Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 531 Han Yang comes and runs

The left beard lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

It is true that the Holy Sect and the Imperial Dynasty have an alliance.

Because Xuandao Palace is located within the territory of the Great Chu Dynasty, it can be regarded as a natural ally of the Great Chu Dynasty.

But similarly, the relationship between the Holy Sect and the imperial dynasty was naturally antagonistic.

Because the Holy Sect needs to recruit disciples from the territory of the dynasty, it is equivalent to sucking the blood of the dynasty, which will naturally make the dynasty unhappy.

Therefore, when dealing with the outside world, Xuan Yi Palace and the Da Chu Dynasty were considered allies.

But there are also many contradictions between the two!

What the Ninth Hall Master said was somewhat inaccurate.

The reason is probably because the Nine Hall Masters and Ji Feihua are not from the same line.

Back then, Ji Feihua also relied on her cultivation and status to bully the Lord of the Ninth Hall.

This good opportunity for revenge would be damned if the Lord of the Nine Halls didn't get it back.

Sure enough, Zuo Yan immediately heard the Lord of the Ninth Palace say: Go and inform Elder Ji that the deal with the Ni King is of great importance. I, a small and low-level Martial King, cannot make the decision. I need to ask the palace masters for instructions and let her wait. Come on!

Zuo Beard didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only accept the order and retreat.

Just as he stood up to leave, a maid rushed into the hall in a panic.

The Ninth Palace Master raised his eyebrows.

She values ​​rules the most.

Isn't this little maid looking for death if she barges in randomly?

But before she could get angry, the little maid knelt down on the ground with a thud, and said tremblingly: Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I just received news that Han Yang... Demon King Han Yang is driving a flying boat in the sky. Fly towards the Emperor’s Secret Realm!”

With just one word, the palace fell into a dead silence.

Xuandao Palace, one of the ten holy sects, is the supreme existence in Tianwu Continent.

The disciples of Xuan Yi Palace are even more aloof, like gods in the sky.

They never put those casual cultivators in their eyes.

Even the geniuses and evildoers are just passing clouds in their eyes.

Genius is like running water, only the Holy Sect is eternal!

Facing the talented warriors of the casual cultivators, the warriors of Xuan Yi Palace looked down.

But this attitude was broken by a person not long ago.

Demon King Han Yang!

In the wild land, he killed seven sixth-level martial kings with one sword, causing the six dynasties and the ten holy sects to flee without a fight, humiliating themselves.

When the news reached Sanxian Island, the martial kings of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty were shocked.

Some people even clamored to return to Tianwu Continent and kill Han Yang!

However, before any action could be taken, the news about Xuan Yi Palace spread.

Han Yang, in the Dao Palace, killed Ji Feihua, the ninth-level martial king!

Cut off one of his arms.

Since then, Demon King Han Yang has become a taboo-like existence.

No one mentioned his name again.

No one even mentioned returning to Tianwu Continent and killing him.

Everyone on Sanxian Island tacitly pretends that Han Yang does not exist.

Who would have thought that this real demon king would come to the Three Immortals Island?

The Demon King Han Yang has almost become synonymous with bloody events.

Now that he comes to Sanxian Island, there will definitely be another bloody storm.

What...why did he come to Sanxian Island?

The first thought of the Lord of the Ninth Hall was that Demon King Han Yang was crazy about killing. It was not enough to cut off Ji Feihua's arm. He also wanted to kill them all.

But this idea was immediately rejected by her.

The Three Immortals Island is part of the Emperor's Secret Realm. Here, unlike the Tianwu Continent, you can activate the fragments of the God List at will.

If Han Yang dares to come, he will probably not end well.

The little maid and Zuo Yan both lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Yuandan warriors like them are not qualified to interfere in such a big matter.

The Ninth Hall Master sitting on the main seat had an expression on his face that was sometimes frightened, sometimes furious, and sometimes twisted.

After a long period of time, she said coldly: Please step back and inform Ji Feihua. The master of this palace will contact the Emperor's Secret Realm and arrange the fragments of the God List for her as soon as possible!

At the critical moment, a ninth-level Martial King is still needed to control the situation.

The Ninth Hall Master chose to compromise.

She was more afraid of the Demon King Han Yang than humiliating Ji Feihua.

at the same time.

The news that Demon King Han Yang was coming to the Three Immortals Island spread throughout the Three Immortals Island at an incredible speed.

The group of warriors left behind on Sanxian Island were like frightened birds, and the grass and trees were all soldiers.

They sent messages to the Emperor's secret territory one after another, requesting that the ninth-level Martial King be sent to suppress Han Yang.

After all, most of the people outside were low-level Martial Kings of one or two levels, and there was no way they could be Han Yang's opponents.

For a time, the six dynasties and the ten holy sects were once again in chaos because of the Demon King Han Yang.

At this time, Han Yang's flying boat had left the border of the Great Chu Dynasty and entered the Great Xia Dynasty.

The person driving the flying boat was also changed from Zhang Wuyou to Han Yang himself.

Because of Zhang Wuyou's small amount of energy, the speed of controlling the airship was too slow.

If we advance slowly like that, crossing the Great Xia Dynasty and crossing the boundless sea to reach Sanxian Island, it will probably take two months.

Han Yang couldn't afford to wait.


In front of the speeding flying airship, there was a sudden thunder blast, and an old man wearing a Daxia python robe appeared in the void.

Daxia, Prince Siyuan of Nanyuan has met His Highness the Demon King.

The old man's attitude was respectful and showed no hint of the arrogance and rudeness of King Wu of the Dynasty.

Princes, that is the royal family, most of them are beings with respected status in the dynasty.

Prince Si Yuan of Nanyuan was the ninth-level Martial King of the Great Xia Dynasty. His status was as high as that of the Emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Han Yang stood up with his sword, floated ten feet in front of the old man, and asked aloud: Why did Daxia block my way?

Si Yuan couldn't help but be startled when he saw Han Yang's white hair.

But he still remembered his mission after all, and his attitude was still respectful: My Majesty, the Emperor of Daxia, would like to invite His Highness the Demon King to visit the capital of the country!

Han Yang was startled at first, and then guessed the intentions of the Daxia Dynasty.

Back in the wilderness, he had a good relationship with Da Qin's Prince Ying Cheng and Da Xia's Princess Si Su.

This Daxia Dynasty has probably changed its previous hostile attitude and wants to try to win over itself.

This is a common method used by the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty to deal with casual warriors.

If you can't defeat them, you will surrender.


Han Yang was too lazy to talk to these idiots who were trapped in a dead situation without knowing it. He shook his head slightly and said, I have something important to go to Sanxian Island. I have no time to go to Jixia for the time being. Please take me to say hello to Sisu.

Si Yuan had obviously expected Han Yang's rejection, and he said with a smile again: My emperor met with His Highness the Demon King precisely for the matter of Three Immortals Island. His Highness may not know that, as His Highness, even if he went to Three Immortals Island , it is impossible to pass the assessment of the God List Organization and obtain the qualification to enter the Emperor's Secret Realm. And I, Daxia...are willing to help His Highness.

Han Yang frowned slightly and chuckled: The God List organization doesn't allow it? Then, I'll just fight in.

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