Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 822 Bloody Battle between Saints and Han Yang’s Revenge

Mian Yue, you seem to look down on us, the Three Saints of Xingxiuhai, too much.

On the other side, Meteor Sword Saint was forced to laugh angrily at Protector Mianyue's actions.

One against three?

What a joke!

If Protector Mianyue had such ability, wouldn't the Sun and Moon Sect have destroyed Xingxiu Sea long ago?


The knife in his hand also made a crisp sound.



The sword light, like falling stars, with billowing flames, struck the top of the huge willow branch.


At the same time, the sound of swords exploded.

A black light turned into a thin line, and struck the root of the willow tree with a bang.

Suffering counterattacks from two masters at the same time, even though he used forbidden techniques, Protector Mianyue still vomited blood and was severely injured almost instantly.

However, the opportunity she fought for has arrived.

Just one breath.

Tu Ri can take action and kill Han Yang.

Even if both of them died here, their hard work was still not in vain.



Hao sunset for nine days, facing the floating stars in the sky.

The stars can compete with the bright sun.

No matter how much Tu Ri used his sword intent crazily, he was still unable to tear apart the four-star defense laid out by the Floating Star Chess Saint.

Four Stars had occupied the Tianyuan position in advance and had taken the lead, ranking first in defense among the seven domains.

Which one can be easily broken by a warrior of the same level?

Turi, if you want to kill Han Yang, you are just dreaming. Give me a try!

The master of Fuxing Chess looked coldly and pointed out his finger suddenly.


A black light shot towards Protector Turi.

Looking carefully, this black light is actually composed of countless black chess pieces.

The muscles on Protector Turi's face trembled, and a bright sun rose between his eyebrows.


A huge Hao Sun pattern appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, Protector Turi suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the bright sun into his belly.

Forbidden technique, sealed sun!


He slashed out again.

This sword was like a big sun exploding in the void.

But at this moment, the black chess piece in front of him suddenly changed and suddenly turned white.

At the same time, Han Yang's figure flashed and disappeared, and another figure appeared where he was standing.

The person who took Han Yang's place was the Master of Fuxing Chess.

Time flies.

One of the most powerful methods of chess.

In an instant, she and Han Yang exchanged places.


Protector Turi did not hesitate to use the forbidden technique to slash out a sword, which hit the floating star chess master.

In the end, it was blocked by layers of black and white chess pieces.

In the explosion, the floating star chess master was blown away a hundred feet away, the defense of the chess pieces was torn apart, and the four-star heavenly yuan position he had occupied was also split open.

But... Han Yang was unscathed.


Being teased like this by the Master of Fuxing Chess, Protector Turi was furious and waved his hand desperately to strike out again.


At this moment, the sound of sword sounds came.

The Black Star Sword Master's sword blocked the knife in his hand.

The chance of attack that Mian Yue Protector acquired with his serious injury would no longer be able to create new opportunities for Turi.


Protector Mianyue knew that not only could he not kill Han Yang today, but both of his family members would be in danger, and he immediately wanted to leave.

Want to leave? It's not that easy!

However, at this moment, the master of Fuxing Chess trembled his fingers, and a white chess piece appeared in the void.

The terrifying pressure even caused the bones and flesh of her fingers to separate, causing a ball of blood to burst out.

Three Star Chess!

That old immortal Jue Yunzi actually left the three-star chess piece to you!

Protector Mianyue is going crazy.

Jue Yunzi was hunting down the two leaders of the Sun Moon God Sect. At this time, he dared to leave the Three-Star Chess, one of the three sacred weapons, to Fuxing?

It's just crazy.

The old boy was not afraid of being backlashed by the two leaders and took the opportunity to kill them.

Fuxing showed a contemptuous sneer: Idiot! Don't you know that the three-star chess piece consists of two pieces, black and white?


The moment she spoke, a vertical and horizontal chessboard appeared between heaven and earth.



A series of interlaced grids blocked the surrounding space, cutting off the escape route of the two guardians Mianyue and Turi.

Three-star chess, two pieces, black and white.

White is the main defense.

Heizi is the main killer.

Such defense naturally also means blockade.

The entire Shadow City has been completely sealed by the chessboard. Unless the Floating Star Chess Master is willing, no one can leave!


Protector Turi roared and swallowed a Hao Sun into his belly again.

