Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 595 The Legend of Emperor Wu

The name of the Demon King resounds throughout the Tianwu Continent.

After the famous battle of King Yum, the first war of kings was started by Demon King Han Yang.

Zuo Beard witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Demon King Han Yang was on Sanxian Island, searching for fragments of the God List without restraint.

This is a lawless master who is not afraid of heaven and earth.

If you fall into the hands of the devil, you will definitely not get any good results.

Han Yang sat down on the main seat, while Zhang Wuyou and the other five stood aside with expressionless faces and said nothing.

This cold aura alone made his left beard drip with sweat.


Why didn't he die?

How come I'm not dead?

Left Beard quickly realized something was wrong.

With the nature of Demon King Han Yang, he should have gone on a killing spree, but they were not dead. The Baihu who was ordered by him to report the news only lost one of his legs.


Zuo Beard, who was thoughtful, understood immediately, got up in a hurry and said respectfully: I don't know what His Highness has ordered. I will definitely do my duty and will never let Your Highness down.

Han Yang nodded and said: You are a smart man, and I like to deal with smart people! The embroidered guards of the Chu Dynasty are known as the best in the world in intelligence ability. I want you to help me find out two pieces of information!

As soon as he heard that Han Yang had something to ask for, Zuo Xiang immediately let out a sigh of relief.

At least his life was temporarily saved.

He hurriedly raised his hands and said, Your Highness, please speak!

First, I want to know the news about Li Xuanyu! Don't say you don't know about the battle between the Li family on Sanxian Island a month ago! Han Yang's voice was indifferent.

Of course, Zuo Beard didn't dare to say that he didn't know, and hurriedly replied: I just heard about it. I will find out the specific situation for your highness.

It is no secret that Li Xuanyu is a close friend of Demon King Han Yang.

What's even more frightening is that Li Xuanyu is the first monster in the Tianwu Continent in two thousand years to advance to the eighth level of Martial King without the need for the Emperor's Secret Realm!

This kind of information is difficult for Zuo Yan, who is a Qianhu embroidered clothing guard, not to know.

The second thing is, I want to know about the Resurrection Society or Chen Yu!

When Han Yang told the second thing, Zuo Beard looked confused.

He had never heard of the Resurrection Society, but Chen Yu... wasn't that Han Yang's cheap father-in-law?

After Han Yang's rise, the details of his growth to this day have long been dug up.

There is a joke circulating among the Xiuyi Guards of the Great Chu Dynasty.

It is said that Chen Yu is the most visionary person in the Tianwu Continent from ancient times to the present.

Even before the rise of the Demon King Han Yang, he was recruited as his son-in-law.

The viciousness of his eyes is unparalleled.

Now Han Yang actually asked him to investigate Chen Yu's news, which made Zuo Yan a little confused.

You don't need to ask for the reason, just go and investigate! I'll give you a month! After one month, if there is no news about these two people, you will have no need to live.

Han Yang left one sentence and said no more.

His left beard trembled and he hurriedly took the order.

Zhang Wuyou stepped forward with a smile, put his arm around Zuo Shi's shoulders, and the two left the hall arm in arm.

Brother Ying! In this month, I am going to retreat and seek opportunities for breakthroughs in cultivation. You and my wife...

Sisu and I will protect you! Ji Xiangtian has a weird temperament and can't calm down, so he is not suitable for protecting the law.

Before Han Yang could finish his words, he was kindly interrupted by Ying Cheng.

The two of them were considered to have a lifelong friendship, so Han Yang stopped being pretentious, nodded, found the secret room of Zuo Beard, and went into seclusion to practice.

As soon as Han Yang left, Ji Xiangtian immediately shouted dissatisfied: Winner! Don't think that you can show off your power by being promoted to the ninth level! What do you mean that I have a weird personality and am not suitable for protecting the Dharma? Please explain clearly, what's wrong with me? This is so cruel... Hey, Xiao Jiu'er, don't pull me, I haven't finished speaking yet...

