Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 552 Return of the Sixth Life

The fourth generation of God of War allowed Han Yang to accumulate an extremely rich foundation.

When he became the God of War in his fifth life, he was almost invincible in the divine world.

God kings and emperors are not his enemies with a single blow.

At the top, Han Yang could only pursue the ultimate in martial arts.

In that life, he controlled the common people!

With his sword, he shocked all living beings in the God Realm, overwhelming the world, and there was no other opponent.

This sword is for the purpose of subduing all realms!


The trembling sound of the sword echoed throughout the valley.

Everyone in the valley seemed to hear a man who dominated the world and shocked all living beings brandishing a sword.

Puff puff puff puff!

The four Yinlou Martial Kings sprang out from the ground, and their heads exploded instantly as if they were hit by invisible blades.

Their fragments of the divine list were cut through with a single blow without even functioning as a defense.

Not only that, a series of explosions sounded throughout the canyon.

Bang bang bang bang!

Lines of blood rose into the sky.

Corpses fell from the void.

Bodies emerged from the valley.

Bodies exploded from the trees.

In just one moment, the entire valley was once again covered in red.

A total of eighteen sixth-level martial kings who had activated the fragments of the divine list died under Han Yang's invisible sword.

There was deathly silence in the valley.

Swish, swish, swish!

A subtle sound broke through the air.

Ninety-six Martial Kings appeared outside the canyon with shining golden light.

These Martial Kings all looked at Han Yang with a bit of awe and shock.

You've become stronger again...

The seventh-level Martial King headed by them is the nine people headed by Ranhua King, Black Xuanwu King, Jizao Martial King and others!

Sure enough, there are only nine seventh-level Martial Kings. Zhang Wuyou was right...

Han Yang was quite impressed by Zhang Wuyou's intelligence ability.

Within a day of arriving in the unfamiliar Emperor's Secret Realm, this kid actually managed to figure out the number of strong men in Qingyun Valley and Nanzang Valley.

Han Yang, you are my great Chu warrior, why are you so cruel and cruel that you killed my great Chu Guo prince?

Among the nine seventh-level Martial Kings, one person stood up.

Looking at the python robe on his body, he was obviously a prince from the Chu Dynasty.

Han Yang pointed his sword forward and said indifferently: Stop talking nonsense and let's fight!

At this point, do we still need to talk about right and wrong, and talk about grievances?

Really ridiculous.


The face of the Prince of Da Chu changed slightly, and a touch of anger rose in his eyes.


Han Yang couldn't help but chuckle.

This is a common problem among the warriors of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty.

He was always so aloof and arrogant. Even when it came to a life and death situation, the Prince of Dachu still had a condescending face.

Tianwu Continent will be squeezed by the God List Organization, and most of them will be aided by these wastes.

Han Yang's disdain made Prince Da Chu furious.

This Han Yang really deserves to die!

After only the first meeting, the prince of Da Chu began to hate Han Yang.

The Luanhua King on the side sneered: Brother Xiang, if you talk nonsense to him, just kill him! Is it possible that you still want to recruit him and let him serve the Chu Kingdom...

Prince Dachu couldn't help but spat: Bah! He is worthy of being my Dachu...


Before he finished his sentence, the sound of swords suddenly sounded.


King Black Xuanwu stretched out his arm, and two black lights turned into shields, blocking everyone.


The sharp sword light struck the shield, making a huge roar.

This power is so strong...

King Black Xuanwu was secretly frightened when he heard angry shouts coming from his ears.



what's going on?

King Black Xuanwu couldn't help but be startled.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded around him.

There was a continuous wail.


The figure of the Flower King changed and turned into a peach blossom, covering everyone in it.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, King Black Xuanwu finally saw clearly what had happened.

Demon King Han Yang actually used the aftermath of the collision between his sword and shield to break out of the valley and rush into their formation.

Those sixth-level Martial Kings were caught off guard and were attacked one after another.

According to the original intelligence, Han Yang could barely fight the sixth-level Martial King, but he killed the sixth-level Martial King like a dog.

The fragments of the divine list activated by the sixth-level Martial King are like bubbles, bursting with a snap of a finger.

This Han Yang... must die!

King Ranka's face became very ugly.


None of them expected that Han Yang would become so much stronger in less than two sticks of incense.

But now, they don't even have a chance to leave.

With the combat prowess Han Yang has shown at this time, when he gathers his complete Heavenly Soul and is promoted to King of Martial, his strength will skyrocket!

When the time comes, they will definitely be hunted to death!

I thought that with the seventh-level Martial King sitting in charge, they could come and go as they pleased.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a dead end!

Everyone, fight for your lives!

The voice of King Di Zao Wu was as cold as a knife.

In just two encounters, the sixth-level Martial King had thirty-five people killed!

If this continues, in a few more rounds, all the sixth-level Martial Kings will be dead.

What's even more terrifying is that they can feel that Han Yang's strength is getting stronger all the time!


With a flash of light, Han Yang returned to the valley.

The black list in front of him was frantically absorbing the remaining luck of the thirty-five Martial Kings.

At this time, Lu Yaowang and others had almost cracked all the fragments of the God List.



The sound of the fragments of the God List shattering sounded in everyone's ears.

A huge amount of luck turned into tornadoes and flew towards Han Yang.

Lu Tiancheng! You bastards are actually working for the Demon King!

The luck generated by the shattering of dozens of fragments of the divine list is extremely huge.

Even the martial kings like Black Xuanwu King, who knew nothing about luck, noticed something strange.

When they saw that more than ten people from Lu Yaowang were working for Han Yang, they couldn't help but curse.

Lu Yaowang's eyes were wild, and he shouted like a maniac: Heixuan! How can you humble mortals understand the greatness of the Demon King! He cracked the fragments of the God List, and he allowed us to complete the step of becoming a god! He allowed us to Entering the realm of God!”

That fanatical attitude, just like the fanatic followers of a cult, makes people feel chilly.

What makes King Black Xuanwu and others even more chilling is that the other dozen or so Martial Kings around King Lu Yao are almost in the same state.

It was as if at this moment, Han Yang had become a god in their hearts.

That's...a fragment of the God List...

At this time, a sharp-eyed King Wu finally saw the broken pieces around King Lu Yao.

Fragments of the God List!

In their eyes, the fragments of the divine list, which came from the upper realm of the gods and contained mysterious creations, were actually broken!

For a moment, the martial kings of Nanzang Valley felt a chill in their hearts.

What on earth did these madmen do?


At this moment, the sixth black light rose from Han Yang's body.

Another phantom of the God of War, merged with the Heavenly Soul.

The sixth God of War is back!

In the fifth life, he suppressed all heavens and worlds and was invincible.

In the sixth life, Han Yang challenged himself and traveled all over the world.

Finally, he discovered a group of races that lived in seclusion in the ancient God Realm and used incredible power to secretly control the development of the God Realm.

He was the God of War for five times and was reborn for the seventh time. The reason why he died in the end was probably related to this race.

This race calls itself the Ancient God Clan.

In the sixth life of Han Yang, he broke through fate and challenged the gods, in order to fight the ancient gods!


The huge sword light, carrying a lifetime of fighting intent, swept towards King Black Xuanwu and others.

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