappeared in the aftermath of the fight between the two.

As much as a quarter of the ancient city of Qingzhou, which had stood for thousands of years, was destroyed.

After activating the fragments of the God List, the destructive power of the two increased dramatically.


This time, even Fu Liuxin, the seventh-level Martial King, couldn't hold on anymore and fell directly from mid-air.

The entire Ziyun City felt like the end of the world was coming.

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