Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 817 Han Yang is here

North of the Divine Continent of Middle-earth.

Shadow City, Mo's Mansion.

The head of the Mo family, Mo Li, was kneeling on the ground, looking humble and submissive.

The Mo family can be considered a wealthy family in the City of Shadows, and even in the entire northern part of the Middle-earth Divine Continent.

Because, the Mo family has a third-level martial saint stationed in this world!

Except for the big sects like Xingxiu Hai, if there is a Martial Saint in the world, they are already the top sects.

You must know that there are more than one hundred subordinate sects under Xingxiu Hai, and there are only more than seventy of them who are Martial Saints.

Not to mention, he is still a third-level Martial Saint!

For a long time, Mr. Mo has been arrogant and arrogant in Shadow City.

Even the name of Shadow City is related to Mo's bloodline magical power, Shadow.

It can be said that the City of Shadows is the City of Mo.

As the head of the Mo family, Mo Li dominates the country and is a well-deserved emperor.

But at this time, he was kneeling on the ground without any dignity at all.

This is because the old man sitting on the stone bench in front of him is the white jade pillar of Mo family and the purple golden beam of Jiahai.

Third-level Martial Saint Mo Xiaoyao!

Mo Xiaoyao's face looked extremely ugly at the moment, as if he was about to drip water.

He scolded with cold eyes: Say! Who gave you the courage to capture Nangong Lin!

Mo Li lowered his head and replied tremblingly: It's the news from Protector Mianyue...


Mo Xiaoyao slammed the table and shouted angrily: Mien Yue? Is she my ancestor of the Mo clan, or is she the martial saint of my Mo clan? You actually obey her words?

Mo Li's body trembled and he replied in confusion: Ancestor, isn't our Mo family a secret child left behind by the Sun Moon God Sect? The protector has an order, how dare I refuse...


Mo Xiaoyao sneered disdainfully and said: Okay! Don't act in front of me! Don't think that I don't know. You think that I interfere in family affairs and want to use Mian Yue's power to reduce my prestige in the Mo family...

Grandchildren dare not...

Mo Li seemed to be very afraid of Mo Xiaoyao, and lowered his head.

But the words that came out of his mouth were not as humble as his attitude.

We Mo family are originally dogs of the Sun and Moon God Sect. If the master gives orders, does the dog have the right to refuse?

These words were spoken out of self-pity, but full of provocation.

It was clearly implying that Mo Xiaoyao was also a dog.

Mo Xiaoyao was completely angry and laughed.

You're stupid! How come you are such a fool among the descendants of the third child! Our Mo clan is the secret left behind by the Sun and Moon God Sect. Yes, we can listen to them and shout at their enemies, but I will never provoke a behemoth that I can't fight just because of their orders!

If killing Mo Li could change everything, then Mo Xiaoyao would have done it long ago.

Letting this idiot be the head of the family was the worst decision in his life.

Mo Li lowered his head and said coldly: To capture Nangong Lin and ambush Han Yang, Mianyue Guardian Association will do it personally, and we will never miss it! She also promised us that after the incident is completed, we will officially join the Sun Moon God Sect. , becoming one of the one hundred and eight envoys...

Mo Xiaoyao was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and slapped him across the face.

Mo Li was caught off guard and his face was covered in blood.


Mo Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and scolded: Do you think Mianyue will be foolproof if she takes action herself? You are so ignorant and ridiculous...

Did you know that just ten days ago, the leader of the Sun-Moon God Sect personally took action to attack Han Yang, but not only did he miss, but even the Jihuo Martial Saint fell in the Sea of ​​Stars...


Mo Li felt like his brain was going to explode.

How can it be!

The two sect leaders are both god-like figures. They personally kill a junior, but they still miss?

Mo Xiaoyao also knew that no more words would help, so he stood up from the stone bench and said coldly: Take me to see that Nangong Lin, maybe there is a chance for reconciliation...

Hearing this, Mo Li's expression froze.

Seeing Mo Li's expression, Mo Xiaoyao immediately realized that something was wrong and asked anxiously: Have you already killed her?

If Nangong Lin is killed, the grudge between the Mo family and Xingxiu Hai will not be resolved at all.

Mo Li hurriedly shook his head: I didn't... didn't kill her, but... when I captured her, she resisted too much and was severely injured by the priest. Now... she's unconscious.

you you……

Mo Xiaoyao pointed at Mo Li, his fingers trembling: You are trying to push me, the Mo family, into a state of eternal doom!

Mo Li also didn't expect that the Sun and Moon God Sect had suffered such a huge setback in Xingxiu Sea.

If he had known this, he would never have taken risks easily and let Mo get involved in the fight between the two sects.

Mo Xiaoyao took two steps back and forth, and just as he was about to speak, he saw two figures suddenly appearing in the house.

Mian Yue protector, Turi protector?

It turned out to be the arrival of the two great protectors of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

This made Mo Xiaoyao's heart skip a beat.

Who is the so-called Han Yang?

It's surprising that the Sun and Moon God Cult worked so hard.

In the past, the two major cult leaders took action personally, and in the later period, the two major protectors planned to surround and kill him.

Even when Zhuge Haoyang, the number one star with nine stars in the Double Palace and eight stars in the Chess Palace, rose up, he never saw the Sun and Moon God Sect being so crazy.

I've seen the two guardians!

Mo Xiaoyao finally bent down to salute and had to lower his head.

Protector Mianyue glanced at him indifferently and said calmly: Why, are you dissatisfied with the decision we made?

My subordinates dare not!

Facing the two guardians, Mo Xiaoyao dared not say even a word.

But in his heart, Mo Li had already been sentenced to death.

If Mr. Mo can survive this disaster, he will definitely find an opportunity to kill this stupid family head.

I don't dare, it's not that it's not's very interesting...

Protector Mianyue chuckled lightly, and without giving Mo Xiaoyao a chance to explain, he directly ordered: Go and hang Nangong Lin at the top of Shadow City! If Han Yang doesn't show up, she will be exposed to the sun for a day!

Mo Xiaoyao's heart trembled when he heard this.

This move can be said to make Mo family and Xingxiu Hai fight to the death!

Go quickly!

Protector Mianyue glared.

What else could Mo Xiaoyao say, he could only accept the order respectfully.

Somebody come!

Following his order, someone immediately dragged Nangong Lin up.

The once majestic and majestic No. 1 Sword Master of Xingxiu Mountain was now unconscious, with hundreds of wounds, large and small, on his body, and blood was constantly flowing.

Protector Mianyue glanced at Mo Li contemptuously.

These trash!

Capturing a mere first-order Martial Ancestor and actually injuring him like this?

Go, hang her up on top of the city and show her to the public!

Mo Xiaoyao finally issued this order which was enough to make Mo family completely disappear.


At this moment, a huge roar came from the east.

The entire Shadow City shook.




Various signals shot up into the sky, and roars instantly spread throughout the city.

Enemy attack!

Someone is attacking the city, stop him!

No, the city gate is broken!

Go and invite the Shadow Mo family...

In less than a few breaths, the city guards of Shadow City were already in chaos.


The sound of swords resounded in all directions, and the huge sword light covered the sky and the sun.


The sword light fell, and the entire Shadow City wailed under the sword light.

Mo's Shadow City was broken open with a knife.

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