Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 596 Nine Transformations of Evil Buddha

Inquiring about Li Xuanyu?

When he saw clearly the tasks arranged by Zuo Yan, Manager Li's expression changed again.

Although all the men in the Li family have now changed because of Li Xuanyu, Li Xuanyu has become a taboo in the Li family.

No one wants to mention this name that almost caused disaster for the Li family.

Even though Guanshi Li is the direct descendant of the head of the family, he still doesn't know about it.

It's strange that Zuo Beard didn't hesitate to use my dead chess piece just to find out about Li Xuanyu...

Although Manager Li was puzzled, he did not dare to neglect it.

He has been lurking for decades, and this is the first time Xiuyiwei has assigned him a task.

I originally wanted to return to the construction site, but now I took a turn and went to a side courtyard of the Li family's mansion.

Master Steward? Why are you here? Please come in, please come in quickly...

A pretty woman walked out of the side courtyard. When she saw Manager Li, the popular figure in front of the head of the family, she hurriedly greeted him with a smile and introduced him into the courtyard.

Manager Li?

There was a strong medicinal fragrance coming from the courtyard.

A middle-aged man with a pale face was sitting in a wheelchair and taking medicine.

When he saw Manager Li coming in, he suddenly looked surprised.

Haha... Guard Chief Zhang! Your injury hasn't healed yet? I just got a magical elixir here. Don't mind it... give it a try and see the effect.

Manager Li smiled at him and placed a jade box in front of the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man's name is Zhang Huan, and he is one of the nine chief guards of the Li family.

There was no trace of it for decades and it was very mysterious.

But according to the information obtained by Manager Li, Zhang Huan seemed to be guarding Li Xuanyu's parents.

This time Li Xuanyu tried to rescue his parents, and he was the first to find out. He reported it to the family, attracting the powerful people from Peach Blossom Island and Zhujian Villa.

If anyone in the entire Li family knew about Li Xuanyu's current whereabouts, it was definitely him.

Zhang Huan only glanced at the jade box on the table and said expressionlessly: No reward for no merit, I can't have this thing!

The jade box clearly contained a top-level Xuan-level elixir.

When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something. How could Zhang Huan dare to accept such an expensive gift casually?

Manager Li said with a smile: The third young master asked me to ask Captain Zhang about Li Xuanyu. I think Captain Zhang should understand what I mean.

The third young master of the Li family is competing with the fourth and eighth young masters for the position of head of the family.

Zhang Huan was thoughtful, but still said calmly: I didn't expect that Manager Li is actually the third young master's man, but I made a mistake.

The famous man in front of the head of the house actually had an affair with the third young master?

This was somewhat beyond Zhang Huan's expectations.

Manager Li smiled and said nothing, just looked at the other party quietly. He believed that Zhang Huan would tell the truth.

Since Zhang Huan was injured, the head of the family has been busy making people and ignored him, so that the injury has not recovered until now.

He didn't believe that Zhang Huan had no complaints in his heart.


After a long while, Zhang Huan frowned and said: Li Xuanyu was taken away by the people of Zhujian Villa. Luo Qianfang died in Han Yang's hands. The people of Zhujian Villa were aggrieved and wanted to pass Li Xuanyu. Come and take revenge on Han Yang!”

It was also an important reason why Yu Xuanji broke his engagement with Luo Qianfang and eloped with the young master of the Li family.

Compared to Peach Blossom Island, Zhujian Villa undoubtedly hated Li Xuanyu even more.

After getting the answer he wanted, Manager Li said goodbye to Zhang Huan and left the side courtyard.

Penglai Island.

After receiving the news, Zuo Beard's expression became very exciting.

Li Xuanyu was actually taken away by the people from Zhujian Villa.

Now it's fun to watch.

With the character of Demon King Han Yang, he would definitely go to the Sword Forging Villa to cause a scene.

The Imperial Dynasty and the Holy Sect were not at odds with each other. Zuo Yan was delighted to see Zhujian Villa in bad luck, and immediately passed the news to Ying Cheng, the guardian of the law, without reservation.

