Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 579: Vengeance must be avenged


The majestic eighth-level Martial King who suppressed Sanhuang Mountain, one of the ancestors of the Great Xia Dynasty, died in the hands of Tianzhi Xiao Jiuer in just one encounter.

The legendary Demon King Han Yang didn't even take action.

This scene shocked everyone present.


Prince Wu also exchanged moves with Ji Xiangtian and retreated hastily.

Misunderstanding, it's really just a misunderstanding...

He was frightened and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, without any fighting spirit in his heart.

The witch is auspicious, and the corpse is Xiao Jiuer.

The two little monsters under Demon King Han Yang have now been promoted to the eighth level Martial King.

He didn't even dare to imagine how powerful Demon King Han Yang was.

King Wu of Qin, who had previously tortured Ying Cheng, seemed to want to find a sense of security, so he accidentally placed the knife across Ying Cheng's neck.

don't want!

King Wu of Great Xia on the side was filled with the spirit of death and hurriedly shouted to stop.

Unfortunately it's still too late.

At the moment when King Wu of Qin took action, Xiao Jiuer's figure suddenly disappeared.

Boom boom boom!

The bodies of the five or six unlucky Wu Kings around Ying Cheng and Si Su were torn apart in an instant.

They all died in Xiao Jiuer's hands without even having a chance to activate the life-substitution technique.

Sisu staggered, but still hurriedly took action to support Yingcheng.

Ha ha ha ha……

Looking at the corpses of the Wu Kings, Ying Cheng laughed uncontrollably.

When he was tortured, his heavenly soul was destroyed, so there was no resentment in his heart.

Now that his great revenge has been avenged, he feels happy!

Where do you want to go?

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by Xiao Jiuer, Prince Wu quietly rose into the air and wanted to escape, but Han Yang saw through his whereabouts.

I, I am willing to pay the price... I know the secret of the God List Organization, I...

Prince Wu's actions came to an abrupt halt as if he was struck by lightning, and he was trembling all over.

Let's destroy his cultivation first.

Han Yang didn't give him a chance to continue.

How could Prince Wu dare to hesitate? He suddenly exploded into the void, and his figure shot out like an arrow from a string.


Unfortunately, it only flew three to five feet before hitting Han Yang's King Realm force field.

Ares force field.





A lot of incredible power was superimposed on Prince Wu.

He fell into hell in an instant, and his body fell like a stone.

Ji Xiangtian's figure jumped up and punched Prince Wu's Dantian.

Bang bang bang!

Three punches in a row!

All three souls of Prince Wu, Heaven, Earth and Human were shattered.

I am left with only one life, enjoying the cruel despair.

The surrounding Martial Kings were trembling with fear and did not dare to look directly into Han Yang's eyes.

If Demon King Han Yang took action and killed the two ancestors, they might still be able to withstand it.

But now, before the Demon King moved, the Witch Heavenly Corpse killed the most powerful eighth-level Martial King.

This left them with no courage to confront Han Yang.

Han Yang stepped to Ying Cheng's side.

Ying Cheng's face turned pale, but he smiled and said, Thank you very much for taking revenge for me.

He actually never mentioned the fact that the Heavenly Soul was broken and the path to martial arts was cut off.

Seeing him like this, Sisu was so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe.

Han Yang patted Ying Cheng on the shoulder and said: This disaster is also a blessing in disguise for you... I will teach you a set of skills. From now on, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Ying Cheng fought hard for his soul to be broken, but he didn't tell the secret.

This made Han Yang very pleased.

Cultivation method? Could it be that after three souls are broken, I, I can still practice?

Ying Cheng was startled for a moment, then seemed to think of something and subconsciously looked at Ji Xiangtian.

It is no secret that Ji Xiangtian can absorb the power of souls.

Han Yang was able to teach him the skills at this time, which made Ying Cheng feel mixed emotions.

This is a technique that can change your destiny.

Tell me, how did you two get captured?

After Han Yang nodded slightly, he asked with a little curiosity.

Ying Cheng and Si Su's expressions changed at the same time.

