Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 532 A dragnet ambush Han Yang

Si Yuan couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

He is indeed the famous Demon King.

Very murderous!

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Si Yuan cupped his hands and said: Your Highness may not know that the gate to the Emperor's Secret Realm is currently under the control of the Divine List Organization. Without their permission, His Highness will not be able to open it even if he kills everyone on the Three Immortals Island. The portal to the secret realm.”

Han Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at Si Yuan.

Si Yuan gritted his teeth and continued: In addition to providing His Highness with the qualifications to enter the Emperor's Secret Realm, Daxia was actually entrusted by Si Su to invite His Highness to attend her wedding to Ying Cheng.


Han Yang was stunned.

It’s only been a little over two months since I left the wilderness.

The two of them are actually about to get married?

The so-called princes and princesses are really pitiful. Even with the talent to win the city, they can only become puppets of the dynasty's interests and have no freedom at all.

Han Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he thought of the scene where Ying Cheng was so arrogant and risked being punished by the dynasty to tip him off and have a chat with him over wine.

Wrong birth of the imperial family.

Forget it, I'll go with you.

Han Yang still thought of meeting Ying Cheng and Si Su.

Si Yuan was overjoyed and hurriedly wanted to lead the way. Unexpectedly, Han Yang said directly: You happen to be a ninth-level Martial King. You have sufficient zhenqi capacity. It will be faster to control the flying boat. Let's get on the flying boat.


Si Yuan's face twitched.

The majestic King Wu of Zhenguo turned out to be a coolie driving a flying boat.

This kind of thing is probably something only Demon King Han Yang can do.

He cursed in his heart, but put a smile on his face and said with a smile: Since Your Highness trusts me, I will pilot the flying boat for His Highness.

It sounds like it's an honor to drive a flying boat for Han Yang.

After boarding the flying boat and starting to drive it, Zhang Wuyou quietly appeared next to Han Yang.

This guy...has a problem.

He secretly transmitted the message.


Han Yang was noncommittal.

Zhang Wuyou said coldly: To show your courtesy for nothing, you are either a traitor or a thief! This Si Yuan is a majestic martial king of the country and a strong man of the ninth level, but he is groveling to you! Even if Daxia wants to be friends with you, he will not This is how it should be, humility is too much!”

Zhang Wuyou is the holy son of the Ming Cult and has seen too many conspiracies and tricks.

He felt it was necessary to remind Han Yang.

If Han Yang is in danger, those of them who are following Han Yang will not have a good outcome.

Han Yang, with his hands behind his back, stood on the bow of the airship, letting his white hair fly in all directions due to the strong wind.

He said calmly: If someone wants to die, I will save him.


Zhang Wuyou turned around angrily and entered the cabin directly.

He felt that talking about the conspiracy with Han Yang was just playing the lute to a cow, and it made no sense at all.

This guy is used to violence and has a single-minded mind.

Seven days later.

The Royal Flying Boat appeared in the sky above Jixia, the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Two sixth-level martial kings.

Four third-level Martial Kings.

Eight first-level martial kings.

Nearly ten thousand yuandan warriors.

The Great Xia Dynasty welcomed the arrival of the Demon King Han Yang as a way to entertain a foreign prince.

Your Highness, please!

Siyuan, who had been a coachman for a time, smiled and guided Han Yang.

Han Yang walked with his sword and looked at Jixia Academy at his feet, seeming a little distracted.

Si Yuan smiled hurriedly and said, How about it? Our Daxia Jixia is more majestic than the Dachu Divine Capital, right?

Han Yang looked indifferent and said slowly: I just want to remember it in advance. It would be a pity if such an ancient imperial capital was destroyed.

Si Yuan's expression suddenly froze.

The faces of the martial kings of Great Xia who originally stood in the sky to greet Han Yang became very ugly after hearing these words.

His first words after arriving were to destroy the capital. This Han Yang was simply arrogant and rude.

Haha... Your Highness is joking... please come inside, my emperor has been waiting for you for a long time.

Si Yuan seemed to be arrogant, but he actually forced a smile.

Han Yang stood tall in the sky and said with a half-smile, It's okay to enter Jixia. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out after I go in. I want Sisu and Yingcheng to come out to see me.

Si Yuan's expression froze and he said hurriedly: Your Highness has misunderstood. I, Daxia, sincerely form an alliance with Your Highness and will never...

Before he finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Han Yang.

The Forbidden Sky Formation, plus three ninth-level Martial Kings, you Daxia have gone to great lengths to kill me.

Han Yang's words struck Si Yuan on the head like thunder. could you...

At this time, Si Yuan's face no longer had the pretentious hypocrisy and humility before, but was replaced by real astonishment.

He never expected that Han Yang would reveal all of Po Jixia's plans in one word.

Han Yang said coldly: I don't know why your Daxia Dynasty made you so stupid, and I have no interest in knowing! Let Sisu come out to see me. If she is fine, I don't have to pursue this conspiracy!

After saying that, he looked at Si Yuan with a sarcastic face and said in a cold tone: Or you and the other two old haters can try to see who can keep me!

Si Yuan's face was so gloomy at this moment that he could shed tears.

Han Yang was right. The Daxia Dynasty was indeed plotting against Han Yang and even wanted to kill him.

When Sisu returned to Jixia from the wilderness, the Daxia royal family did have the idea of ​​forming an alliance with Han Yang.

Even if a person with extraordinary talent and unrivaled combat power like Han Yang cannot become a friend, he should not become an enemy.

Unfortunately, the arrival of the ninth-level Martial King Zhentian King of the Divine List Organization changed everything.

The God List gave the Daxia royal family two choices.

Allied with Han Yang and lost the protection of the God List. From then on, there were no new fragments of the God List for three thousand years.

Or, join forces with them to kill Han Yang, and in the next three thousand years, the fragments of the God List will be doubled!

It was a very simple arithmetic problem, and Daxia Dynasty quickly made a choice.

But they didn't expect that Han Yang would see through the plan before it even started.

Forcefully kill Han Yang?


Han Yang's sword-wielding speed was faster than that of a ninth-level Martial King.

Even if you activate the fragments of the God List, you may not be able to catch up.

In Si Yuan's silence, Han Yang said coldly: I won't say it a second time. I'll give you one stick of incense. If you don't see Si Su after one stick of incense, I will treat her as having been killed by you!

Si Yuan finally felt the pressure from the Demon King.

He wanted to rebel and take action.

But Han Yang's record of killing the ninth-level Martial King when he was in fragmented state outside Ziyun City made him dare not take action rashly.

Han Yang! Don't forget, your friend is still on the Royal Sky Boat!

Si Yuan finally showed his vicious face and threatened the lives of Xiao Jiuer and three others.

If it really happened, Han Yang might be able to escape with his life, but Xiao Jiuer and the other three would definitely not be able to escape.


Seeing Si Yuan's expression, Han Yang suddenly smiled softly, and the expression on his face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

Go and kill! You go and kill the three of them now! If you don't kill them, you are my grandson!

Qianye Divine Sword seemed to feel his anger, and it buzzed and trembled at that moment.

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