Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 589 The two forces are eyeing each other

The exit of the emperor's secret realm and the sacrificial hall.

The supreme high priest squinted his eyes and sat cross-legged, his body suspended in the void, shining with mysterious light.

He is perfecting his breath.

With the realm of the high priest, it is actually possible to perfect the seventh soul and step into the realm of the Martial Emperor.

However, the Tianwu Continent's luck has declined, which is no longer enough to support the existence of Emperor Wu.

He then stopped being a ninth-level Martial King and fell into ruin for many years.

Now, Tianwu Continent's luck is almost exhausted, and it is only one step away from depriving Tianwu Continent of the way of heaven and completing the oracle.

Finally, I can go to the God Realm I have longed for.

The high priest no longer suppressed the realm, and began to perfect himself, preparing to step into the realm of the Martial Emperor in the future.

When he leaves Tianwu Continent and has enough luck, he can be promoted to Martial Emperor at any time.

Meet the high priest!

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the hall.

Punishment? What do you mean you are here?

The high priest didn't even open his eyes to know who the person was.

One of the members of the Nine Divine Punishment Teams, Lord Nie Punishment!

The strength is powerful, far beyond that of ordinary priests and messengers. In the Imperial Sect, he is definitely a deputy sect master level existence.

Ni Xing saluted respectfully and said, The plan to hunt Han Yang will probably fail.


The high priest who was sitting cross-legged finally opened his eyes.

Two electric lights flashed in the hall, causing Venerable Sin Punishment, who was also the ninth-level Martial King, to feel his scalp numb. He hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

Ji Feihua didn't convey my order?

From the perspective of the high priest, in the secret realm of the Emperor, there were so many Martial Kings that it was not easy to kill Han Yang.

The so-called hunting failure is simply ridiculous.

The Venerable Nie Punishment respectfully replied: Han Yang became King of Martial in the Secret Realm of the Emperor...

This was not beyond the expectations of the high priest.


No! You said Han Yang has become King of Martial Arts?

The high priest turned his hand and a formation disk appeared. On top of the formation disk, there was a golden dragon.

At this time, the color of the golden dragon's whole body has been mottled and disappeared, leaving only one scale and a little gold.

This is the Dragon of Luck in Tianwu Continent.

The symbol of all luck in Tianwu Continent.

When the last scale turns gray, it is the time when the God List organization has succeeded.

According to the estimation of the high priest, with Han Yang's unpredictable talent, as long as he is promoted to King of Martial Arts, he will use up the last piece of luck in Tianwu Continent.

But now, Han Yang has become the Martial King, and the last scale is still the same.

With a hint of panic, Lord Nifen replied: Han Yang set up an ambush in Tianli Valley to hunt down the six dynasties and the ten sacred sect martial kings! I don't know what method was used, but he actually deprived the fragments of the divine list. He used his luck to become King of Martial and did not use the luck of Tianwu Continent.


A terrifying aura exploded instantly.

Almost tearing the ninth-level Martial King into pieces.

what are you saying?!

After subconsciously reprimanding Venerable Sin Punishment, the high priest realized that he had lost his temper.

Han Yang was promoted to King of Martial, and the Tianwu Continent had a lot of luck. The only possibility was that Han Yang deprived the luck contained in the fragments of the God List.

This bastard dares to offend the divine power and damage the fragments of the divine list!

The high priest's face became very ugly.

Even if Han Yang killed the ninth-level Martial King with his sword before, he didn't care.

He is just King Wu, so he will die if he dies.

It's just a tool for them to collect luck, not worth mentioning.

But now, Han Yang actually damaged the fragments of the divine list and deprived them of the luck.

This was a result that the high priest could not accept.

He even vaguely regrets it now. If he had known this, when he encountered Han Yang that day, he should have taken a forceful action and killed him!

Han Yang is afraid of another Xie Lengchan!

