Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 534 Tianwu Continent has no way out

On the flying boat.

Both Yingcheng and Sisu felt a little uncomfortable.

Of these two, Yingcheng was better off. Because he was seriously injured for no apparent reason and needed healing, he was still wearing the python robe of the Prince of Qin.

Sisu was more embarrassed.

She has a phoenix crown, a bright red wedding dress, and even bridal makeup on her face, looking as gorgeous as a peach or plum.

But it's so incompatible with the environment on the flying boat, it's really awkward.

Fortunately, Yingcheng doesn't care about this.

After sitting down with Sisu's help, he smiled bitterly and said, Brother Han, I never thought that seeing each other in the wilderness would feel like a lifetime ago.

Two months ago, in the wild land, both of them were in the Yuan Dan realm.

Now that Yingcheng has gathered his heavenly soul and become the Martial King, I thought it would narrow the distance between the two.

As a result, he never thought that it would be reported that Han Yang killed the ninth-level Martial King in Ziyun City.

This made Yingcheng sigh for a long time.

Han Yang smiled slightly and joked: You don't blame me for forcing you out, do you? If I make a fuss, you, the Prince of Qin, may not be able to do it.

Ying Cheng's character was incompatible with some of the emperor's sons.

Now he was taken away by Han Yang in front of King Wu of the Divine List Organization.

No matter how bold the Qin Dynasty was, it would never be possible for Ying Cheng to be the second prince again.

Ying Cheng's face turned pale, but with a smile, he said: The royal family is both glory and a prison. Brother Han helped us break free from our imprisonment. It's too late for us to be grateful, so how can we have any resentment.

Sisu's expression was similar.

It is a good thing for them to be free from the constraints brought by the dynasty.

However, if you go to the Emperor's Secret Realm in the future, your future development will be unsatisfactory.

After the chat ended, Yingcheng hesitated for a moment and asked: Looking at the direction of the Yukong flying boat, Brother Han, you are not going to Sanxian Island, are you?

From the Great Xia Dynasty to the north, there were only two forces, Peach Blossom Island and Sanxian Island.

Yingcheng didn't think that Han Yang would go to Peach Blossom Island to stir up trouble after making trouble in Jixia.

I am indeed going to Sanxian Island. Brother Ying, do you have something to teach me?

Han Yang was taking Yingcheng's pulse while talking.

The King of Martial Arts on the Divine List did not hold back, and Ying Cheng was seriously injured.

On the surface, it looks fine, but his soul is damaged. If he doesn't try to heal it as soon as possible, he may even be cut off from Yingcheng's martial arts path.

Ying Cheng was obviously aware of it, but his face remained calm, as if he didn't know how badly he was injured.

To be honest, if Brother Han wants to forcefully break into Sanxian Island, it will be tantamount to death!

What Ying Cheng said was very rude.

Precisely because he was one of our own, there was no need to be polite and he went straight to the point.

Han Yang smiled and did not answer the question.

Yingcheng was afraid that Han Yang would not listen, so he persuaded again: With Brother Han's strength, the Little Three Immortals Island is naturally not a problem, but there is a Prison Island in the area where the Three Immortals Island is located! On the Prison Island, those imprisoned are those who King Daizui Wu who has activated the fragments of the God List in the Tianwu Continent! There are many ninth-level powerhouses among them!

Even Zhang Wuyou, the holy son of the Ming Cult, didn't know about this news. He asked slightly in surprise: Dai Sui King Wu? What crime? Who dares to convict King Wu?

King Wu, the King of Martial Arts, Supreme Martial Arts.

Even the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty must pay three respects to King Wu.

Because no one knows what level King Wu can ascend to.

If you reach the ninth level and get the fragments of the God List, it will be equivalent to an invincible existence.

The Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty did not dare to provoke him easily.

In Zhang Wuyou's opinion, King Dai Zuiwu's statement was a bit ridiculous.

Han Yang smiled sarcastically at this moment: Who else could it be? The God List Organization!

