Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 588 Han Yang’s List of Immortal Gods Will Be Destroyed

What did you do!?

These ninth-level martial kings all looked at the red priest with ugly expressions.

Such a large-scale fragmentation of the destiny talisman can only occur if the siege or hunt planned by the Shenbang organization fails.

The red priest was also quite confused.

It would take several days to go from the inner domain to the outer domain. Even if he wanted to organize other hunts, it would be too late.

Wait! Is it her?!

The red priest thought of a possibility, and immediately took out the telephony talisman and began to inquire through the telephony.

However, before the news came from the other side, the crackling sound sounded again.

This time, seven life talismans were shattered at the same time.

Seven ninth-level martial kings fell instantly.

The implication made Luan Yu and the others instantly turn pale.

Killing a ninth-level Martial like slaughtering a pig or a dog? !

Who could this be?

Han Yang?

If this is true, wouldn't Han Yang really become a demon king? !


Maybe there is another hidden meaning...

At this time, the red priest also received information from within the God List organization.

Bastard! It's the Venerable Punishment and the Eighth Envoy. They are greedy for power and rush in! They took action before us! Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation. We...

The Red Priest was also extremely dissatisfied with the impulse to punish the Lord and the Eighth Messenger.

But before he finished speaking, there were four more life talisman fragments.

Well, now, there are sixteen Martial Kings from the six dynasties and the ten holy sects present, and each of them has a broken life talisman.


The ninth-level Martial King of the Great Qin Dynasty was the most unlucky. Two of the life talismans around his waist were broken into pieces.

The extra one belongs to Hong Tiandi!

Red Priest! The Martial Kings of our six dynasties and ten holy sects are all dead! But the people in your God List organization are fine? Do you want to give us an explanation?

Sixteen ninth-level martial kings, headed by Luanyu, questioned the red priest aggressively.


The red priest's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

All the Martial Kings from the six major dynasties and the ten major holy sects were dead, but not a single person from the Divine List organization was dead. Could it be that the Venerable Punishment or the Eighth Envoy used that forbidden technique?

If that's the case, there's really no way to explain it.

These ninth-level Martial Kings are not idiots. If they cannot give a reasonable explanation, they will definitely have a grudge and become alienated from the God List organization.

These two losers!

The red priest wanted to kill the Venerable Punishment and the Eighth Messenger.

Incompetent bungler!

Just killing Han Yang, actually making such a big fuss? !

Just when the six dynasties and the ten holy sects were aggressive and the red priest was speechless...


The sound of the fate talisman breaking caused the condemnation of Luan Yu and others to come to an abrupt end.

They all looked at the red priest in shock.

The red priest turned his hand and two life talismans appeared.

Venerable Punishment, the eighth messenger!

Their life talismans shattered almost at the same time.

Luan Yu and others had sullen expressions, and sat down individually, looking at their noses and hearts, as if the previous forced uterus had never happened.

How embarrassing.

The Divine List organization lost two people at once, and they were also one of the nine members of the Divine Punishment Team and one of the envoys of the Thirteenth Palace. This loss was much greater than that of the Holy Sect of the Imperial Dynasty.

The nine members of the Divine Punishment Team have a status no less than the deputy sect leader of the Imperial Sect.

How can this be……

The red priest didn't care to pay attention to the emotional changes of Luanyu and others. Her fingers were trembling slightly, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

If the Lord of Evil Punishment or the Eighth Envoy uses the forbidden technique, he will definitely be able to promote the fragments of the God List to the fourth level!

The fragments of the fourth-level god list are invincible under the Martial Emperor!

How could the two of them fall!

An icy chill rose from the heart of the red priest.

Big trouble.

Demon King Han Yang actually possesses the ability to counterattack fourth-level fragments!


She couldn't help but secretly rejoice that in order to hunt Han Yang this time, she invited many dynasty holy places and 112 ninth-level Martial Kings, regardless of others saying she was making a fuss out of a molehill, and used almost all the trump cards of the Emperor's Secret Realm.

Otherwise, if only thirty or fifty King Wu went to fight Han Yang, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose.

Han Yang must die!

The red priest realized that if Han Yang did not die, he would become a serious problem for the God List organization.


The red priest suddenly stood up and said in a cold voice: Due to the death of the Venerable Punishment and all of my fellow sects, I declare on behalf of the God List Organization that any dynasty or sect that can kill Han Yang will be rewarded with a fourth-level god. A piece of the list!


Torrents swept through the cabin.

Sixteen ninth-level martial kings from the Imperial Sect almost lost control instantly.

Fourth level!

This is a level that has never been open to the Martial Kings of Tianwu Continent.

If you can possess the fragments of the fourth-level God List, you can almost have a crushing advantage in the battlefield of all realms.

By then, the Martial Emperor realm may be only one step away!

They never imagined what it meant that the Shenbang organization was willing to pay such a price to kill Han Yang...

Red Priest! Don't worry, Han Yang will die!

The Martial Kings headed by Luanyu expressed their opinions one after another.

The same scene soon happened on the other six airships.

The ninth-level Martial King was originally the pinnacle of power in the Tianwu Continent.

Accumulated over thousands of years, there are no more than a thousand people in total including the ninth-level Martial Kings who have fought in all directions in the battlefield of all realms.

Now more than a hundred people have joined forces to hunt Han Yang, which can be said to be a massive force.

And they were even more motivated by the sky-high bounty offered by the Red Priest, which inspired unprecedented murderous intentions.

Seven Royal Aircrafts, carrying many Martial Kings, headed towards the Xuanlei Valley at lightning speed.

Brother Han! Tao should not be taught lightly! You should not teach others such heaven-defying skills lightly in the future.

On the flying boat, Ying Cheng looked at Han Yang with a complicated expression.

Three days passed.

He finally digested the soul fragments devoured in the battle at Xuanlei Valley.

Eighth level!

In just three days, he climbed directly to the eighth level of the Martial King!

There is only one step left to advance to the ninth level of Martial King and reach the supreme peak of Tianwu Continent.

This incredible speed of advancement completely frightened the people in Yingcheng.

There was no joy in his heart, and he was even a little shaken.

If everyone can be promoted so quickly and work hard for thousands of years, what's the point?

Promoted to the eighth level of Martial King in three days? !

This incredible speed made his martial arts heart almost collapse.

Hearing this, Han Yang chuckled and said, You're overthinking! How many ninth-level Martial Kings do you think you've devoured in the Tianwu Continent? If you didn't have an opportunity like Xuanlei Valley, you wouldn't be able to be promoted even if you were given hundreds or even thousands of years. To this extent.”

Just as Han Yang said.

Nineteen ninth-level Martial Kings died on one battlefield at the same time. This was something that had never happened in the Tianwu Continent for tens of thousands of years.

At any other time, if you can't fight, you can run away!

If a ninth-level Martial King wants to run away, no one can stop him.

But when these people met Han Yang, they didn't even have a chance to escape.

Ying Cheng smiled bitterly.

Maybe my worries are unfounded.

If everyone were to advance by swallowing the soul fragments of the ninth-level Martial King, twenty people might advance to the ninth level, which would require killing all the ninth-level Martial King in the Tianwu Continent.

Obviously unrealistic!

Not to mention, without the protection of Han Yang, everyone would be able to practice this kind of magical skill that devours others and increases their cultivation level!

Or before he can devour others, he will be surrounded and die.

Master! The exit of the Emperor's Secret Realm is over there!

Just when Yingcheng gradually calmed down, Ji Xiangtian's excited voice sounded in their ears...

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