Nowadays, the Tianwu Continent is running out of luck and the mission is about to be completed. He will never allow another Xie Lengchan to be born.

Before the high priest could continue to get angry, Lord Sin Punishment continued to respond.

Kill the tenth messenger of the Temple of Divine Grace.

The two great sages were beheaded for crime and punishment.

In the end, in the battle of Xuanlei Valley, nineteen ninth-level Martial Kings were killed.

He even shattered the fragments of the fourth-level divine list of Lord Punishment.


After hearing what Venerable Sin Punishment said, the high priest was speechless for a long time.

He could no longer express his horror or rage.

Han Yang's strength was completely beyond his imagination, and he was already out of his original control.

Just like Xie Lengchan ten thousand years ago.

After a long time, when Lord Sin Punishment was almost suffocating, the voice of the high priest came to his ears.

Go to Prison Island and bring over all the trapped ninth-level Martial Kings, and give them a chance to atone for their sins! Give each of them a third-level God List fragment! Go immediately...

Before the high priest finished speaking, he heard rapid footsteps coming from outside.

A priest came in hastily and said in a hurry: High Priest, Your Majesty! I just received the news that Han Yang is coming towards the entrance and exit of the Emperor's Secret Realm, and he is already very close!

The faces of the high priest and the Venerable Punishment changed drastically at the same time.

Han Yang is here!

He wants to leave the Emperor's Secret Realm?

With Han Yang's strength at this time, if he is allowed to leave the Emperor's Secret Realm and return to the Tianwu Continent, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

They were unable to use the fragments of the God List for a long time in the Tianwu Continent, and Han Yang had basically no opponents.

At that time, Han Yang Feilong is in the sky and he will truly gain momentum.

Forget it! I will kill it myself!

The high priest stood up suddenly and walked out of the temple.

If it were anyone else, he might feel that the other person could not leave the Emperor's Secret Realm. After all, the token to open the Emperor's Secret Realm was in the hands of the God List Organization.

But Han Yang... broke his inherent thinking too many times.

It must not be judged by common sense!

Venerable Sin Punishment gritted his teeth and had no choice but to follow closely.

This time the trouble is big.

The Lord of Evil Punishment was carrying fragments of the fourth-level divine list, but they were all killed by Han Yang.

He only has fragments of the third-level divine list with him, so how can he be Han Yang's opponent.

He had never thought that his noble leader, the Divine Punishment Team, would be frightened and uneasy by the barbarian Martial King.

Outside the Emperor's Secret Realm, there are only eight ninth-level Martial Kings guarding it.

More other Martial Kings were imprisoned on the Prison Island.

It's a pity that there is no time to release them as a helping hand.

The high priest could only take Lord Sin Punishment and the other six ninth-level Martial Kings into the Emperor's Secret Realm to intercept Han Yang.

at the same time.

In the Emperor's Secret Realm, it is hundreds of miles away from the entrance and exit.

Five figures loomed among the mountains and forests, with stern expressions on their faces.

Han Yang's strength seems to be somewhat beyond expectations. If the five of us join forces, we may not be his opponent.

One of them, King Wu, who looked like a middle-aged man, spoke slowly.

The other four Martial Kings did not speak immediately, but their expressions were equally ugly.

Han Yang was stronger than they expected.

I thought that when the news about Li Xuanyu came out, Han Yang would rush to the entrance of the Emperor's Secret Realm as soon as possible.

When the time comes, they will prepare their net and kill Han Yang on the spot!

Unexpectedly, Han Yang lived up to the name of Demon King and actually broke into Xuanlei Valley and killed nineteen ninth-level martial kings!

Such a fierce record made the five of them tremble with fear!

We have no choice! If Han Yang doesn't die, Xuan Zhi will never be able to marry Chen Qiaoqian. Our Yang family has been preparing for countless years. Isn't it just making wedding clothes for others? Han Yang must die! If nothing can be done, we will work with the Shenbang Organization The high priests join forces!”

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