Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 553 Condensing the Heavenly Soul to Become the King of Martial Arts


The sound of swords instantly woke up dozens of Martial Kings outside the valley.

They could no longer care about the shattering of the shocking fragments of the God List.


King Black Xuanwu roared and took action boldly.

Xuanming Sect’s magical power is frozen for three thousand miles!

Endless icy air swept across the world.

This terrifying Martial King who once rebelled against the ninth-level Martial King finally showed his ferocious side.


Black ice began to spread from his feet.

In the valley, the air-forbidden formation deployed by the old King Wu of Peach Blossom Island fell apart under the cold.

Even the surrounding rocks were frozen into ice crystals.

Peach Blossom Fairy!

The Ranka King also has scarlet eyes and casts forbidden spells.

The peach blossoms in the sky turned into a female fairy filled with immortal power.

The fairy pointed forward a little.


Space is broken.

The whole space is tumbling and collapsing.

The traces of collapse are like peach blossom petals.

Gorgeous and charming, but full of dangers of death.

The nine seventh-level Martial Kings displayed their strongest skills at this moment.

Some people even hesitate to use forbidden techniques to squeeze their bodies and risk their lives!

But when their attacks collided with Han Yang's sword light, they finally realized how insignificant they were.

The sixth generation of Han Yang, the ancient god of war!

The ancient gods used the earth as their bed and the sky as their quilt.

Use the sea as a bathing pool and the mountains as rice fields.

Feed on the gods.

Use the common people as toys.

They are the strongest clan in all the worlds.

Han Yang's sword was created to kill the ancient god.

The ancient gods who held the sun, moon and stars in their hands were all killed by this sword, not to mention the mere mortal warriors.


The light from the fragments of the divine list shattered in an instant.

Without the blessing of the God List fragments, these people's attacks are as ridiculous as the light of fireflies.


The sword light across the sky shattered all attacks.

The peach blossom fairy is crushed.

The mysterious ice world collapsed.

The God-killing Sword Formation fell apart.

The attacks of the nine seventh-order Martial Kings were shattered in an instant.


The Martial Kings were wailing in despair as they were swept away by the sword light of the Ancient God of War.

Boom boom boom!

This world seems to be doomed, with the broken limbs of King Wu everywhere.

There were wailings everywhere.

There was a crisp sound of the shattering halo of the fragments of the God List everywhere.

I don’t know how long it took...

The sword light of the Ancient God of War gradually disappeared.

The situation outside the valley was revealed to everyone.


The sound of air conditioning coming and going came and went.

Lu Yaowang and others all widened their eyes in shock.

Only beyond the valley...

The body of King Wu was separated.

There is King Wu who is divided into two.

King Wu was reduced to ashes.

King Wu fell to the ground and howled.

With just one strike, Han Yang killed more than fifty Martial Kings!

Seven of the nine seventh-level Martial Kings headed by them were killed!

Half of Luanhua King's body was cut off into ashes.

Even with his strength, he couldn't recover.

At this time, he collapsed on the ground, as if he was dead.

What's even more frightening is that the fragments of his divine list were completely wiped out by Han Yang's sword, as if they were useless.

Half of Black Xuanwu King's head and half of his body were chopped off.

King Wu's powerful vitality prevented him from dying for a while.

But his three souls, heaven, earth and man, have fallen apart.

At this time, his realm was constantly falling, and in an instant he had fallen to the sixth level of Martial King.

With one strike, the martial kings of Nanzang Valley were completely defeated!

These sixth- and seventh-level martial kings who possess fragments are not even qualified to escape.

Death is their only ending!

You...who are you...

King Black Xuanwu's voice was trembling, his eyes were trembling, and his eyes were filled with fear and despair.

He once defeated the eighth-level Martial King and fought against the ninth-level Martial King alone.

From the time he started practicing martial arts, he was a well-deserved pride of heaven.