After hesitating for a moment, Yingcheng asked: Brother Han, what is your strength now? Can you... kill the ninth level?

As soon as these words came out, Prince Wu on the side went completely crazy.

Yingcheng! You are a member of the Great Qin Dynasty after all. Do you still want to betray me, the King Wu of the Great Qin Dynasty?

Prince Wu twisted his body wildly, trying to prevent Ying Cheng from revealing the secret.


Ji Xiangtian stepped down and pressed Prince Wu's face into the bluestone.

A pool of blood splattered.

Ying Cheng sneered weakly: Am I from Da Qin? You seemed to have already forgotten this when you abolished my martial spirit!

It turned out that the two of them were personally suppressed by the ninth-level Martial King of the Qin Dynasty.

It's also bad luck.

Ninth-level Martial Kings almost always retreat in the Holy Land of the Inner Domain and rarely appear in the Outer Domain.

This ninth-level martial king happened to be on his way to Lichou Valley to teach martial arts to his descendants. By chance, he discovered the identities of Ying Cheng and Si Su.

However, the ninth-level Martial King seemed to have something important to deal with. He did not interrogate the two men in person, but handed them over to Prince Zhao and Prince Wu.

Ninth-level Martial King? It's interesting! It seems that we should go to Naoshizi's Valley of Sorrow.

Han Yang has always been a character who must avenge himself.

Since people from the Great Qin Dynasty dared to capture his friends, they would have to pay the price.

Ying Cheng hesitated to speak.

He actually didn't want Han Yang to take the risk of fighting against the ninth-level Martial King.

But before he could speak, Han Yang said calmly: First use the skills I taught you to heal your injuries. We will talk about revenge after you recover from your injuries.

After saying that, he pointed his finger towards Ying Cheng's eyebrows.


A stream of information was transmitted to Ying Cheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Feeling the various mysteries of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Art, Ying Cheng's eyes were full of incredulity.

What a terrifying technique!

You can actually absorb the power of other people's souls without any hidden dangers, strengthen yourself, and improve rapidly? !

No wonder Jixiang Tianhui advanced so quickly.

Unable to suppress his excitement, he sat cross-legged and began to practice the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Technique.

Han Yang took out an earth-level elixir and flew it into Sisu's hands.

Sisu's eyebrows were smiling, and she only had Wancheng in her eyes.

As long as Yingcheng's martial arts journey can continue, she seems to have nothing else to ask for.

Go and disarm these people.

Although Ying Cheng and Sisu were not injured, Han Yang was still angry and ordered Ji Xiangtian to collect these weapons belonging to King Wu.

It has nothing to do with wealth, it's just to make them unhappy and embarrass them.

A group of martial kings were left with nothing but their bare hands, even their Najies were stripped away, and they looked extremely embarrassed.

Three days later.

Ying Cheng stood up suddenly after finishing his retreat.

The souls of the two eighth-level Martial Kings were a great complement to him.

In just three days, he was promoted from the first level Martial King to the fourth level!

If the starting point is not too low and it is impossible to fully digest the soul essence of the two eighth-level martial kings, it will not be a problem to be promoted to the fifth or sixth level.

Yingcheng obviously realized that he wasted a lot, and sighed: It's a pity, it's really... a pity.

Han Yang smiled and said: What a pity, this is just the beginning! There are countless ninth-level Martial Kings waiting for you and Ji Xiangtian to absorb them.

After the group boarded the flying boat, they left Sanhuang Mountain.

It wasn't until the flying boat completely disappeared in mid-air that the desperate atmosphere permeating Sanhuang Mountain gradually faded away.

Finally, let's go...

Prince Feng of the Great Chu Dynasty, who was severely injured and dying, appeared in front of everyone in high spirits, without looking at all like he was possessed.

However, looking at the direction in which the Yukong Feizhou was going away, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Demon King Han Yang, a peerless evildoer who was born in Chu, has grown to a level that scares the dynasty.

The six major dynasties and the ten major sects have been unable to repair their relationship with him, and they are in big trouble...

[The author has something to say]

Brothers and sisters, the fourth update is here~

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