Protector Mian Yue closed his eyes with a hint of despair.


The willow branch in his hand stabbed into her body, leaving her covered with holes and bruises.

But her aura was rising crazily at this moment.

Fight to the death!

After knowing that they could not escape, the two guardians unanimously chose to fight to the death.

Even if it means death, one of the three saints must be dragged to hell. It is best... to take that Han Yang away.

I'll leave this to you, I'll take the first step...

Facing the murderous gaze projected on him, Han Yang just smiled and did not stay where he was.

Five seventh-level martial saints were fighting against each other. With his current level, he couldn't intervene.

Even if he breaks the seventh or even eighth seal of the Nine Phases at all costs, there is currently no chance of counterattacking the seventh-level Martial Saint.


The bluestone exploded underfoot.

His figure disappeared like starlight.

Mo's mansion, backyard.

I, Mrs. Mo, am finished!

Mo Xiaoyao's face was full of despair.

Even he didn't expect that Xingxiu Hai would be so crazy, giving up the Holy Relics battlefield and transferring back to the Sword and Chess Saints.

The current situation is three against two.

Protector Mianyue even misjudged the situation and resisted the attack of Sword Saint. However, he failed to get Protector Turi to kill Han Yang, and instead suffered serious injuries to himself.

Under this situation, it is almost impossible for the two of them to leave this place alive.

With the two protectors fallen, the Mo clan was simply vulnerable.

how so……

Mo Li was even more desperate.

All of this happened because of him.

I thought that the four guardians of the Sun Moon God Sect were the first people under the leader. If they set up a trap, they would not only attract Han Yang, but also have a chance to kill the Meteor Sword Saint.

As a result, Xingxiu Hai's madness...or Han Yang's importance made all his calculations come to nothing.

The Mo family will perish because of him.

Wait a minute... We still have Nangong Lin. As long as she... is taken away, he may not be able to be defeated...


However, just as he was making up his mind, the sound of swords sounded in the void.



Bloody light shot into the sky.

The two seventh-level martial ancestors who had been guarding Nangong Lin were killed with a knife.

And there was no trace of Nangong Lin, whom the two of them were holding hostage.

Han Yang!

Mo Xiaoyao thought of something and suddenly looked up, only to find that Han Yang had appeared on the wall of the Mo family's mansion with Nangong Lin on his back.

This speed is no less than that of any low-level Martial Saint!

Han Yang's ability to kill Mo Jingyun was not a fluke at all.

This boy really has the ability to defeat the Martial Saint.

Han...His Royal Highness Xingzi! Everything is actually a misunderstanding...I never thought about being an enemy of Xingxiu Hai, it's all that evil obstacle...

Although he knew that talking more was useless, Mo Xiaoyao still couldn't help but speak.

Han Yang looked at Mo Xiaoyao and Mo Li with indifferent eyes, half-smiling but not smiling, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


The space around Mo Xiaoyao collapsed instantly.

His figure turned into a stream of light and shot towards Han Yang.

There is still a chance of survival.

If Nangong Lin can make Han Yang throw a rat weapon, then in the same way, if he takes down Han Yang, Xingxiu Hai will be even more capable of throwing a rat weapon, and maybe he can be held hostage to let Mo's escape.

This is...Mo's only way out!

In an instant, a third-level martial saint burst out at his fastest speed!

The distance of several hundred feet from the backyard to the courtyard wall was reached almost instantly.


Just when Mo Xiaoyao flew out, preparing to capture Han Yang at all costs and fight to the death for the Mo family, a moonlight rose.


His body was cut into two pieces at the waist.

Moon...moon golden wheel...

Mo Xiaoyao's eyes widened in horror.

Obviously, it is unbelievable that he will die under the moon gold wheel.

In the sky above Mo's mansion, a figure in white clothes stood in the sky. Beside her, the golden moon wheel danced up and down, as flexible as a butterfly dancing.

Star-catching Sword Master...

The last sparkle in Mo Xiaoyao's eyes dimmed.

Mo's, it's really over.

The Star-Reaching Sword Master appears, and except for the four guardians, no one is her opponent.


With extremely angry despair, Mo Xiaoyao's body hit the ground heavily.

Mo Li, the head of the Mo family, suddenly jumped up in shock, and was so frightened by the scene before him that his liver and gallbladder split apart...

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