Even among the many saints and princes of the six major dynasties and the ten major holy sects, he is unique.

He was a late bloomer. He entered Yuan Dan at the age of fifty and became King of Wu at the age of three hundred and twenty.

But after becoming King of Martial, he was invincible.

Many martial kings from the six dynasties and the ten holy sects were challenged by him from the first level to the eighth level!

Except for that monster Mu Guichen, he has never lost to an opponent of the same level, and he can even defeat high-level opponents.

But now, Han Yang, who had stepped into King Wu with only half a foot, killed three souls with one sword.

At this moment, what King Black Xuanwu feared was not his own death, but the collapse of his belief in martial arts.

He never thought that there would be existences like Han Yang in the sky and on the earth.


Han Yang felt that the heavenly soul was about to be completely condensed, and he was ready to welcome the changes that would come after becoming the King of Wu. He said lightly: In this life, I am Yuanmen Han Yang!


King Black Xuanwu had never heard of this sect at all.

How could he have imagined that the sect that gave birth to the evil Han Yang was just a small second-rate sect in Nanyang County, Xuanfu of the Chu Dynasty.

There is not even a Yuan Dan realm in the sect.

Ha ha ha ha……

King Black Xuanwu suddenly burst into laughter. He looked at the corpse of Prince Xiang Hao of Chu not far away, and the more he laughed, the happier he became.

The Chu Dynasty was so stupid!

For someone as talented as Han Yang, the fools of the Chu Dynasty actually forced him to become an enemy of the dynasty!

If Han Yang were from the Great Chu Dynasty, the Great Chu Dynasty would definitely become the number one force in the Emperor's Secret Realm!

But with a smile, two lines of tears flowed away.

It's a pity... I can no longer go to the battlefield of all realms and see the unparalleled scenery...

The look in Black Xuanwu King's eyes slowly dimmed, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

Han Yang's sword not only killed his three souls of heaven, earth and man, but also his spirit.

It is the misfortune of all Wu kings to live in the same era as Han Yang.

Their light is destined to be overshadowed by Han Yang.

Han Yang is the nine-day Hao Sun.

They are the stars beside the bright sun, invisible to sight.

They are destined to only become Han Yang's foil.

With such thoughts arising, the arrogant Black Xuanwu King no longer had the faith to live.

Han Yang... don't kill me! The intelligence said that you have an old relationship with my descendant Yu Xuanji of Taohua Island. For her sake, give me a way to survive...

The King of Flowers actually began to beg for mercy.

And Li Xuanyu, who was abandoned and even hunted down by Taohua Island, was moved out.


The sword glowed, and the head flew into the void.

The King of Flowers was killed by Han Yang with a knife.

If it were another imperial sect, Han Yang might have let him go.

With his current strength, it would be a bit of a loss to get entangled with these seventh-level Martial Kings.

But Peach Blossom Island...this sect that hunts down children as young as twelve or thirteen should be destroyed!

As the last few Martial Kings died, Han Yang's accumulated luck reached its peak.



Behind Han Yang, Tianhun completely solidified.

This is a terrifying god with six heads and twelve arms.

It is the rebirth of the eighth generation of Han Yang and the aggregation of the sixth generation of the God of War.

The Sixth God of War becomes eternal in this life!

The heavenly soul solidified.

A bloody field spread from Han Yang's body to all directions.

Ten feet!


Thousands of feet!

The king realm takes shape!

In the sky, fairy music is everywhere and the fragrance is fragrant.

The gods are worshiping above, the immortals are kneeling below, the goddesses are serving, the goddesses are welcoming, and all the heavens and the world are congratulating the king on his return.

On this day, Han Yang killed 200 sixth-level Martial Kings and nine seventh-level Martial Kings in Tianli Valley, the Emperor's secret realm!

On this day, Han Yang gathered his heavenly soul, welcomed back the soul of the sixth war god, and became the King of Martial Arts!

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