Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 526 The God List is Invincible

Is this the power of the God List fragments?

Han Yang opened his eyes, secretly frightened.

When she was in Xuandao Palace, not long after Ji Feihua activated the fragments of the God List, she was teleported away by the old eunuch.

This time, it was the first time he saw the power of fully activating the fragments of the God List.


Very strong?

After activating the fragments of the God List, the strength of Li Lianjiu and Yang Kai increased by at least two levels!

At this level, I am afraid that a seventh-level or even sixth-level Martial King can defeat the ordinary ninth-level Martial King by stimulating the fragments of the God List!

This scene was somewhat beyond Han Yang's expectations.

But this outbreak is not without cost.

With the eyesight of Han Yang who was reborn in the ninth generation, he could naturally see that every time he activated the fragments of the God List, he was actually squeezing the potential of the warrior to a large extent.

Eight times out of ten times at most, a high-level Martial King will be squeezed clean, and there will be no possibility of promotion to Martial King.

He vaguely understood why no Martial Emperor was born in Tianwu Continent for ten thousand years.

The God List Organization is really sinister!

Just use the fragments of the black list to plunder the luck of the warriors from the Tianwu Continent.

He even used the God List fragments to squeeze their potential.

It really doesn’t give the warriors of this low-level world any way to survive.

Pity these people, not only do they not understand the truth, but they also use the fragments of the God List as a trump card and a last resort.


What a shame!


There was a flash of light on Han Yang's body, and all eighteen acupoints of Rendu's second channel were restored, leaving only the nine major acupoints with pulses that had not yet healed.

Two sticks of incense!

As long as he has two more sticks of incense, he can return to his prime.

But unfortunately, Li Lianjiu and Yang Kai obviously would not give him another two sticks of incense time.


After each used their last resort, there was a loud thunder-like sound, and Li Lianjiu's body was blown hundreds of feet away, half of his body was shattered, and even the luster of the fragments of the divine list exuding from his body was dimmed a lot. do you know my cover!

Li Lianjiu looked at Yang Kai, who was also seriously injured, in horror.

The Sunflower Magic Technique recorded in the Sunflower Book is a technique tailor-made for Yin people like eunuchs, and is extremely powerful.

But because the eunuch's body is disabled, a shield will appear inside his body, and his defense is about 30% lower than other places.

It's just that this kind of cover is very secretive and difficult for ordinary people to discover.

Li Lianjiu even guarded his closest disciples and grandchildren.

But now, it was cut through by Yang Mace with a sword.

Yang Mace spat out a large mouthful of essence and blood and laughed loudly: Old man, you are so stupid! The Sunflower Manual is a technique left by my big man. Are you so naive? Do you think I will not understand this skill later? The weakness of the magical power?!

Li Lianjiu looked at Yang Mace with great resentment and said with a ferocious smile: Even if you defeat me, you can't escape! Since you have the guts to enter the territory of Dachu, you will definitely die. Wait, wait, our ancestors will personally take action. , I will cut you into pieces!

After saying this, he could no longer control the fragments of the divine list, and was teleported away with a buzzing sound.

To activate the fragments of the God List in Tianwu Continent, the warrior needs to suppress the teleportation ability of the fragments at all times.

He was seriously injured at this time, and he could no longer suppress it.


Seeing Li Lianjiu's figure disappear, Yang Kai, who looked golden and purple, let out a long sigh of relief.

First he was beheaded by Han Yang, and then he fought with Li Lianjiu to his death, and he had reached the end of his strength.

If Li Lianjiu didn't leave, he might not be able to hold on anymore.

More than a dozen wounds on his body were spraying blood wantonly, and Yang Mace's eyes were full of resentment and hatred.

These rebellious old monsters from the Chu Dynasty really deserve death.

He almost ruined his plan to kill Han Yang!

Forcibly suppressing the teleportation power in the fragments, he rose into the air and flew towards Han Yang at high speed.

Junior, it's your turn!

There was still some time left, and he was confident that even if he was seriously injured, it would be enough to kill Han Yang, a semi-wasted man.

Han Yang was still feeling the changes in the acupoints in his body. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but sigh.


Only nineteen acupoints were restored.

Ask you something...

As if he didn't know that death was coming, Han Yang smiled and asked, If you die, will the fragments of the divine list fall off?

Yang Mace was already ready to kill him, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but be startled.

Immediately he burst out laughing uncontrollably.

Hahahaha... Junior, you mean, you can kill me? You are really bragging, I have activated the fragments of the God List...


But before he finished his sentence, the sound of swords sounded.

Han Yang's expression darkened, and he once again blew out the nineteen acupoints he had just recovered from.

The sound of the evil Buddha's Zen chanting was sung again.

Kill Zen!

This is Han Yang's current... strongest attack!

This time, he completely activated the power of the evil Buddha in almost all the acupoints in his body.

The violent energy was just slightly weaker than the sword strike not long ago.

Yang Kai looked at Han Yang contemptuously, his figure did not move, and he did not avoid it at all.


Sha Chan struck with a strike and cut into the golden light.

During the fight with Li Lianjiu, the Divine List Shard Shield, which was already so fragile that only a thin layer of film remained, only trembled for a moment and easily blocked Han Yang's desperate slash.

The breeze blew Yang Mace's gray hair. He looked at Han Yang jokingly and said sarcastically: I'll give you time to heal. Come on, try cutting me again!

Han Yang was able to recover 70% of his combat power in such a short period of time, which really surprised him.

But that's all.

After activating the fragments of the God List, his strength reached the peak of the ninth level Martial King!

Not to mention that Han Yang was seriously injured, even in his previous heyday, it was impossible to break through the defense of the fragments of the divine list.

In the Secret Realm of the Emperor, there is a widely circulated saying: Only the fragments of the God List can defeat the fragments of the God List.

After activating the fragments of the God List, the warrior can be said to have integrated offense and defense, becoming an invincible warrior god!

Cough cough cough...

Han Yang coughed up a lot of internal organ fragments from his mouth and became depressed.

Yang Mace walked towards Han Yang step by step and said slowly: Boy, you are indeed very strong, but you have infected someone you shouldn't have! Young master, you can only become the daughter-in-law of my Yang family!


Without the suppression of the ninth-level Martial King, Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian gradually recovered from their coma.

They all looked at Han Yang helplessly.

At this moment, there was unprecedented despair in their hearts.

After activating the fragments of the divine list, Yang Mace was like a god, making people unable to resist.

Even the master who has never been defeated seems to have reached the end of his life.

And there was nothing they could do.


Zhang Wuyou also woke up from his coma, lying on the ruins of the city wall, looking regretfully at Han Yang above the void.

He dominated the Chu Dynasty and never met an opponent.

Even the saints and saints in the Ming Cult are nothing more than ants in his eyes.

Han Yang was the only person who made him feel defeated several times in a row.

I thought he would have to work hard and look for opportunities in the future to avenge this humiliation.

Unexpectedly, Han Yang was going to die now.

With the fragments of the God List, Yang Mace is an invincible god!

It is impossible for humans to kill gods!

Not even Demon King Han Yang can do it!

In the past two years, Han Yang, who had created countless mythical achievements, would eventually fall here and draw a broken end.

Under everyone's worried, pity, or resentful gaze, Han Yang, who was in a mess and covered in blood, suddenly straightened up.

He nodded and spoke slowly.

I will kill you with three swords!

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