Before she could finish her words, she was pulled away by the ears by the expressionless Xiao Jiuer.

Many times, Jixiang Genius is more like a child than Xiao Jiuer.

Ying Cheng smiled and stood outside the secret room with Si Su.

Yingcheng, you said... Han Yang is in retreat this time, isn't he really seeking a breakthrough? He has only become King of Wu for a few days...

Sisu said to Yingcheng in disbelief.

Yingcheng was silent for a moment, and then said via voice transmission: He has to break through.

Have to break through?

Sisu was startled.

With Han Yang's current state, he is invincible in Tianwu Continent.

Without the ability to use the fragments of the God List, there is absolutely no way that a ninth-level Martial King could be Han Yang's opponent.

Who can force Han Yang to break through?

Suddenly, Sisu's whole body trembled, as if he thought of something.

You mean...


After receiving an affirmative answer from Ying Cheng, Sisu felt a storm in his heart.

Emperor Wu!

In Tianwu Continent, is there really a Martial Emperor still alive?

In today's Tianwu Continent, only the Martial Emperor can force Han Yang to break through!

She originally thought that Emperor Wu had become extinct since ten thousand years ago.

After all, Emperor Wu's lifespan was only about ten thousand years.

More than ten thousand years have passed since the birth of the last Martial Emperor.

Is he planning to challenge the Martial Emperor?

Sisu's scalp felt numb and she subconsciously looked towards the secret room behind her.

Sanxian Island, Li Family.

Manager Li! He's busy!

Manager Li! Look, all the materials here are ready!

Manager Li...

A fat middle-aged man trotted all the way, as if he was stepping on hot wheels.

Wherever he passed, people greeted him from time to time and asked about rebuilding the Li Family Mountain Gate.

This Manager Li is a direct descendant of Li Wanshan, the head of the Li family.

Although his cultivation level is only at the sixth level of Yuan Dan, his status in the Li family is not even lower than that of Li Wanshan's legitimate sons.

Manager Li ignored those guys who asked about trivial matters and jogged all the way to a main hall.

Shiwei Hong, I have something urgent to do to see the master! When will he have time to summon me?

Manager Li asked the guards outside the hall while wiping his sweat.

With a smile on his face, Guard Hong replied: My master started practicing in seclusion yesterday! I'm afraid he won't be able to leave seclusion until tomorrow. Why don't you wait?

Guard Hong did not dare to offend the famous man in front of the head of the family, so he could only greet him with a smile.

Manager Li nodded helplessly, turned around and walked back.

What kind of bullshit seclusion practice!

In fact, it is to create people through seclusion.

After that big battle, everyone in the Li family was stimulated.

Who would have thought that more than ten years ago, that young master hooked up with Peach Blossom Island's No. 1 Saint Yu Xuanji and gave birth to a woman who would be so outstanding.

The eighth level of the King of Martial Arts!

Moreover, he is the first eighth-level Martial King born in the Tianwu Continent in three thousand years instead of in the Emperor's Secret Realm!

Li Xuanyu shocked everyone in the Li family with his lightning-sweeping acupoints.

Since then, the masters of the Li family have been frantically creating people.

They all wanted to know if their bloodline was as good as that young master's and could give birth to a proud daughter like Li Xuanyu.

If a monster like Li Xuanyu could really be born, then the Li family would definitely be able to soar into the sky.

Nowadays, the atmosphere in the Li family is that practicing cultivation is not as important as having children.

If Li Xuanyu is born, it will be much more cost-effective than cultivating for thousands of years to become a seventh or eighth level Martial King.


Manager Li was thinking wildly when a hidden transmission talisman on his waist suddenly vibrated.

His expression suddenly changed.

Why did that guy with the left beard contact me? He didn't know that I was a dead chess player! Can't he be awakened until his life or death is at stake?

No one would have imagined that this steward, who was deeply trusted by the head of the Li family, was actually... a member of the Embroidery Guard of the Great Chu Dynasty.

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