Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 826 The First God of War Appears

Destroy my Wanxiang Palace? The old Taoist wants to see what you are!

The old Taoist priest flashed and appeared outside Wuxiang Palace.

Above the void, stood a middle-aged man wearing a divine robe. He looked kind-hearted and even somewhat solemn.

However, there was no trace of human emotion in his eyes.

Looking at ordinary people is like looking down at ants.

Haha...Who did I think it was? It turns out to be the third divine stick of Qingyu Temple!

The old Taoist priest deliberately emphasized the word third.

However, the third master of the Qingyu Temple did not pay attention to the old Taoist priest at all, but directly focused his attention on Han Yang who was not far away.

The murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised.


The sound of swords sounded.

At the moment when the third hall master was fully focused, the old Taoist priest took action boldly.

Not only did he take action, but he also directly activated the forbidden technique and launched a desperate attack.

Old bastard! You're crazy!

The third hall master did not expect that the old Taoist priest would be so crazy. In order to protect Han Yang, he would not hesitate to use forbidden magic.

You must know that at their level, the damage caused by the forbidden technique cannot be recovered even throughout their lifetime, and it is very likely that they will stop moving forward because of this.

He shouted sharply and pushed his hands forward.


Two rays of light exploded in the void.

The group of ordinary people in the Wuxiang Palace looked up at the sky with blank faces, completely unaware of what was happening.

They couldn't even see the two people fighting.

The gap between martial saints and ordinary people is almost the same as that between gods and mortals.

The vitality fluctuations caused by the activation were also eliminated by the powerful magic circle set up.


The third palace master stepped back seven or eight steps, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were filled with hatred and he roared: Old bastard! If you protect Han Yang in Wanxiang Palace, aren't you afraid of being surrounded and killed by the nine sects of the Middle Earth Divine Continent!

The old Taoist priest laughed and said: Are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be confused? If you idiots could really destroy my Wanxiang Palace, would you still wait until today?

The third palace master glanced at Han Yang with a gloomy look, turned around and left without saying another word.

He thought that by intimidating him, he would be able to make the Wanxiang Palace take advantage of it and give up protecting Han Yang.

Unexpectedly, this old Taoist priest would not hesitate to fight to the death.

If you can't kill Han Yang, staying on someone else's territory is like standing under a dangerous wall, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

But he believed that Han Yang would one day get out of Wanxiang Palace.

An old Taoist priest will not protect the Tao for an outsider!


After coughing twice, the old Taoist priest returned to Han Yang and the others, scratched his head and asked, Where did we just talk?

Han Yang said: When it comes to the question I want to ask, you can't answer it.


The old Taoist priest looked depressed.

It hurts my heart!

Why doesn't this kid respect the elderly and care for the young?

I activated the forbidden technique and acted with all my strength, didn't I just want to impress this kid and play the emotional card.

Now it seems that this kid has seen through his trick a long time ago.

Seeing that Han Yang was unable to make any progress, the old Taoist priest had no choice but to say angrily: Come, kill me again, but this time, use different power!

You have to know that although the Wanxiang Mask in my Wanxiang Palace can change a person's aura, it cannot change the other person's cultivation rules and techniques! Therefore, if you cannot change the rules and attack methods, then even if you bring It’s useless to put on a mask, as soon as you make a move, your true self will be exposed.”

What a pity.

In the past, those who came to ask for the Wanxiang Mask of Wanxiang Palace were all respectful to Wanxiang Palace.

The old Taoist priest didn't even bother to explain.

If you have a way to hide yourself, then pass the test.

No, it just doesn’t work.

Many seekers come in confused and leave confused, not knowing what is wrong with them.

Now that he explained to Han Yang in such detail, it shows how much the old Taoist priest values ​​Han Yang.

One more chop...

Han Yang nodded, understanding what the old Taoist meant.

It turns out that the Wanxiang Mask still requires the cooperation of the wearer.

If so...

Han Yang's aura suddenly changed, and he suddenly slashed out with his sword.

Shadow kill!

Shadow City Mo's top secret skill.


The sword flashed and he was in front of the old Taoist priest.


The old Taoist priest was a little shocked.

Although in the past there were some Tian Zongzhi who had extraordinary talents and practiced many martial arts and passed the assessment of Wanxiang Palace, Han Yang was definitely the first one who seemed to be a completely different person in a short period of time.


The sharp blade was caught between the fingers again.


The old Taoist priest only said one word, and then he didn't know how to finish it.

Damn it!

He clearly sensed that the power of law transmitted by the blade between his two fingers was completely different from the previous law.

Even the skills and attack techniques were vastly different from the previous one.

After being silent for a long time, he muttered: You really made that guy Jue Yunzi come up with some tricks... Your sword and sword skills are just as powerful as our Wanxiang Palace's Wanxiang Divine Art...

If it weren't for the strong force, he would really want to press Han Yang's head and make him apprentice.

It would be a lifelong regret if we miss such a gifted and unique talent.

Jue Yunzi, as the dog said, and Xingxiu Palace as the dog said, there is such a chance!

The old Taoist priest's eyes shone with admiration.

The Fuxing Chess Master on the side saw something wrong in the old Taoist priest's eyes, so he hurriedly stood in front of Han Yang and asked eagerly: Senior, can Han Yang pass the test?

The old Taoist priest looked away angrily and muttered: Little girl, you are not cute at all...

The Master of Fuxingqi had no expression on his face.


Could it be that the Sanjue Xingzi in Xingxiu Sea was poached by your Wanxiang Palace before his eyes?

Ahem, there are three levels of Wuxiang Mask! The mask given to you by the old Taoist is one of the three best masks in our Wuxiang Palace! Even if it is a ninth-level martial saint in person, it will be absolutely difficult to see the flaw!

After coughing twice, the old Taoist priest turned back his hand and placed a jade box in front of Han Yang.

In order to leave a good impression on Han Yang, he spared no expense.

The three top palace masters each have one of the top formless masks.

Now, he actually gave his precious collection to Han Yang for free.

Thank you, senior!

Han Yang took the jade box and opened it, finding that it seemed empty.

But he was well-informed and was not surprised at all. He pointed his finger at a point in the jade box.


A sound like the vibrating wings of insects came from the jade box.

The next moment, a stream of white light swung up his arm and onto his face.

Han Yang immediately sensed that a breath of life was perfectly merging with him.

The so-called Wanxiang Mask is actually a living creature? !

Han Yang's heart moved, and the angular fascia on his face began to twist and deform, and the aura on his body also changed accordingly.

A moment later, a strange man appeared in front of the old Taoist priest, Fuxing Chess Master, and Nangong Lin.

This young man's eyes seemed as calm as the sea, but there were endless flames brewing in them that could burst out at any time.

His eyes seemed ruthless, but were actually affectionate, exuding the supreme majesty of a god.

It was as if all the enemies in front of him were not worth mentioning.

Han Yang's aura and temperament before were actually very gentle, and it would not be an exaggeration to say he was gentle.

This is the transcendence brought about by his ninth reincarnation.

But at this time, the man who appeared in front of everyone was full of majesty that could not be blasphemed.

He is a god here!

An unconcealable fierce fighting spirit suppresses all parties!


Han Yang's appearance at this time was exactly what he looked like when he became the God of War in his first life.


The old Taoist priest's eyelids twitched subconsciously, and the hair on his body stood on his head, as if he had seen a natural enemy.

Good guy! Even Jue Yunzi doesn't have such magnanimity as you!

As a ninth-level Martial Saint, he actually had the urge to kneel down and worship...

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