Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 823 Walking in the Land of Right and Wrong in Xingxiu Sea

He has thought countless times about how to seize the power of the family from the bad old man Mo Xiaoyao and become the real talker of the Mo family.

But at this time, when the third-level martial saint who protected Mo from the wind and rain was killed, he realized that only force is everything!

Without the protection of Martial Saint, the Mo family is nothing.

He is nothing.

This is...a decision made by me alone and has nothing to do with Mr. Mo...

Mo Li looked at Han Yang with pleading in his tone.

Hearing this, Han Yang's eyes became colder: Nangong Lin, originally had nothing to do with your Mo family, but you seriously injured her and almost killed her!


Mo Li was at a loss for words and didn't know how to explain it. The next moment, Han Yang had already slashed with his hand.


Heads flew up.

The head of the Mo family, who was obsessed with gaining more power and even colluded with the Sun Moon God Sect, was beheaded with a knife.

Moreover, after this battle, there will be no more Mo family in Shadow City!

it's over……

The Star Reaching Sword Master retracted the Moon Golden Wheel and looked far away in the direction of the battlefield.

The blockade of the three-star white chess piece has been released.

Mianyue Dharma protector, died.

Killed by the Meteor Sword Saint with one strike.

Protector Turi also died, but he was attacked by the three saints and killed by force.

Until death, the two guardians were unable to hurt any of the three.

In the void, there was a vague roar of unwillingness.

In front of the three saints who integrated offense and defense, he was like a useless waste.

Hahaha! Han Yang, today's results are gratifying, you... did a good job!

The Meteor Sword Saint was in a good mood, and while laughing loudly, he did not forget to pat Han Yang's shoulder heavily.

After this battle, two of the four guardians of the Sun and Moon Sect fell, and the two leaders were chased by Jue Yunzi and fled. It can be said that the end of Xingxiu Sea's biggest enemy is coming.

Han Yang glanced at the Meteor Sword Saint's palm expressionlessly.

This guy seemed to be a reckless man. He almost broke Han Yang's bones with one slap.


Meteor Sword Saint retracted his palm in embarrassment and said: You and Fuxing can return to Xingxiu Sea together. Leave the rest to us.

He is going to join forces with the Black Star Sword Master to go to the Sun and Moon God Sect!

This is a good opportunity to severely defeat the Sun Moon God Sect!

Han Yang was also worried about Nangong Lin's situation and nodded in agreement.

Three days later.

Nangong Lin woke up.

Her injuries were very serious and she would not be able to recover without a few years of training, even with the healing medicine.

This woman is too cruel to herself.

When she was attacked by Mo's sneak attack, she was completely risking her life and had no intention of becoming a prisoner.

Not only did he activate the forbidden technique, he was also seriously injured by Mo's Martial Ancestor.

You're lucky if you don't die.

Follow me back to Tianwu Blessed Land. With the blessed land's Hongmeng Purple Qi, your injuries will be restored in just a few months.

Seeing that Nangong Lin was a little depressed, Han Yang explained.

Nangong Lin looked at the stars in the sky without saying a word.

Han Yang was not a warm-hearted man who could comfort others. He would have nothing to say if the other party didn't respond to his explanation. The two of them just stood there stiffly.

After a long time, Nangong Lin asked in a hoarse voice: Did you... really defeat a martial saint when you rescued me?

have to!

Only then did Han Yang understand why Nangong Lin was in a depressed mood.

Emotionally, she heard about her killing of the Martial Saint with a sword.

Han Yang said in a proud tone: That's natural. I am the Nine Stars of the Three Palaces. It's nothing to attack the Martial Saint! When I become the Martial Ancestor, I will kill a third- and fourth-level Martial Saint for you to see.

He knew Nangong Lin's stubborn character very well.

In order to reach the level of three palaces and nine stars, she suppressed herself for two to three thousand years without breaking through.

So currently, what she needs is not comfort, but stimulation.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Nangong Lin smiled: I never saw it before that you are so shameless.

This was the first time Han Yang saw Nangong Lin smiling happily, and he couldn't help but be startled.