It only took three days to find out the news about Li Xuanyu. Zuo Beard thought it was fast enough.

As a result, after Yingcheng received the information, he said calmly: That's not enough! Xiuyiwei must have planted spies in Zhujian Villa as well? I want specific information about Li Xuanyu!

For example, has her cultivation been abolished? Where is she being imprisoned? Where are her parents being imprisoned?! Don't fool me with this kind of rubbish news!

My left beard and nose were almost crooked.

Demon King Han Yang was just arrogant. It had only been a few days since he won the city and became King of Wu, but he still dared to shout in front of him.


Before he could attack, an extremely terrifying pressure suddenly came.

Ninth...Nineth King Realm!?

The left beard opened his mouth wide in shock, as if he had seen a god.

These guys around Han Yang are all monsters.

That's it for Ji Xiangtian and Xiao Jiuer. After all, they have been with Han Yang for a year or two, and with their current level of cultivation, it makes sense.

A winnable city?

I just followed Han Yang to the Emperor's Secret Realm, and they actually set foot in the ninth level of King Wu!

Is this justified?

Zuo Yan felt that he had worked hard to become a dog throughout his whole life of cultivation.

No matter how talented you are, no matter how hard you practice, it's still not as good as following the right master.

It’s really true that one person has achieved enlightenment and a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven!

The cats and dogs around Han Yang can follow him and soar into the sky.

Okay! Let His Majesty the Demon King wait a moment, and I will continue to gather information!

Zuo Beard was a little reluctant before, but the situation forced him to obey.

Now, I have other thoughts.

If you do well in intelligence, you will be rewarded by Mr. Han, like winning a city, making rapid progress and breaking the myth of promotion in Tianwu Continent.

In the secret room.

Han Yang felt the changes in his body.

Three days have passed and the acupoints have fully recovered.

During this retreat, he planned to take the opportunity to gather the earth soul!

For him, there is no difficulty in condensing the earth soul. If it is just an ordinary earth soul, he can do it in an instant, without any shackles at all.

Returning to the path of spiritual practice, this superficial realm of souls and laws is the least difficult for him.

Reborn in the ninth life, God of War in the sixth life.

There is no one in this world whose soul is more tenacious and powerful than his.

All he has to do is to continuously expand the sea of ​​consciousness and unlock the soul of his previous life.

On the contrary, it is about the realm of the physical body such as body tempering, bone forging, Qi gathering, and Yuandan. Because the body has been changed, it needs to be carefully polished and the foundation solidified.

In the Three Lives Art, the Heavenly Soul Lord has passed and the Earthly Soul Lord is now!

The soul’s journey to heaven is endless and immortal.

Returning the soul of the earth to heaven and earth is an ancestral virtue throughout the ages.

The return of human souls to the underworld is the fate of karma.

This is the difference between ordinary warriors condensing three souls.

But Han Yang's improved Sansheng Jue returned the earth soul to his body and condensed it into the present body!

After all the three souls of heaven, earth and man are condensed, Han Yang's rebirth will come to an end, with only one life left, and there will be no more reincarnations.

Because the past life, present, and future are all condensed into the present by him.

Warriors, you should move forward bravely and overcome obstacles! Isn't it enough to be reincarnated nine times?!


Han Yang did not hesitate and immediately began to gather the earth soul!

What is the present body?

Nine-turn star technique, evil Buddha glazed body!

Han Yang's present body is based on the Nine Revolutions Star Art and the evil Buddha's glazed body as the original body, which condenses the strongest present body.

Then use the Nine Transformation Evil Buddha to condense the earth soul.

At this point, Han Yang's deified supernatural powers and the evil Buddha's glazed body that he has been using for a long time will also dissipate and completely transform into an earthly soul.


A black light rose into the sky.

The swastika character flows throughout the body.

Han Yang gathered the earth soul and achieved the second level of King Wu.

An evil alien spirit rose from behind.

The soul here is holding flowers and smiling, and lotuses are growing step by step, but the lotus flowers are all black.

Tianhun, the sixth god of war.

Earth Soul, Nine Transformations Evil Buddha.

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