Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 578: The zombie roars and shatters the soul into pieces

Demon had arrived! ?

When hearing this name, everyone present was excited.

The sixth-level Martial King who stopped Han Yang and the others shook his body and almost fell from the air.

It is really……

Demon King Han Yang started two wars between kings in the wild land of Tianwu Continent and the secret realm of Tianli Valley.

During this period, countless fifth and sixth level Martial Kings were killed, and even seventh and eighth level Martial Kings were killed.

The name of the Demon King is not in vain, but is infused with blood.

The air at the scene seemed to be frozen.

Those who gathered around retreated in confusion one by one.

Moreover, they did not dare to make too much noise for fear of alarming Han Yang.

This is really funny.


The auspicious sky flickers on one finger.

The unlucky sixth-level Martial King was bounced back and his head almost exploded.

He was shocked to find that the halo of his own divine list fragments could not block Ji Xiangtian's true energy at all.

The equally notorious witch beside Han Yang actually has such powerful combat power?

This is...

What are you doing so stupidly? Why don't you quickly find someone who can make the decision?!

Ji Xiangtian had his hands on his hips, and his face was as proud as a nouveau riche.

Han Yang looked at this scene with a smile.

It feels good to have such a well-behaved and sensible bitch working for me.

The wicked need to be chastened by the wicked.

To deal with the idiots of the six dynasties and the ten holy sects, one needs a temperament like Ji Xiangtian's.

Yes, yes... The sixth-order Martial King fled in panic, heading towards the palace on the top of Sanhuang Mountain.

Sanhuang Mountain, as a stronghold in the Emperor's Secret Realm, has at least hundreds of Martial Kings stationed there.

But at this time, except for a few outstanding birds that appeared first, no one showed up.

The entire Sanhuang Mountain was as dead as a no-man's land.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Although Han Yang had only entered the Emperor's Secret Realm less than a month ago, the title of Demon King had already... shocked everyone.

What? You, you said... the Demon King Han is coming?

Oops, it's so fast. How could it be so fast?

With a flick of Prince Teru's finger, the tea cup tipped over and the tea spilled all over without even noticing.

She didn't expect Han Yang to move so quickly.

Prince Wu stood up suddenly and said sternly: Quick! Notify the dungeon and order them to stop the interrogation! Please bring Yingcheng and Sisudu... out!

Now that Han Yang is here, if they continue to torture the two of them, it will be no different than seeking death.

They would never dare to bet that their eighth-level Martial King's combat power could kill Han Yang.

The sixth-level Martial King, who was almost shot in the head by Ji Xiangtian before, hesitated to speak, and accompanied Xin Xin to report back: The witch Ji Xiangtian next to Han Yang broke through the halo of my divine list fragment with one finger! He is suspected of possessing the seventh-level Martial King. Combat strength...

The atmosphere in the hall became stagnant again.

The only thing that can defeat the God List Fragments is the God List Fragments!

Obviously, Ji Xiangtian's strength is much stronger than this sixth-level Martial King.

Even the little witch possesses the seventh-level Martial King's combat power. Who knows how strong the demon king will be?

Prince Zhao was excited and shouted urgently: Come here, go and invite Prince Feng from Da Chu!

Only the cooperation of three eighth-level Martial Kings can bring her a little sense of security.

After a while.

The half-crippled Ying Cheng and the bruised Sisu were dragged up.

Seeing the injury between Ying Cheng's eyebrows, Prince Zhao's pupils suddenly shrank.

You... used the God-Breaking Nail on him?!

Tianhun was shattered, and although Yingcheng was not dead, his martial arts path had come to an abrupt end.

At this moment, Prince Zhao and Prince Wu couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.

It’s over!

The last hope of reconciliation is gone!

King Wu of Qin, who executed Yingcheng, said tremblingly: Ancestors don't need to worry too much. Maybe Han Yang is just spreading rumors and he will definitely not be the opponent of our ancestors...