Zhang Wuyou was startled at first, and then his face turned ugly.

After following Han Yang, he gradually became aware of many secrets that he had never known before.

The God List Organization is one of them.

In the past, as the holy son of Mingjiao, in his eyes, the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty was the sky of Tianwu Continent, and the purpose of Mingjiao was to overthrow this sky!

But now, he was shocked to find that there was a god above all else in the nine heavens.

The Divine List Organization, like a god, can actually punish King Wu?

Yingcheng, on the other hand, did not notice anything wrong with that, and just continued to persuade: If the divine list releases those ninth-level martial kings, even Brother Han will have a hard time dealing with it. I suggest that Brother Han give up going to Sanxian Island and commit suicide. The idea of ​​throwing yourself into a trap.”

Han Yang was silent for a moment and called Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian.

He pointed at Xiao Jiu'er and said: She followed me for two years and was promoted from the Qi Gathering Realm to the Martial King Realm. Now she is stuck in the third-level Martial King Realm for two months.

Then he pointed at Ji Xiangtian and said: She followed me for a year and was promoted from the Yuan Dan realm to the Martial King realm. Now she is also trapped in the third-level Martial King realm.

Trapped in the third level Martial King for two months.

If this were said to anyone else, it would be a joke.

It takes hundreds or even thousands of years for a Martial King to advance to a higher level.

But after hearing about Xiao Jiuer and Ji Xiangtian's experience, Ying Cheng, Si Su, and even Zhang Wuyou's expressions changed slightly.

Of the two of them, one jumped out of the Three Realms and is not a zombie in the Five Elements! The other has practiced the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Technique, which can swallow everything! They should have been an anomaly in the Tianwu Continent, and there is no bottleneck. But now, they are both trapped. Trapped in the third level Martial King, unable to break through!

Han Yang looked into the eyes of the three people in Yingcheng and came to an earth-shattering conclusion.

Tianwu Continent, there is no way ahead!

Ying Cheng's body shook violently, his face became paler, and even his eyes became dull.

The strong men of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty will enter the Secret Realm of the Emperor after being promoted to King of Martial.

Unless you are not talented enough, there is no such thing as a bottleneck.

Now the window paper was pierced by Han Yang, which greatly stimulated Yingcheng and Sisu.

Unexpectedly, Han Yang's words were shocking and he continued: And I have been trapped in the ninth level of Yuan Dan for a whole month!

The three of them were struck by lightning and could no longer utter a word.

I don't know how much time passed before Ying Cheng murmured in a dry voice: Brother Han, tell me, what happened to Tianwu Continent...

One month later.

Sanxian Island, Penglai Xiandao, and the Black Ice Platform of the Qin Dynasty.

Unlike other dynasties that sent their princes to guard Sanxian Island, the person guarding Sanxian Island from the Great Qin Dynasty was Iron Eagle Sword King Zhang Heng, one of the eighteen commanders of Black Ice Platform!

Although this was a first-level Martial King, he had an astonishing record of defeating a third-level Martial King, and his prestige in the Black Ice Platform was extremely high.

To report to the Commander-in-Chief, there is someone outside the palace holding my imperial edict asking to see the prince.

A black ice swordsman quickly stepped inside and responded respectfully.

Zhang Heng put down the scroll in his hand and said in surprise: Which prince dares to come to Sanxian Island at this time? Bring him here.

Ever since the news of Demon King Han Yang's coming to Sanxian Island spread, many of the residents on Sanxian Island have been deserted.

Many imperial sects have given up their guard and fled temporarily.

Zhang Heng was one of the few King Wu who still stayed at the garrison.

After a while, a young man with a slightly sickly pale face was introduced into the temple.

When he saw this person, Zhang Heng stood up suddenly. Cheng? How dare you come here!

Win the city!

It turned out to be the one who was rumored to have colluded with the Demon King Han Yang to cause trouble in Jixia, the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty... Yingcheng.

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