Nangong Lin quickly stopped smiling and said, When I can move, I will return to Tianwu Paradise.

She had a sense of urgency and she had to recover from her injuries as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Han Yang will be left further and further behind.

Nangong Lin really couldn't imagine that in just three months, Han Yang had grown from the little ascended person who needed her rescue to the point where he could defeat the Martial Saint.

If her nerves were not strong enough, perhaps even her martial arts heart would collapse.

With your current status, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave Xingxiu Sea easily, right?

Nangong Lin suddenly remembered something and asked casually subconsciously.

No! I don't agree with letting Han Yang return to Manzhou!

The Black Star Sword Master's face was dark, and his finger almost poked the Meteor Sword Master's face.

The old lady yelled angrily: With Han Yang's level, it makes no difference whether he practices in a blessed land or not! Doesn't he want the holy medicine? Give it to him! I have five more holy medicines here, give them all to him! But he can't leave Xingxiu Sea!

Although the two great protectors of the Sun Moon God Sect died, the main altar was also destroyed by Jueyunzi.

A few days ago, she teamed up with the Meteor Sword Saint to kill dozens of martial saints, and the Sun Moon God Sect was completely defeated.

But that doesn't mean Han Yang is safe.

During the battle in Shadow City, Han Yang's talent had been exposed to everyone.

Without the Sun and Moon Sect, there might still be Tiandao Academy and Qingyu Temple.

All the sects in the Middle-earth Divine Continent, and even the five major Divine Continents, may send people to assassinate Han Yang!

Kill it before it grows.

No one dares to allow a talented warrior who is not from his own sect to grow wantonly.

If Han Yang leaves Xingxiu Sea, wouldn't it be like asking for death?

Meteor Sword Saint was spat on, but he was too embarrassed to speak back.

Although the three of them are all seventh-level martial saints, the Black Star Sword Master is three or four generations higher than him and the Floating Star Chess Master. According to their seniority, it is not an exaggeration to call them grandma.

If he dared to talk back, the old lady might just give him a big mouth.

The Fuxing Chess Master on the side pursed his lips and smiled to see the Sword Master deflated.

It wasn't until the old lady had finished scolding her that she smiled and said, Mother-in-law, what Meteor said actually makes sense. Han Yang is indeed not suitable to stay in Xingxiu Sea...

The Black Star Sword Master couldn't help but change his expression.

Before she could speak, Master Fuxing Chess continued with a solemn expression: Mother-in-law, have you ever thought that if the old master from Tiandao Academy comes to visit in person, can we stop him?


The crutch in the Black Star Sword Master's hand was almost crushed.

Can't stop it!

The old master of Tiandao Academy is also a ninth-level martial saint like Jue Yunzi, who is almost invincible in the world.

Where is the magic stick from Qingyu Temple?

Where are the old monsters from the Heart Refining World?

The Master of Fuxing Chess said slightly bitterly: Although I don't want to admit it, it is not safe for Han Yang to stay in Xingxiu Sea at this time.

Han Yang's performance in the battle in Shadow City was really dazzling.

With the realm of Martial Master, counterattack the Martial Saint.

Any major force that has anything to do with Xingxiu Sea will never allow Han Yang to grow up.

Even those neutral sects wanted Han Yang to be wiped out as soon as possible.

If it were just the Three Jue Stars, the top experts represented by the Old Master of Tiandao Academy might not care too much.

But Wu Zun's rebellion against Wu Sheng was really too shocking.

When such characters grow up, they can change the world structure of Qingtian Realm.

Black Star Sword Master glared at Meteor Sword Master fiercely: If you idiot didn't come up with some bullshit plan to lure the snake out of its hole, how could Han Yang be exposed?

Meteor Blade Saint felt aggrieved.

How did he know that Han Yang was so tough that he could kill even the Martial Saint?

After a long silence, the Black Star Sword Master finally spoke in a deep voice: Fuxing, take Han Yang to the Wanxiang Palace and ask for a Wanxiang Mask for him. Only in this way can we keep him safe.

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