Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 533 One person controls a country


Si Yuan, who had regained his original temperament, no longer had the humility before, and was completely angered by Han Yang's arrogance.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to reprimand, something happened suddenly.


The sound of sword buzzing sounded.

A ferocious white tiger roared out of Han Yang's hand and rushed towards the Daxia Dynasty warriors below.

you dare!

Si Yuan was furious and tried to intercept him again, but was a step too late.

He watched helplessly as the roaring white tiger rushed towards all the warriors below.

not good!

Work together to block it!

Some of the Martial Kings below were shocked.

They had no idea why the conversation broke down, nor did they know how Han Yang could take action in the blink of an eye without any scruples.

In panic, many King Wu wanted to resist Han Yang's attack.

But the tricks of Demon King Han Yang were not something that little King Wu like them could resist.

Bang bang bang!

Many king-level force fields exploded one after another and were easily chopped into pieces by the sword energy.

Puff puff!

After losing the protection of the force field, everyone became a lamb to be slaughtered.

A stream of blood mist splashed.

Arms flew into the sky one by one.

In less than a breath, more than a dozen Martial Kings below, with nearly ten thousand Yuan Dan, were all bombarded with vomiting blood, and their figures were in a mess!

Moreover, each of them lost a right arm.

Han Yang looked at Si Yuan with a ferocious smile and said sarcastically: Go and kill! What are you doing standing still? I have already taken action, why don't you kill my people!

Si Yuan only felt a chill on his back and his body was icy cold.



He finally understood how stupid it was for him to threaten Han Yang with the people around Han Yang.

Han Yang only has three relatives and friends.

But their Daxia Dynasty has hundreds of millions of people!

If you offend this demon king and let him go on a killing spree within the Great Xia Dynasty, the entire Great Xia Dynasty will be subverted!

Even the Daxia royal family will be trapped in Jixia for life, unable to leave even half a step.

As long as he leaves Jixia, he will be ruthlessly hunted by Han Yang.

At this time, Han Yang already had the combat power to control a country with one man!

If you want to threaten the people around him, you must first weigh whether you can bear the tragic ending of everyone around you being killed by him.

Boom boom!

Thunder exploded in Jixia City, and two figures appeared in the void.

One of them, wearing a python robe and a eunuch's attire, was obviously the ninth-level military king of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The other person was wearing a luxurious divine robe and looked at Han Yang with a stern face.

There was condescending contempt in his eyes.

Are you finally willing to come out of the turtle shell?

Han Yang faced the two people with a sneer.

The old eunuch said nothing and looked solemn.

Han Yang's previous sword strike was truly stunning.

With a combat power no less than that of a ninth-level Martial King, they could kill nearly ten thousand warriors with one blow.

But like Han Yang, who cut off nearly ten thousand people's arms with one blow and controlled his power to the tiniest millisecond, it was absolutely impossible for him to do it.

Demon King Han Yang lives up to his reputation.

Han Yang...

The man in the divine robe looked at him indifferently and said in a pitiful tone: If you offend the divine list, you will only die. Now, why don't you hand over the black list and make a contract to serve our divine list for ten thousand years. I can Make the decision and leave you a way to survive.

Just like the Shenbang walking around the world that I saw outside the Shenxu, the people on the Shenbang were all arrogant and arrogant.

This is obviously the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty.

But the two martial kings of Daxia were like little followers, not even qualified to speak.

But King Wu of Shenbang became the master of this place and talked freely.

In Han Yang's view, the so-called dynasty of Tianwu Continent has ceased to exist in name only and has become a captive pet of the God List Organization!


The Qianye Divine Sword in his hand shook.

Han Yang said calmly: You can choose to try to kill me.

The corner of the Shenbang Martial King's eyes twitched. If he could kill Han Yang, he would have done it long ago.

Donglin King Yang Mace activated the fragments of the God List, but was still killed by Han Yang. He didn't even have a chance to escape. It can be seen that Han Yang was able to surpass the ninth-level Martial King in terms of speed.

As long as he is not suppressed by the forbidden air formation, Han Yang can fight or retreat, come and go as he pleases.

They couldn't kill him at all.

King Wu of Shenbang glanced at Han Yang indifferently and said, You are lucky today. I am waiting for you in the Emperor's Secret Realm! If you have the guts, go in and give it a try!

After saying that, a golden light flashed from his body, activating the fragments of the divine list and teleporting away.

This King of Martial Arts on the Divine List comes whenever he wants and leaves whenever he wants.

As soon as he left, he immediately left the two kings of the Kingdom of Great Xia on the spot.

A good siege plan, not to mention completely bankrupt, also caused the Great Xia Dynasty to lose face.

Han Yang said calmly: There is still half a stick of incense.

Si Yuan's heart twitched violently.

Damn it!

This Han Yang really deserves death, and he doesn't give them any face at all.

Han Yang had some free time, standing in the void, just waiting.

Time passed slowly while waiting, and in the end, Si Yuan could not resist the pressure.

If Han Yang leaves like this, their Daxia Dynasty may be in constant trouble from now on.

With such an untraceable and unkillable demon king causing trouble in the dark, the Great Xia Dynasty will never have peace.

Let Sisu come out!

Si Yuan, the King of Martial Arts of Zhen Guo, lowered his head helplessly.

This sentence also made the warriors present who had their arms cut off by Han Yang look ugly, ashamed and angry.

Someone cut off his arm on his own property, but he still couldn't get angry.

The tens of thousands of years of glory of the Great Xia Dynasty were destroyed today!

When Sisu Yukong appeared in a wedding dress, everyone looked at her with eyes filled with resentment.

It was as if Sisu had humiliated them.

You're not hurt, are you?

Han Yang asked.

Sisu pursed her lips, looked at Han Yang for a long time, and suddenly said: I'm fine, but Yingcheng was seriously injured by King Wu of Shenbang in order to protect me!


you shut up!

Si Yuan and the old eunuch were furious.

Sisu's words were tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

If you offend Han Yang, there will definitely be no good results.


Han Yang really smiled this time, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

The mighty Great Xia Dynasty actually allowed King Wu of the Shenbang Organization to injure their in-laws in their capital?

Han Yang's sneer was like a knife, piercing the faces of Si Yuan and the two of them, making them blush with embarrassment.

Are you willing to go with Ying Cheng to...the Emperor's Secret Realm?

After sneering, Han Yang asked warmly.

Sisu was startled, then nodded immediately and said: I am willing, and I believe Yingcheng will not refuse.

When Daxia and Daqin Dynasty were afraid of the coercion of the Shenbang organization and used them as bait, she had already despaired of Daxia.

This dynasty cannot even protect its princess, so why not wait!

This time, before Han Yang could waste any time, Siyuan sent someone to deliver Yingcheng.

This heroic warrior's face was pale at the moment, but there was still a smile on his lips, and he even nodded to Han Yang with a smile.

Han Yang casually tossed the wine gourd containing Han Bing Zui to Ying Cheng.

Yingcheng laughed and drank happily.

The martial kings of the Great Xia Dynasty who had their arms cut off looked at Han Yang and the three people chatting and laughing with a trace of confusion on their expressions.


No one dares to mess with you!

Drinking happily with the enemy in the capital.

Compared with King Wu of Great Xia who bowed to the God List Organization, it seems that Han Yang and the other three have the true royal demeanor.

When Han Yang's flying boat slowly left, an indifferent voice sounded in Si Yuan's ears.

You made the wrong choice.

Si Yuan's face turned pale instantly with some sadness and anger.

Emperor Ancestor...

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