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone rushing to report back: I would like to report to my two ancestors, Prince Feng of the Great Chu Dynasty. I heard that Demon King Han came to Sanhuang Mountain, and his training went astray. He went crazy, was seriously injured and was dying, unable to move forward. Come……


The bluestone under Prince Zhao's feet shattered into powder.

Shit went crazy and was seriously injured and dying.

He was obviously afraid of Han Yang and didn't dare to respond!

The majestic King Wu was so frightened by Han Yang, a junior, that he dared not show his face. What a waste!


At this moment, roaring sounds rang out.

The wails came one after another.

Ji Xiangtian's arrogant voice rumbled in the void.

You dare to make my master wait for so long, you don't want to live anymore, right! Then my aunt will be rude!

As this domineering voice spread, more than a dozen unlucky Wu Wang fell from the sky like stones, and their bones were broken into countless pieces.


There was a loud bang.

The meeting hall of Sanhuang Mountain was blown away.

Prince Zhao and others in the main hall were made disgraced.

Han Yang!

The moment they saw Han Yang and the others, Prince Zhao and Prince Wu changed their expressions at the same time.

Among the Martial Kings who were just blasted to the ground, there was clearly a seventh-level Martial King!

The witch Ji Xiangtian already has eight levels of combat power?

How strong will the master, the Demon King Han Yang be!

Be timid before fighting!

Both of them felt cold in their hearts.

Han Yang ignored the two princes and looked at Ying Cheng and Si Su.

Fortunately, Sisu's body and soul were damaged, but only a single earth-level elixir could fully recover from the mere internal and external injuries.

But Yingcheng... Tianhun actually shattered.

You guys are so vicious!

Han Yang felt murderous intent in his heart, and the temperature within several miles of Sanhuang Mountain seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

Everyone around seemed to be frozen, with chills all over their bodies.

Devil King Han...this matter is a misunderstanding...

Prince Wu's scalp was numb and he was hurriedly trying to explain.

Prince Zhao is getting old and his life is short. Perhaps he is not afraid of death. He is in his prime and has not lived enough yet.

Auspicious heaven!

However, before he finished speaking, Han Yang drank lightly.

Jixiang Tianxin understands.


A lotus seal blooms in the void!

The surrounding space is imprisoned by blooming lotus flowers.

Those low-level Martial Kings simply could not withstand the pressure contained in the Lotus Seal, and they lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, wailing incessantly.

Eighth-level Martial King!

Prince Wu was shocked.

The worst premonition came true.

The witch Ji Xiangtian is actually the eighth level Martial King!

Chaos God!

Prince Wu had a long sword in his hand.

With a chaotic movement, he slashed towards the lotus seal above the void.


The bluestone exploded under Prince Zhao's feet, and her figure shot out like an arrow from a string. The target turned out to be Ying Cheng and Sisu.

She wanted to kidnap the two of them to threaten Han Yang.


She is fast, and there are people faster than her.

The moment she shot at Ying Cheng and Si Su, a black shadow suddenly appeared, blocking her way.


The gun in Prince Zhao's hand hit the opposite hand of Bai Shengsheng.


The halo of the fragments of the divine list shattered, and the treasure spear also exploded into two pieces.

But that white little fist hit her chest like a devastating blow.


Prince Teru roared in despair, but unfortunately, death could not be delayed at all.


Her protective light shield was instantly penetrated by the fist.

The small hand that passed through the chest was holding a heart that was still beating.

Before Prince Zhao could activate the life-substitution technique, Xiao Jiuer's eyes flashed with black light and he let out a sharp roar.


The zombie's violence, which jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements, was vented with the roar.

As if dried by the wind, the muscles on Prince Teru's body were peeled off with a roaring sound.

Soon only a white skeleton was left on the spot.

The three souls of heaven, earth, and man, together with this deity, all four lives perished in this roar.

The zombie roared, its soul shattered into pieces...

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