Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 816 Knowing clearly that there are tigers in the mountains, heading to the tiger mountain

Xingxiu Sea, Foreign Affairs Palace.

We are not allowed to go out for trials? Why!?

The three Martial Lords glared at the deacons of the Foreign Affairs Hall in front of them with unkind eyes.

They were once candidate stars. After losing the election, if they want to continue to stay in the Middle-earth Divine Continent and continue to practice in the Xingxiu Sea, they must perform various trial tasks and obtain points.

But now, the Foreign Affairs Palace prohibits them from going out for trials, which makes them unbearable.

The deacon said expressionlessly: This is the order from the Law Enforcement Hall. If you have any objections, you can go over there...

When they heard the words Law Enforcement Palace, the three of them couldn't help but their expressions froze.

In Xingxiu Sea, the Law Enforcement Palace controls all punishments.

If you are targeted by the Law Enforcement Hall, it will be almost impossible to stay in Xingxiu Sea.

Under such circumstances, no one dares to go to the Law Enforcement Hall to cause trouble.

The three of them felt resentful in their hearts, but they had to give in.

In their opinion, it was understandable that Xingxiuhai had to shrink its strength due to the attack of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

But at this moment, another team of Martial Lords successfully received the trial mission.

At this time, the three of them were furious.

Deacon Hu! This is unfair. Why can they go out for trials, but we can't!

That's right, Deacon Hu, you must give us an explanation!

The three of them simply couldn't understand what the Foreign Affairs Palace was doing.


Before Deacon Hu could speak, one of the warriors who had just taken over the task smiled and sneered: Shen Tuo, show some face! Is there any fairness or unfairness in this? The strong will go up and the mediocre will go down! You are incompetent, Can you still blame the deacons?”

Shen Tuo, who was the captain of the trio, became even more angry when he heard this: The strong one goes up, the mediocre one goes down? Jiang Xiao, if you have the ability, you and I will fight for 300 rounds to see who is the strong one and who is the mediocre one!

The two teams were at war with each other and were about to fight directly in the Foreign Affairs Palace.

Deacon Hu had to send a message to remind: Shen Tuo, don't cause trouble! The reason why you can't go out for trials is because you are from Barbarian Continent...

The three of them, Shen Tuo, are all the unsuccessful stars from Xingxiu Mountain in Manzhou.

Just because we come from Barbarian Continent?

Shen Tuo was startled at first, but then he seemed to understand something, and shouted with a gloomy face: Is it because of that Han Yang? He is being hunted by the Sun and Moon God Sect. We warriors who also come from the Barbarian Continent cannot go out for trials. ? What nonsense...

In anger, there was not even a sound transmission.

Previously, several warriors from Xingxiu Mountain in Manzhou were prohibited from going out for trials. When they heard Shen Tuo's words, their expressions immediately darkened.

Why!? Why should we suffer along with Han Yang?

He is him, and we are us! We are prohibited from going out for trials, and we refuse to accept it!

Inside and outside the Foreign Affairs Hall, chaos immediately broke out.

There were dozens of warriors around, looking like they were watching the fun.

Han Yang's reputation is too great.

He surpassed the candidate Xingzi from all the subordinate sects of Xingxiu Sea.

Now that there is such a scandal, they are naturally happy to watch it.

Deacon Hu explained with a dark face: The sect is afraid that you will be targeted by the Sun and Moon God Sect, and is protecting you...

But Shen Tuo and others simply couldn't accept this explanation.

Hmph, Han Yang is afraid of death and has become a turtle, but we are not afraid...

That's right! Let us out!

Give us a mission!

The Foreign Affairs Palace suddenly became a mess.

Dissatisfaction began to brew.

Because of Han Yang, all the warriors from Xingxiu Mountain in Manzhou were implicated, which made them very angry.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: Han Yang!?

Han Yang?

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a man dressed in white, heading towards the stars and wielding a sword overseas, floating like an immortal from the Nine Heavens.

Is he leaving Xingxiu Sea?

You're crazy!

All the warriors in the Foreign Affairs Palace exclaimed.

Although they were still mocking Han Yang for being a coward, everyone understood that in order to kill Han Yang, the Sun and Moon God Sect even took action personally from the two leaders.

In this case, hiding in Xingxiu Sea is not cowardly, but wise.

At this time, everyone was shocked to see Han Yang leaving a safe place.

What happened?

Why did he leave?

Many warriors were puzzled.

Leaving Xingxiu Sea now is almost equivalent to dying.

Deacon Hu saw this scene in his eyes and was deeply shocked in his heart.

He knew the truth of the matter and understood what Han Yang was going to do when he left at this time.

But such a move is really too crazy!

In front of him, Shen Tuo and others were still talking about Han Yang's faults, which really made him unable to bear it.

Shut up. Nangong Lin from Xingsu Mountain in Manzhou was captured by the Mo family. Han Yang left regardless of his own safety in order to rescue Nangong Lin!

The old man revealed the purpose of Han Yang's trip in an unprecedented loud voice.

As soon as this statement came out, the scene was in an uproar.

In order to save a fellow sect member, leaving Xingxiu Sea in such dangerous circumstances?

Even a madman would not be so reckless.

Originally, they should have thought that Han Yang was too impulsive, but for some reason, there was a surge of turbulent air in his chest.

Shen Tuo and the others, who had been making noises before, were even more blushing and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Frankly speaking, if it were them, they would never dare to leave Xingxiu Sea when the Sun and Moon God Sect wanted to assassinate them at all costs.

Not to mention, still go and save people.

Comparing the two, the previous words were simply embarrassing.

Nangong Lin is also a sect member of ours! Why does the Mo family capture her? We can't let Han Yang take risks alone. Let's go to the Mo family together to rescue Nangong Lin!

Yes, let's go rescue Nangong together!

The entire Foreign Affairs Palace began to become noisy.

These Martial Lords and Martial Ancestors were all filled with indignation and wanted to go to the Mo Family with Han Yang to save people.

Shut up, everyone!

Deacon Hu scolded with cold eyes: At this moment, there are many crises. If you don't cause trouble to the sect, you are already helping! Save people? I don't need you...

All the warriors present were blushing with humiliation at these words.

With such a tone and tone, there is nothing unnecessary about it, and it is obvious that he doesn't like it!

But he still couldn't say anything to refute.

Han Yang is a person who survived under the hands of Yue Lun Zun, the leader of the Sun Moon Sect.

If it were them, their bodies would definitely be gone by now.

Everyone was silent, silently looking at the figure disappearing into the void.

Go ahead to dangers.

Han Yang knew what he would face if he left Xingxiu Sea at this time, but he went without hesitation.

Such a big heart can only make them admire him.

Only then did they understand why in this session, Chu Fengtu, Nan Jianming and others who participated in the Xingzi Tianxuan with Han Yang were so aloof, but they only admired him and praised Han Yang.

With this courage and loyalty alone, he lives up to his reputation.

If he comes back alive, I will personally kowtow to him and apologize...

Shen Tuo and others who had previously harshly accused Han Yang of being timid couldn't help but make an oath.

But...can Han Yang really come back alive?

Even Deacon Hu, who had a strong cultivation level, looked worried.

The Sun-Moon God Sect is too eager to kill Han Yang. If Han Yang goes away, it will probably be more misfortune...

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