Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 554 Ji Feihua enters the secret realm of the Emperor

Lu Yaowang and others did not dare to step forward, or even look directly at Han Yang.

Han Yang had just been promoted to the Martial King Realm, and all the strange phenomena that had occurred made them extremely frightened.

He was promoted to King of Martial and received a vision from heaven.

This kind of thing also happened to the Emperor Shengzong.

Those who can give birth to visions are all proud of heaven and have achieved great success.

Tens of thousands of years ago, as long as such people did not perish on the way, they would almost certainly become martial emperors.

Even in the last ten thousand years, the Martial King has disappeared and the way forward has been cut off. This kind of person with a vision from the sky can still reach the peak of the ninth level Martial King and suppress an era.

For example, the number one person in Tianwu Continent thousands of years ago, one of the youngest Martial Kings of Zhujian Villa, Ghost Sword King Luo Jiuyou!

The reason why Taohua Island wanted to marry Zhujian Villa in the first place was because Luo Qianfang was a descendant of Luo Jiuyou.

Taohua Island wants to use this to attract the bloodline of Ghost Sword King Luo Jiuyou.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as expected.

Yu Xuanji actually eloped with someone else...

After a full stick of incense, Han Yang slowly opened his eyes.

The bloody light in his eyes flashed away.

The Blood King realm force field also slowly converged.

Until then, Lu Yaowang and others heaved a long sigh of relief.

Han Yang's King Realm was too terrifying.

Shrouded in the King Realm force field, they felt as if they had fallen into hell, unable to control their souls.

Lu Yaowang and others even suspected that as long as Han Yang had thoughts, they would be lost in Han Yang's force field and become soulless living dead.

Han Yang became King of Martial, and his strength improved so much that it was shocking.

Go, collect all the fragments of the God List, and then dismantle them all!

Han Yang ordered.

Lu Yaowang and others trembled in their hearts.

Good guy!

This is to pluck the hair out of the God List Organization!

In this battle at Tianli Valley, it seemed that the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty suffered heavy losses, including hundreds of Martial Kings.

But it was the God List organization that suffered the most.

Two hundred God List fragments, this is a very terrifying number.

With so many fragments of the God List destroyed by Han Yang, the God List organization will never give up.


Seeing that King Lu Yao and others seemed hesitant, Han Yang glanced over with indifferent eyes.

As you command!

Lu Yaowang and others lowered their heads, not daring to disobey Han Yang.

After becoming King Wu, Han Yang became even more powerful.

They even suspected that Han Yang might now be able to defeat the fragments of the eighth-level Martial King or even the ninth-level Martial King head-on!

Seeing Lu Yaowang and others starting to be busy, Han Yang nodded with satisfaction.

In this battle, in addition to condensing the Heavenly Soul and becoming the Martial King, the biggest gain was plundering the luck from the fragments of the God List.

At this time, the black list had expanded to the size of a palm, flashing with a dark black light.

The black list is not a fragment of the god list. Logically speaking, the level should be one level lower.

But at this time, the luck contained in this small black list exceeds most of the fragments of the divine list.

It's a pity that the fifth-level martial kings from Nanzang Valley didn't come, otherwise we could have harvested dozens of fragments of the God List...

Han Yang sighed slightly.

The sky is a hundred miles away from the valley, above the flying boat in the sky.



The sounds of broken life talismans came and went.

The sound of shattering life talismans was heard all over the sixteen air-control flying boats.

The martial kings of the six dynasties and the ten holy sects turned pale as they looked at the shattered talismans.

All dead!

Many martial kings in Nanzang Valley, including such heaven-defying beings as Black Xuanwu King, were all killed in one battle.

What's even more frightening is that the time when these fate talismans shattered was almost continuous, without much interval.

This means that they were crushed to death by Han Yang and had no power to fight back.

Demon King Han Yang...does he already have the eighth-level Martial King combat power?

Someone murmured in a somewhat horrifying tone.

Eighth level!

Only this possibility can make King Black Xuanwu and others fall.

In fact, Han Yang's combat power is still higher than that of the eighth-level Martial King!

He must have refined the fragments of the divine list!

Someone said.

Everyone was stunned.


When they estimated Han Yang's strength before, they probably ignored Han Yang's refining of the fragments of the God List.

After all, for them, it would take several years or even longer to refine a fragment of the God List.

When they thought about it, it was impossible for Han Yang to successfully refine the fragments of the divine list so quickly.

But now, they don't dare to think that way anymore.

Before refining the fragments of the God List, Han Yang could kill the sixth-level Martial King with his sword. Now that he has refined the fragments of the God List, he has indeed become more powerful.

Ancestor, please take action! We people are no match for Han Yang.

Send someone to the Holy Land and ask Ancestor to take action!

Please come out and kill Han Yang!

If the devil king is not dead, the dynasty will be in trouble!

If we don't kill Han Yang, our Holy Sect will never have peace!

The six dynasties and the ten holy sects all made up their minds to kill Han Yang.

The flying boat roared into action and flew towards the Emperor's Secret Territory.

The Emperor's Secret Realm is divided into three parts.

The first part is called the Outer Territory. Qingyun Valley and Nanzang Valley are the gathering places of these middle and low-level martial kings. They are part of the Outer Territory.

The second part is the inner holy land!

The so-called holy places are seven gathering places jointly created by the six dynasties and the ten holy sects!

In these seven holy places, more than 90% of the high-level martial kings from the Emperor's Secret Realm are gathered, including many ninth-level martial kings.

The last part is the real core of the Emperor's Secret Realm.

The war temple established by the God List Organization!

If the martial kings of the Tianwu Continent want to obtain promotion resources, they must go to the War Temple and accept various tasks.

Most of those ninth-level martial kings stayed in the temple, looking for opportunities, and rarely interfered with the trivial matters in the Emperor's Secret Realm.

This time, they are going to the holy land, or even the temple, to ask these secluded ninth-level martial kings to take action.

Outland, Hurricane Valley!

Ji Feihua drove the flying boat and was heading towards the inner temple.

She wants to issue a reward order on behalf of the high priest to hunt down Han Yang.


At this moment, the transmission note on his waist vibrated, and the light flickered.

After picking it up and taking a quick glance at it, her expression suddenly changed.

This kid Han Yang actually destroyed Qingyun Valley and Nanzang Valley? This...

Ji Feihua realized that Han Yang had probably refined the fragments of the divine list!

Only the God List fragments can deal with the God List fragments.

This is the iron rule of the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Han Yang was able to overthrow the Martial King of Qingyun Valley and Nanzang Valley, he must have refined the fragments of the God List!

Heh... there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell and you break in! Han Yang, let's see how you die this time!

Ji Feihua didn't care about the life or death of those Martial Kings, but saw the end of Han Yang!

In addition to blessing offense and defense, God List fragments can also be positioned by the God List organization.

As long as Han Yang refines the fragments of the God List, there will be nothing left to hide!

When the time comes, Han Yang will be doomed with the high priest's reward order.

King Wu beside her said slowly: I want to be there when Han Yang is surrounded and killed!

Ji Feihua's angry expression flashed away, and she said coldly: Don't worry, I won't forget our deal!

This ninth-level Martial King comes from the Resurrection Society, one of the reverse kings!

In order to escape from the prison island, Ji Feihua had to make a deal with the Resurrection Society.

Fortunately, their goal is the same, to kill Han Yang!

In seven days, I will rush to the War Temple, and Han Yang will definitely die by then!

Ji Feihua is full of confidence.

No one can escape from the siege of the God List Organization, not even the Demon King!

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