Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 594 People’s hearts are broken and the hunting team is disbanded

This trace of the fourth-level God List fragment does not seem to belong to the God List organization, but comes from other warriors in the Tianwu Continent.

How can it be……

The red priest found that he couldn't understand what happened here.

First, the high priest, who was comparable to the fragments of the fourth-level god list, died in battle, and the secret realm of the emperor was opened by outsiders.

Now there are fragments of the fourth-level God List that do not belong to the God List organization.

For a moment, the red priest's heart almost stopped beating.

Maybe this time, there is big trouble.

It seems that there was a mysterious force that joined forces with the high priest to fight against the devil Han Yang.

It's the Resurrection Society! This move is clearly the Fire Phoenix of the Yang family of the Resurrection Society!

The high priest and the Resurrection Society joined forces to block Han Yang's first sword and injure four people!

When Demon King Han Yang slashed out his second sword, the Resurrection Society tricked the high priest, causing the high priest and others to die in battle.

Haha... These idiots from the Resurrection Society didn't expect that after two self-destructions, Han Yang could still use the sword, but Han Yang eventually killed him!

Han Yang's strength is indeed terrifying...

As soon as the last sentence came out, everyone fell into silence.

These Martial Kings are all the pinnacle beings in the Tianwu Continent.

Each person's name represents a legend.

They were all once princes and saints, peerless geniuses.

Their eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary Martial Kings. They can judge all the situations of the previous battle with just a few words.

But after knowing the truth, all the Martial Kings subconsciously fell silent.

Han Yang was stronger than they imagined.

According to the combat power that Han Yang showed in this battle, if they were to meet their hunting team of hundreds of ninth-level Martial Kings head-on, even if they could win in the end, it would be a tragic victory!

They might even lose to Han Yang!

Unless... all the Martial Kings take the initiative to die and dedicate the fragments of the God List to the Red Priest and others, forming more than five fourth-level God List fragments, then it is possible to kill Han Yang!

For a time, almost most of the Martial Kings had already thought of quitting.

Demon King Han Yang is more of a problem for the God List organization, and they are not willing to die for the God List.

The rewards given by the God List organization are not enough to allow hundreds of ninth-level martial kings to fight to the death with Demon King Han Yang.

The red priest also clearly felt that something was not right about the atmosphere at the scene.

People's hearts are scattered!

Just watching the battlefield where Han Yang killed the high priest made this hunting team composed of hundreds of ninth-level martial kings lose their confidence and become unable to fight!

Will the most massive pursuit in the history of Tianwu Continent end with such a ridiculous ending?

The red priest's teeth were almost broken.

But there was nothing she could do.

Unless she completely fell out with the six dynasties and the ten holy sects, she could not force these people to continue to hunt Han Yang.

What's more, she didn't dare to let the tiger return to the mountain and let so many ninth-level martial kings return to the Tianwu Continent.

Everyone! The hunt for the Demon King has come to an end for the time being. Please stay in the outer realm and do not leave for the time being. The fragments of the third-order God List in your body can be considered as payment for your hard work...

Although he was extremely angry, the red priest had to act as if nothing was wrong and step in to reassure people.

Luan Yu asked unceremoniously: What about the pursuit of Han Yang?

Although it is the Shenbang organization that wants to kill Demon King Han Yang the most, there is also a deadly feud between the Imperial Sect and Han Yang.

They also don't want to see Han Yang continue to grow.

With Han Yang's growth rate, if he is allowed to advance as much as he wants in the Tianwu Continent, he will probably become a serious problem for the Emperor's Holy Sect within a few years!

The smile on the red priest's face disappeared and he said coldly: Don't worry, everyone! I will invite the remaining five sages of the Divine Punishment Team to join forces with the Priest Hall to go to Tianwu Continent to kill Han Yang! He must die!

Sanxian Island, Li Family!

Since six years ago, the Li family has closed its mountain gate and isolated itself from the outside world.

Two months ago.

The war that swept through the entire Sanxian Island almost uprooted the Li family from Sanxian Island.

The tsunami caused by the war almost submerged Sanxian Island.

The cause of the fighting is unknown.

But after the war, the Li family on Sanxian Island had to end their isolation and asked craftsmen from each island on Sanxian Island to rebuild the Li family's mountain gate.

Sanxian Island, which had been dormant for six years, became lively again.

Penglai Island.

The embroidered clothing guards of the Chu Dynasty had thousands of households with left beards, and they had been extremely exhausted these past few months.

Demon King Han Yang and his party entered the secret realm of the Emperor in the name of Xuan Yi Palace and the Great Chu Dynasty. The two major forces were punished by the Shenbang Organization.

The Lord of the Nine Halls is dead, and he, the person in charge of Penglai Island in the Great Chu Dynasty, has naturally become the scapegoat.

If it weren't for Demon King Han Yang's killing spree on the Tianwu Continent, causing King Wu to fall like rain and leaving him with a shortage of manpower, he would have been transferred back to the Chu Dynasty long ago and suffered punishment.

Even if he is allowed to serve his crime and make meritorious service, Zuo Beard's life will not be easy.

The other sage sects of the other dynasties seemed to believe that the Chu Dynasty's tiger-raising was a danger, cultivated monsters like Demon King Han Yang, and unanimously suppressed the Chu Dynasty.

The Chu Dynasty had almost no resources on Penglai Island.

Zuo beard is living like a year.

grown ups……

Just when Zuo Yan was thinking about how to entertain the defenders of Da Xia or Da Qin and build relationships, an embroidered guard from Baihu respectfully reported back: There is someone outside the hall who claims to be an old acquaintance of your Excellency. Please meet!

What did you say?!

Hearing this, Zuo Beard's heart skipped a beat.

The Ninth Hall Master of Xuan Yi Hall met with an old acquaintance, but was killed by Demon King Han Yang.

Hearing the words old acquaintance, my left beard felt numb.

Baihu didn't know why and looked at his superior with suspicion.

The left-bearded man suddenly stood up and asked urgently: Does this person have white hair?

It is no secret that Han Yang forcibly used the art of reincarnation and his life was short and his hair was gray.

Zuo beard is very afraid of this devil!

Baihu said with a sneer: My lord, you are joking. How could I not know the name of Demon King Han Yang? That man's gray hair is not...

Halfway through, his voice stopped abruptly.

Previously, I was only looking at whether the other person's hair was white.

Now I suddenly remembered that that man seemed to be accompanied by two companions who looked like eight or nine-year-old girls.

Previously I thought she was his maid or relative.

Now think about it...

Witch’s auspicious heaven!

Heavenly Corpse Xiao Jiuer!

Baihu was startled, his knees became weak and he almost fell to his knees.

Zuo Beard immediately saw the clues from Baihu's behavior, turned around and ran to the back of the palace without hesitation.

At this moment, Han Yang's voice came from outside the hall.

When a friend comes from afar, why would Master Qianhu run away in a hurry? This is probably not the way to treat guests.

Following the sound, Han Yang and his party entered the hall.

Damn it!

It’s really the Demon King Han Yang!

The left beard turned green.

He hurriedly stopped escaping, forced a smile, and shouted to the hundred households: Idiot! Didn't you see that His Highness the Demon King has arrived? Why don't you go to the side hall and brew the best Hundred Flowers wine to entertain His Highness? !”


As soon as Baihu stepped out with his left foot, he heard a snapping sound from his ankle, and then the entire leg's bones were completely shattered.

He fell to the ground with a sound and could not get up again.

The left beard collapsed to the ground in despair, his face pale with fear.

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